
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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116 Chs

To Meet Lady Arcana

Walking through the lovely streets of Feerota Kingdom was a man whose blonde hair elegantly flowed down his back, with two individual braids on the side of his head. His purple eyes glistened as the sunlight shone upon him, and all of the city. It was a beautiful evening in the city of Feerota, and it had an increase in tourism.

"Ah — pardon me. Coming through, excuse me mam!" (Fhiron)

Fhiron made his way through the tourist-filled streets, as his destination was set on the Vansbo Castle, where King Feero use to rule.

Though, they had a new ruler now, and it should be obvious from the statues built around the kingdom and such. They were of Leelee Vansbo, showing their gratitude to the girl that saved the world. She was quite young, at least at the age of 17, and she's done such an incredible feat.

"Excuse me, young man, would you be willing to- oh my, your an elf?" (Old Lady)

An old lady in her 60s had attempted to attract Fhiron to her market stand, however, the surprise on her face when she realized Fhiron was an elf, was astounding.

"So many people, it'll take time before I reach Vansbo castle- Oh?" (Fhiron)

Fhiron turned left to see the old lady, and he could see the look of surprise on her face. Naturally, the elves hated humans, so why would one be inside Midgard out of all places?

"Yes mam? It sounded like you wanted me to buy something from your market stand." (Fhiron)

Fhiron said as he made his way over, looking at the fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients on the counter.

"My my, never in all my years would I expect to see an Elf. I must say, this is wonderful! I've always wanted to go to Lothlorien in order to meet one. What are you doing in Feerota Kingdom? Are you here to pay respects to our Queen, Leelee Vansbo?" (Old Lady)

Fhiron looked at the counter to see nothing he was really interested in, but he didn't wanna leave this poor old woman with nothing.

"Well, I'm here for another reason specifically. You see, my name is Fhiron Wittengo, and I am the king of elves, I long left my kingdom and now my brother rules it." (Fhiron)

The old lady's eyes would widen as she leaned back, clapping her hands together.

"By Everland! The king of elves? Well, I shouldn't charge you for any of this! Just to show my respect-" (Old Lady)

"No no, it is fine. Do not worry, I'll pay for your lovely food here. I can tell you went through the trouble to just obtain these wonderful fruits and vegetables from a farm." (Fhiron)

Fhiron reached into his pocket and took out a bag of coins, however, this much gold would last for generations to come.

In this world, the currency is quite different. Bronze was the lowest of currency, Silver was what any commoner can earn at their job, and Gold was the highest one could receive. Last but not least were Pendragon Coins, which usually belonged to the rich. The name Pendragon comes from King Arthur, as it's named after his last name.

[100 bronze coins = 1 silver coin

100 silver coins = 1 gold coin

100 gold coins = 1 pendragon coin]

"Are these all silver coins? My goodness… you didn't have to!" (Old Lady)

Fhiron scoffed at her comment and opened the bag, showing shining golden coins inside, with the imprint of Excalibur on the front.

They were all Pendragon Coins, and it was at least hundreds of them.

"UWA—!" (Old Lady)

The old lady looked at the pendragon coins, starting to tear up. She placed her hands over her eyes and began to cry, bowing her head to Fhiron in utmost respect.

"What a blessing from the divines! Thank you, thank you so much Fhiron Wittengo, almighty elf king!" (Old Lady)

"It is no problem, please take care of yourself. If anyone dares tries to rob you, then an instant death curse will be placed on them. You'll be protected madam." (Fhiron)

Fhiron took an apple from the market stand, munching on it as he made his way down the tourist-filled streets once more. People huddled up over the lady and could see her payment, realizing how rich she had just become.

"By the sisters of fate, you have hundreds of pendragon coins! You're rich, richer than all of us combined! This may be worth more than what it takes to buy the knights of Feerota Kingdom their armor and swords!" (Man)

"Who was that man? Was he an elf? His ears, they looked different than ours." (Woman)

"Yes, he is the king of elves themselves. His name is Fhiron Wittengo!" (Old Lady)


Fhiron heard the rambling behind him, and everyone looked in his direction. He could feel their eyes gazing at him, and some had even run through the streets to catch up with him.

