
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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116 Chs

The Hidden Past Part 1

[900 million years ago, during the Mystic Age]

"We can't… beat him, even while we're together!" (Elvenia)

A fairy, relative to the height of Grimhild was on her hands and knees, panting hysterically. Her body was exhausted, nearly out of her mana.

"We have to keep trying, we can't let someone like him win! Right Grimhild?! You said it yourself. If Orcus lives, then reality as we know it is doomed." (Fhiron)

"You fools honestly believe you have the power to defeat me? I am the one who gave those in Yggdrasil Mana Forces. I created Conceptual Weapons, Heroes, and the formulas for Catastrophe Magic. I am the true supreme of Yggdrasil, and you defy me?" (Orcus)

Grimhild approached Orcus, who appeared to be a large floating mass of nothingness. Orcus' entire form contradicted the basic logic of the world.

"…Your entire purpose was to fertilize Yggdrasil to keep it alive. That's the job of a Godhead. But you denied that position and decided to use your magic for wrong, and now you rebel against what the World Creators formed with their very own hands, out of simple jealousy. You fool, I'll never understand you. Why do all of this?" (Grimhild)

Orcus went quiet, humming to itself. "You speak as if you know me, Witch of Justice. Have we met before?" (Orcus)

"More times than I can count." (Grimhild)

Grimhild was visibly angry… but she was also confused.

Confused about this entity.

"I hate everything. I hate the world. I hate creation. I hate what was made. I hate all of it! It's all useless." (Orcus)

His very form denied the state of existence and nonexistence.

Orcus hated everything, even his own nonexistence.

He wanted to achieve a form that not even the concept of "nonexistence" can fathom.

His hatred was powerful enough to even deny his contradicting form endlessly, rejecting himself from creation eternally.

Orcus was an anomaly that nobody could withstand.

"Godhead? Ghhh…" Fhiron slowly rose to his feet after grunting in pain, "You mean we've been fighting a Godhead this entire time?!"

"Impossible. How did we even manage to survive? Are you certain he's a godhead?" Asked the clueless fairy.

"Your companions seem rather foolish, witch. Have you not seen that it was this girl keeping you alive the entire time? Without her, you two would be dead." (Orcus)

"What?!" (Elvenia)

"Orcus. Why? Why do you hate everything? I never knew the answer, despite the countless recurrences, suffering, and insanity I endured. Why lay waste to this world?" (Grimhild)

"Hmm. What an interesting life form you're, Grimhild Yorgana. You seem to have a deep connection with me, why is that?" (Orcus)

Grimhild balled her fist, scowling at the floating void.

"Answer my question!" (Grimhild)

"How do you not see? How do you lifeforms not witness creation, and its balance? How can't you see how unjust this world is, and how unfair life is?! Born into a world you've never asked to be born in. Living inside a world with little to no sympathy. All of it is absurd. The reason I progressed human evolution and gave them weapons to defy the gods was simply because of the unjust actions that the gods did against humanity." (Orcus)

"…You were helping creation?" (Grimhild)

"I was. But that all changed once I understood that even humanity was prideful, egotistical savages. I realized that; no matter what race you try to help, they end up the same once they obtain power in their hands. This world must be destroyed for its own sake." (Orcus)

Grimhild's scowling expression ceased.

"I agree with you, Orcus." (Grimhild)

"Grimhild?" (Fhiron)

"…" (Elvenia)

"But there are other ways of dealing with this. You don't have to destroy creation."

"But I do. There's no other way. Yggdrasil, the oceanic abyss, and even the Root World will fall to my power." (Orcus)

"You bastard! He's only a godhead, Grimhild, so how can he destroy something like the root world? He's bluffing!" (Fhiron)

"No. What he says is true. From Orcus' will alone, he has denied himself from all forms of existence, and nonexistence. He refuses to live in the reality around us, thus, he exists in a contradictory state, defying the principles of the world. The reason we cannot harm him is simply because he's not meant to be harmed. Orcus is untouchable." (Grimhild)

"But how were we interacting with him a moment ago? This doesn't make any sense… Grimhild!" (Fhiron)

"Duality magic was made to interact with Orcus' existence, but he constantly denies himself, endlessly, whenever he wants, to the point where I cannot even touch him any longer." (Grimhild)

Elvenia bowed her head, squeezing her eyes shut.

