
chapter 1

I couldn't believe my eyes. I watched half in terror half in amazement as I watched two boys and two girls take down over thirty three demons. Under the bridge that went over a dry river under the cover of night. One of the boys had golden blonde hair and darkened blue eyes. *Ugh blondes* The other had hair as black as night with ink black eyes. *Cute ish* The girls where beautiful, one had deep red hair and lively green eyes and freckles. The other had the same hair and eyes as the ink eyed boy but had a big bust. They all wore the same tight black jumpsuits and had strange weapons. The markings on their arms looked like runes. They all looked up at me and glared as if I was next. The black haired girl's gold whip wrapped around my tender throat and yanked me off the bridge. The whip burned a little but my open wounds screamed in agony as dirt filled them .

"Who are you?!where did you come from?!" She yelled. I crawled to the black haired boy hoping they won't kill me I needed help to save several lives.

"Help please there are girls being experimented on by a demon that possessed my friend I spent three days trying to find someone to help. But no one believes me. Me and my brother was tortured by him as well as several others. I tried to help others escape but I couldn't get their ropes and told me to get help soon." I begged him tears fell from my eyes as I thought about the torment that awaits me if I returned to save for my friends.The golden whip tightened around my bruised throat.

"She trying to trick you! End her Jason!" The black haired girl said. Jason got down on his knees and looked at me, he brushed his hand over my cheek. I flinched in pain as tears pricked my eyes. As I flinched he noticed my other wounds as red blood was Mixing with a black liquid flowing out of my body. Getting soaked into the dirt. The black haired girl stared with hatred in her eye that would be boring a hole straight through me. The redhead looked worried sick. The blonde looked at me with disgust as if I was less than him. It pissed me off but I need the help with someone skilled enough to kill demons.

"She has red and black flowing out of these wounds. Tell me girl why is there oncor coming from your wounds? Does it hurt as it flows? What were these experiments for?" Jason started to questioning. He stared at the wounds taking off the golden whip that was wrapped around my throat. Seeing my over bruised throat lined with scars a soon to be new bruise would show.

"I'll answer all your questions. But can I get something to cover myself with?"I asked the blonde one handed a black jacket to Jason who handed it to me.

"Yes this black liquid burns. I'm pretty sure they are coming from my wounds because of his experiments. And I heard him mutter something like greater powered.." Three of my loyal friends appeared out of nowhere. The tallest one was covered in ink with a bow tie accent his hair styled to look like demon horns. The shortest look similar to a dog but walked around on two legs sporting overalls and a pair of shoes. The girl of this tro sported an old fashioned dress a pair of heels horns and a halo.

"Selen!" They screamed

"Demons!" The four screamed.

"Stop" I said weakly, "Bendy, Alice,Boris, hey guys quick question can you stop pain or no?"

The black haired girl was whispering to her companions about something. But I fainted before long. My dreams were littered with my experience in that blasted room. The black whips that hit my skin creating another wound. Each wound gave me piercing pain. Tears that flowed down my face. The tape on my mouth. The rope that held me up when I could barely hold myself up. The stench of rotting bodies and the cries of terror for the one door that was covered in dried blood and black liquid. My eyes snapped open in terror. Tears streamed down my face as my blurred eyes tried to take in my surroundings.

I was in the one place I felt safe. Joey studios an animation factory with three floors that me and the three iconic characters made into my hideout and hangout. We couldn't get the ink stains out of the walls.

"Selen are you awake? Please don't be dead!" Bendy sighed somewhere around me. I sat up slowly to find it to be hard with all bandages wrapped around my torso. Jason and the blonde one sat at the end of the bed.

"It wasn't a dream was it Boris I'm wounded and have black liquid flowed out of my wounds." Boris didn't respond but alice appeared and combed my hair and hand me spare clothes as she sent the boys out.

"Miss selen I'm sorry all that happened to you and those boys didn't bandage you I did dont worry. They gave me ointments to aid with the bruises and lessen the number of scars you'd receive from the open wounds. Did you know the black haired one is single?" She informed me.

"No alice I did not... can you stay I'm tired but I'm terrified to sleep right now... at least till I fall asleep... Or am I needed awake..." I asked her. Truly terrified of seeing those images. She looked at me with a sad face.

"It's been awhile since you've drawn us and we are starting to fall apart...would you like me to get you sketch pad? We need you to draw us boris is practically out of existence right now. We are willing to take a no we wanted you to wake up first. You are our main priority." She Acted as if she was gonna die. Which was possible we never seen what happens when they aren't drawn.

"Grab it then but I want you all to stay with me ok?"I retorted. She fade away then reappeared with a sketch pad. And I drew them more human like than before .Boris would now wear a dog eared headband and a childish tshirt and Jean overalls. bendy band a butler suit a headband with horns. Alice has long hair and a knee length dress. Same hair decor (headband with horns and a halo). "Done." The other two appeared after their character was finished. Jason and the blonde walked in the redhead girl followed them.

"Ok who are you two?" I said pointing at the redhead and blonde boy

"I'm Ronda and this is Ace." The redhead said. She moved to sit beside me but the newly drawn characters refused to let them close. Petrified of one of them to hurt me they stood guard in front of me. I stood and fell immediately. Everyone rushed to my aid but stopped as I raised my hand. I stood slowly but I was a wave of dizziness flushed over me.

