
The Greatest - The Beginning After The End (Continued)

The future for Alexander Leywin is blank but only he can color his blank future. The threat of the unknown shall come for him as it's inevitable for him. The red thread is intertwined with her as they fated to be together. He will suffer pain either it's emotionally or physically throughout his journey, But even on the verge of giving up and death, light shall guide him to the right path. He isn't alone anymore as he has a family to call his own. He made an oath to be the greatest for himself and others, he shall fulfill that oath and be the greatest that ever lived. Rise and shine, Alexander Lewin. -=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= No Harem! The Beginning After The End is not mine. The original Author of this fanfic got into Medical School and could no longer continue to write this fanfic. I decided to continue it as the Author mentioned someone continuing it and I thought why not, I love the story’s potential and was planing on starting a fanfic soon anyway.

Kat_Lex · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Sapin City

(Skip half of this if you want to avoid an emotional scene, the emotional part is only relevant far future)

3rd Person POV:

We could see Alex running through the forest like crazy. He doesn't use mana to enhance his legs since his master prohibits it.

Alex slows down, but then an ice spike falls from the sky. Alex took another run, but this time he was quicker.

Another ice spike shot down from the sky, but this time, he is going to fight back.

Alex used wind magic to create a wind barrier as he pivoted to face the ice spike. While it wasn't powerful enough to stop the ice spike, it was enough to cause it to veer and miss him.

He keeps running till he reaches the finish line. Alex is really exhausted, and his lungs are burning.

An ice spike fired from behind just as he was about to cross the finish line. Alex shifted slightly to the left, causing the ice spike to fly past him.

Alex took a step and fall down, he fainted after running and dodging for 5 hours. Lucy appeared from behind.

"You did well, Alex. This will serve you that fighting is not the only option but running while it's coward is also an option you need to consider as a last resort."

Lucy gently picks up Alex and two knights run to Lucy, "Madam, the carriage is ready."

Lucy nodded, it's been 14 days after the journey has started and they are nearing Sapin City, the capital city of humans, and coincidentally the place meeting of the council this year.

* * *

When Alex opened his eyes, he woke up in a warehouse. He looked around at his surroundings but couldn't find anyone else.

He found a backdoor. He opened the door only to see a nightmare he had long forgotten.

A battlefield, the sound of guns, the sound of explosions, blood, deaths. War is hell.

Alex widened his eyes at the scene. He started to run away from the battlefield... running away from a nightmare... running away from his past self.

He tripped and fell forward. His eyes were full of uncertainty and confusion.

"Alastair?" He quickly turns his head to find a girl with gear and a gun.

"Kate..." His voice is full of disbelief.

Kate, Alastair's best friend, is also there. They go to the battlefield together. They were orphans who survived by fighting in the war. Alastair's life is not a very lonely one but a painful one. War is something that he absolutely despises.

When Kate saw Alastair, she smiled and extended her hand, but Alastair didn't reach it.

"Alastair..." Alex.

Alex clenches his hands, his face full of sorrow as he looks at his former best friend.

He's just a...

"Coward." Alex jerks his head back; his mouth is open as if he's trying to say something.

'No... I can explain.' Alex tries to reach his former best friend, but a dark rope is pushing him away from Kate.

Alex is suffocating as the dark rope is strangling him. He soon closed his eyes.

* * *

Alex jolted up. He was sweating bullets and breathing erratically. He looks at his surroundings, making sure he's safe.

Suddenly, he feels a soft touch from behind.

"Alex, stay calm. It was just a nightmare."

Feeling the embrace and the warmth of his master, Alex tears up a bit. A past he desperately wanted to forget wouldn't let him sleep, a past that was an embodiment of his failure.

A past that reflects his dark side and a past that he needs to accept because he must accept his true self.

You don't forget the past; the past is part of you. After all, that is why you need to reflect... to learn from the past and swear to never repeat the same mistake again.

But Alex needs time. It wasn't easy to accept that this is the part of yourself that you hate.

Lucy wiped the tear with her handkerchief and softly said, "Stay calm, don't let fear take the better of you, Alex."

"Right... Sorry." Alex apologized.

Lucy gently smiles, "That's okay, you are tired and I understand. I'll let you rest once we arrive at Sapin City. We'll be arriving at Sapin City in an hour, so be patient. "

Alex nodded. He was still tired from all the training. He feels his legs are still hurting. He looks out the window of the carriage.

Feeling still sleepy, Alex closes his eyes and falls asleep, but this time it wasn't a nightmare, it was a happy dream.

* * *

When Alex opened his eyes, he felt that the carriage had stopped. Looking at his side, his master is outside talking with someone, but he can't hear them.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched his neck from the pain of the sleeping position he'd been in. He exited the carriage to be greeted by a beautiful sight.

Sapin City, while not as beautiful as Xyrus City, was one of the largest cities in Dicathen.

"Welcome to Sapin City," Lucy said as she turned to face her disciple.

So, where are we going to stay?

"We'll be staying at one of the most expensive inns."

"... Alright." Maybe because he lives comfortably at Helstea's Manor, Alex's voice doesn't have any excitement about hearing something expensive.

Lucy and Alex didn't use the carriage, so they walked to the inn. While they walked, they bought some food to fill their stomachs.

After buying food from the shop Lucy knew, they headed straight to the inn. The walk only took ten minutes. Finally, they arrived at the expensive inn named Non-Lo So!

The inn has three floors:

Ground-level/ Zero Floor: Dinner, Breakfast, Lounge, and Front Desk Clerks.

1st Floor: ordinary rooms (affordable to people above average)

2nd Floor: VIP rooms (affordable to rich merchants, nobles, generals, high-ranking adventurers, and royalty).

"Woah, pretty neat." But his face said otherwise. His face is boring as ever. Except there was some hint of tiredness on his face, but not noticeable.

"Of course, it's one of the Sapin's expensive inns. Anyways, let's check in. "

Alex nodded, and they entered the inn without further ado. It wasn't really crowded, and people relaxed in the lounge. You could say they were civilized.

The moment Lucy and Alex entered, they were greeted by a female worker.

"Ah, Madam Lucy! We had expected your arrival. Please follow me." The female worker smiled and led the way. Alex and Lucy followed the worker.

Soon they arrived in front of the VIP room, and the worker said, "I hope you enjoy the stay, Madam Lucy and Mr. Alexander."

Alex felt a little embarrassed to hear someone calling him "mister." Lucy smirked, seeing the embarrassed Alex.

The worker quickly left both of them, and Lucy decided to tease Alex a little bit, "Oho~ Mr. Alexander. How does it feel? Mr. Alexander? "

"Can you stop that?! I'm still a kid! " Alex exclaimed.

"Haha, you are indeed a kid both in mind and body." Lucy smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Ahh, let's enter the room. I'm sure you are tired." Lucy changed the topic and entered the room.

"Wait, are we staying in one room?" Alex asked.

"Indeed, you are under my supervision, so it'll be natural for me and you to share the room. After all, I promised your mother to supervise you." Lucy answered.

Alex's face reddened as he heard the answer. He doesn't have any interest in his own master since it feels weird and forbidden because it is. But his master's beauty is one of the tops. He dares to say that Lucy's beauty surpassed his own mother.

And Lucy's body...

Alex shook his head. He quietly put his bag down and lay down on the comfy bed. The bed was quite big, so there was a bit of distance between them.

Lucy stared at Alex and realized that he was already asleep. "Well, I should let him be."

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