"As expected, they would want the same, however, I cannot bother with them, I am here to find that beautiful woman, Arcana." (Fhiron)

Fhiron suddenly vanished from thin air, appearing at the front of the castle entrance. Everyone looked confused, trying to pinpoint his location.

"Where did he go?" (Civilian)

Fhiron took a deep breath at the front entrance of the castle and extended his arm to the side.

"I can't forget the main thing." (Fhiron)

Golden light illuminated his hand as he summoned flowers from thin air. Gripping the bundle of them, he knocked on the large doors.

"Alright, now to wait and see how things go from here. I hope Grimhild is right, she said that one divine woman exists inside the Feerota Kingdom… and that she also is different from the other gods." (Fhiron)

The doors in front of Fhiron suddenly would creek, as the two large things opened slowly. The wind blew past the elf king's hair, and he was greeted by a beautiful woman in front of him.

They were absolutely gorgeous… could this be, her?

"…Y-You're… gorgeous- I… um-" (Fhiron)

For the first time in forever, Fhiron stuttered. What the hell was going on right now? Out of all the women he has married, he's never stuttered a single word in front of them, but this woman was different.

"Ahem! Pardon me." (Fhiron)

He cleared his throat and released a deep sigh.

"My name is Fhiron Wittengo, I have come to speak with you, Arcana." (Fhiron)

The woman in front of him cluelessly looked at the flowers inside his hands, noticing the elf shaking as if he was nervous.

"How do you know my name? And what are those for?" (Arcana)

Arcana's voice sounded deeper than he had expected. Her voice didn't match her face at all, but that only meant she was full of surprises. Fhiron just couldn't shake this nervous feeling off of him.

"I have spoken to my old friend, Grimhild Yorgana. Oh, and these? They're for you." (Fhiron)

Fhiron handed her the flowers as sweat poured from his pores. Was this some spell she had around her body? To cause nervousness? It overpowered his charm spell for sure.

"Grimhild you say? My goodness I haven't heard that name in quite some time. Ah — where are my manners? Come in!" (Arcana)

The nervous feeling on Fhiron had suddenly disappeared, and his body had stopped tensing up.

"Woo!" (Fhiron)

Fhiron exhaled, feeling back to his old self. He could move again and freely speak without stuttering anymore.

"I apologize for that. I released most of my aura from my body to scare away individuals who only visit the castle to propose to me. It's either marriage or out on a date, but I'm not the type to necessarily date." (Arcana)

Fhiron looked at the flowers inside his hand, realizing she didn't take them.

"Oh, so people usually come around to only see you? That must be a shame… and it totally isn't the reason I am here right now." (Fhiron)

Fhiron cleared his throat, tugging on his collar.

"I didn't come here to necessarily see you, but to admire you and your magnificence." (Fhiron)

Fhiron smiled as he walked next to her from the increase in his pace.

"Admire my magnificence?" (Arcana)

"Aye. To admire you and your magnificence. I know without you, Leelee and the others would've died if you didn't use your power to stop Orcus' magic from entering the Vansbo castle, right?" (Fhiron)

Arcana widened her eyes as she stopped in her tracks.

"Grimhild, did she send you my way in order to get back her bag of mysteries?" (Arcana)

"Her bag of what- I mean, yes! Yes, that's exactly why I'm here." (Fhiron)

"Good, well then, follow me." (Arcana)

Fhiron sighed as he walked behind her, placing his hand on his hip.

"What a tough egg to crack…" (Fhiron)

He whispered under his voice.

"Tell me Lady Arcana, this bag of mysteries… it wouldn't contain the Necronomicon, would it?" (Fhiron)

Arcana turned her head to the side, grinning.

"Oh? So Grimhild has shown you what's inside of it? She must really trust in you." (Arcana)

"Well, it was more of an accidental find after the events of Halloween and such. But I know Grimhild keeps in store countless books to prepare for the worst, and to create new magic." (Fhiron)

"Yes, that is true. There is nothing that Grimhild cannot study, analyze, and overcome. She can create any magic on a whim after understanding it, or just reading about it." (Arcana)

Arcana and Fhiron walked down a long narrow hallway until they stopped by a door.

"We're here." (Arcana)

The Goddess opened the door, revealing a beautiful armory full of mage staffs, swords, witch hats, and so on.

"Welcome to Grimhild's Treasury." (Arcana)