
The Greatest - The Beginning After The End (Continued)

The future for Alexander Leywin is blank but only he can color his blank future. The threat of the unknown shall come for him as it's inevitable for him. The red thread is intertwined with her as they fated to be together. He will suffer pain either it's emotionally or physically throughout his journey, But even on the verge of giving up and death, light shall guide him to the right path. He isn't alone anymore as he has a family to call his own. He made an oath to be the greatest for himself and others, he shall fulfill that oath and be the greatest that ever lived. Rise and shine, Alexander Lewin. -=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= No Harem! The Beginning After The End is not mine. The original Author of this fanfic got into Medical School and could no longer continue to write this fanfic. I decided to continue it as the Author mentioned someone continuing it and I thought why not, I love the story’s potential and was planing on starting a fanfic soon anyway.

Kat_Lex · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

12.5 Arthur - Omake (Cannon)

Somewhere in the forest, a young boy and a young girl are clashing their wooden swords at each other. They are sweating, but they smile as they fight.

The boy is the twin brother of Alexander Leywin, Arthur Leywin.

And the girl is the Princess of Elenoir, Tessia Eralith.

They were sparring to train their bodies and swordsmanship, while Arthur was clearly superior. Tessia won't easily give up, and with teaching from her grandfather, Virion Eralith, she has some skills in swordsmanship, although not polished like Arthur.

Arthur swiftly swung his wooden sword and knocked the wooden sword from Tessia's hand. Tessia was startled and lost her balance. She then fell to her butt.

"Ouch!" Tessia yelped.

Tessia's face flushed as Arthur approached.

"You are okay, Tess?" Arthur asked, worried.

"Ye-yeah! I'm all fine, just surprised at how good you are with a sword, that's all." Tessia turned her face away from Arthur to hide her embarrassed face.

"Training, I suppose," Arthur answered.

He indeed trained hard to be proficient at the sword, but he also has a lot of experience from his previous life and he couldn't tell anyone about it or someone would call him crazy. Well, except for his own twin brother since they had the same circumstances.

"I see. Anyway, do you have any siblings?" Tessia this time ask as she changed away from the topic.

"I do, I have a twin brother, his name is Alexander Leywin but I always call him Al."

(A/N: Just between them when they are alone, they are twin brothers so I want to make them closer like real brothers)

"What does he like? Is he the same as you or the opposite?"

Tessia is the sole heir, and she was naturally interested in the feeling of having a sibling.

"I won't exactly say that he's like me, he has green eyes but slightly grey hair. About his personality, he's competitive with me and always tries to win, our sparring scores are 50-47 with me being in the lead." Arthur smirked as he reminiscence the past.

"He's a bit stoic when he's all alone and surprisingly mischievous when he's bored, his favorite food is always our mom's cooking which I could agree on. But nevertheless, he's a kind brother and I'm happy that he's my twin brother." His smirk slowly turned into a warm smile as Arthur continues.

Tessia smiled, "Your brother is interesting, I hope I can meet him someday."

"I'll introduce you to him when we have the chance." Arthur said as he pats Tessia's head.

Tessia felt a nice warm hand when Arthur pats him but suddenly out of nowhere. A branch of stick struck Arthur's head and an old man appeared behind them.

"That's it, brat! No more touching!" Virion yelled.

"What's your problem, gramps?!" Arthur shouted back as he touch his head from pain.

Tessia is still daydreaming and didn't realize the commotion that was about to happen behind her.

* * *

Somewhere in Helstea's backyard...

Alex sneezed and felt his senses tingling, "Someone is talking about me and they didn't invite me. What a pity."

"Are you sick, Alex? We can do the training session another day if you like. " His master, Lucy, said.

"I'm not sick, master. I just feel someone is talking about me."

"Alright then, let's waste no more time and carry on with your training." After that, Lucy manifests her ice and creates an ice rapier.

Alex shuddered to see his master could create a weapon with ice, but sighed and stood up, "It'll be a long day for me."

(Omake is extra from this fanfic. It's short, but it will happen anytime, like in the past or the future.)

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