"It must have been poison weapons they used against me. It might be fading due to his experiments on me. Or maybe I'm dying. Who knows!" I grabbed Jason's arm as I nearly fall again. My vision goes dark as I cry out in pain while my  tears make their way down my cheeks. I'm out. The smell of rotting corpses fill my nose again. The rippling numbness shreds through my body. Jumping up I realized I'm at my safe place. I was still trembling as someone reached out I jerked away. Jason comes into view and I sorta of calm a little but it still I recoil as if his skin burned like acid. The comfort deepen as bendy brings me tea. Bendys tea is something that can soothe you no matter how bad your feeling his tea calms you. He hands it to me cautiously.

"Miss are you ok? Do you need your comfort things?"bendy alice and boris say at once.

"I'm ok... my comfort foods and a ton more of your tea please," my voice shakes as I say the words. I mentally slap myself  in the back of the head. Bendy nods his head obediently but worry shines in his eyes. Alice runs to the kitchen as if she knows why my voice is is shaking. Boris grabs my hands and he starts calm but quickly runs off and came back with everything that brought me joy and then runs off again.

"Is he ok?" Jason asked but looked like he didn't care.Finally calm. I look between Ronda and Ace.

"Are you two a thing?" I asked seeing how he glanced at her. She blushed and barked out an no. Ace's face fell towards the floor. Unrequited love. Hurts like hell. I felt bad for him. The clothes are clean and my skin was anew. Boris was telling jokes to make me laugh. Jason started to question what the wounds I had and where were from.

"The basement of my friend's house he tortured us there with poison whips getting three thousand lashings a day and experiments upon us. It seemed endless to us. I can still smell the decay of those who didn't survive. I can hear their screams, feel all their pain." Fear ripped through my body splitting me like an earth quake. Tears begin to fall from my eyes as the pain returns. My wounds reappearing without the lashings or the experiments. Bendy and Jason ran to my side.

Jason's female double walked in. Her glare still full of anger as she looked at me. I struggled to get up. When I finally was able to hold my balance. Anger floods me like a rainy day in the desert. The floor was cold under my feet.

"I told you she was tricking you Jason. Look at her! Her skin is turning black!" The dark haired one said. I looked down at my hands and I freaked my hands went from ivory to a jet black.

"No! Black is not a good color on me! Help! Bendy get off! Why wont it come off!" I screamed hysterically, as I grabbed the nearest cloth and scrubbed at my skin until it bleed.

"Sarah was that neccessary? Now she is panicking! We already confirmed she was the big it!we talked to them all!"Ronda yelled.

"Calm down Selen. You just need to take deep breaths. What am I saying dancing calms you," Alice tried to sooth me but was barely getting anywhere. She left my side for a moment. When she returned she had headphones and an old mp3, she handed it to me.

"Plug in and dance" Alice said firmly. I did as I was told and plugged in. The music seemed to transport me away; like no one could touch me not Anthony, not my dad, not anyone... I was safe. Music always calmed me. Letting the music flow through my body like my very own blood filled me with a sense of purpose. With the combination of music and dancing I calmed down rather quickly.  Alice grabbed my hands after I stopped dancing and examined them. With a smile she showed them to me. They were back to normal. But I dont believe I'm out of the woods yet she looked at bendy with a expression that showed anger and sorrow. Bendy wasnt even looking at her. He stared at me for a minute. Eyes filled with worry Bendy slowly walked over as the worry grew to horror. He kneeled in front of me.

"Did you catch the monsters name?" Bendy's voice shook with fear and worry.

"Well no, no one called out to the monster just his human skin.... and um we were friends... the boy that ran scared when I first came here..." I said after a moment of thinking.

"Anthony the cryer?" The three said in uninity

"Who is that?" Jason asked.

"He is who I'm hiding from and once friends with..." I said quietly, "He was a sweet kid but he ran away when things began to get tough."

"How do I know you're not lying to get us to release your evil friends?!" Sarah words held enough venom to kill the entire human race. This angered me.  I was so full of rage that Bendy's warnings didn't reach me. I charged at her. Then something darker took hold of my mind and said something you'd never hear from your dark side.

"Dont do it you will lose the trust you tried so hard  to gain"

I stop dead in my track and growled under my breathe. I snapped at her, "what the hell is your problem?! You saw the state I was in when we met and yet you think I have dark friends who need saving!? I been try to find help for three weeks not even caring about my own wounds! I let myself suffer because the ones inside that blasted place I escaped from suffer more and being experimented on!" My anger grew as I spoke each word. Venom spewed from my lips as I grabbed her and screamed at her till my voice went raw. Tears streamed down my face as I screamed. All my fear all my anger I let it show. Her eyes went from fear to understanding as I slid to the floor. I must have convincing or scared her into submission cause she began to cry beside me now. She wrapped her arms around me and apologized. My anger clawed at me like some monster in a cage. Bendy ran to my side. I got up and ran outside tears streaming down my face. The wounds that were healed seemed to tear open. I ran into a tree screaming in agony. Flashes of that evil place flashed before my eyes. I scream until my voice is went raw. Jason is the first person I see when I calmed down. He gently wiped my tears away.

"I know I can't say that everything will be ok because honestly I don't know if it will. But I can try my best to make it better until we free those innocent people ok?" Jason whispered softly. A dark figure appeared behind, him sending him flying thro the air. I scream his name when he landed. Something hard collided against my face knocking me out.