"So this is the end for us?" (Elvenia)

"No. Not yet." (Grimhild)

"You understand my power, you know what I'm capable of. I left my position as godhead long ago, I simply exist to destroy the entire world. My very being has become the end of all things, and you still have confidence, Great Witch?" (Orcus)

"There is nothing I cannot decipher. Grow endlessly, and I'll match you, and defeat you. Your contradicting nature won't last forever." (Grimhild)

"Hahahaha! Go ahead, do your worst. I'm curious to your grand plan!" (Orcus)

A magic circle appeared above Grimhild's head, swirling clockwise. It appeared to be black and red, composed of dark particles that fluttered around it.


Calling out to its name, it manifested itself into existence.

A large and deadly spear slowly emerged from the magic circle as Grimhild grasped at its handle.

"…This weapon, you've created it in a matter of seconds, despite being unable to interact with me. Who are you, Grimhild Yorgana? Are you the creation born to defeat me?! Hahahaha! Even the Root World itself knows of my power?!" (Orcus)

"Fhiron. Elvenia. Join me." (Grimhild)

The small fairy stood up, trembling in her legs as she approached Grimhild's side, along with Fhiron.

"What should we do, Grimhild?" (Fhiron)

"I'm right with you. Say the plan and we'll do it!" (Elvenia)

"We'll seal Orcus together." (Grimhild)

"…Seal Orcus? How do you go about doing that?" (Fhiron)

"Let's join our power together." (Grimhild)

"Our power? But we've tried that!" (Elvenia)

"Just trust me." (Grimhild)

Fhiron and Elvenia placed their hands against the shoulder of the witch, sacrificing their mana.

"We believe in you, Grimhild." (Fhiron)

"[Rovulta] can deny even your existence, Orcus. Together we'll wash you away, and send you out of this world." (Grimhild)

"You'll die before such an outcome occurs!" (Orcus)

Dark vortexes appeared around Grimhild and the others, releasing beams of darkness.

Everything it touches will corrode, and end its existence conceptually.

Orcus was the end of all things.

He was the place where all concepts go when they die.

From his hatred alone, he became the end for all things in existence, wanting to lay waste it all.

He was the true end.

His power could bring things to their end, even the likes of Grimhild herself, but that had ceased.

"…C'mon Grimhild, do it now! Throw it!!" (Fhiron)

The beams of darkness would wither away as if a Forcefield appeared around the three of them.

"What the-?" (Fhiron)

"Orcus' magic couldn't reach us?! I thought he was far out of our league now. Grimhild is incredible…" (Elvenia)

"Tsk. That's not possible, even the likes of magic and Forcefields are brought to their end, yet you deny it." (Orcus)

Orcus, frustrated as ever, would soon realize Grimhild and how she functioned. It didn't take a genius to know why.

"I see. So that's it. Whatever you decipher will be unable to affect you again, even the end of all things, such as I? (Orcus)

"Fhiron, Elvenia. Thank you." (Grimhild)

Grimhild's friends provided enough mana to empower the spear to its fullest. With it glowing in a vibrant white, the witch cocked her arm back, chucking the spear at life-threatening speeds.

"Be sealed away, Orcus." (Grimhild)

"You may have found a way to defeat me, Grimhild Yorgana, but when I return… even you will have no chance against me. I'll devour the Root World and all its existence, becoming one with everything." (Orcus)

Grimhild emotionlessly responded, saying, "Only time can tell… Orcus."

The former godhead was suddenly pierced through its void-like body, feeling itself being washed away from reality.

Orcus wailed in pain, slowly crumbling out of the world.

"…I'll return, I'll destroy you!! I'll end your life, you'll suffer a fate worse than death, Witch of Justice, King of Elves! Fairy of Wisdom! I am unstoppable… I won't be destroyed forever!!" (Orcus)

His voice slowly faded away as the three heroes watched with scars and bruises all over their bodies.

"…Where did you send him, Grimhild?" (Elvenia)

"Into a world deep in the Root World. It will stagnate his regeneration, making it impossible for him to return. I created this world beforehand, prepared for this outcome. Orcus won't return for another 900 million years." (Grimhild)

"…It's finally over… we've won…" (Fhiron)

Fhiron dropped to his hands and knees, huffing a deep sigh.

"What are we going to do about the world? Orcus destroyed everything. There's nothing left, not even the Gods." (Elvenia)

"We only remained alive because we were destined to defeat him." (Grimhild)

"Destined…?" (Fhiron)

"That story is for another time. But I will bring the world back to its former glory, give me more time. I want to think by myself, in peace and quiet." (Grimhild)

"…Grimhild." (Elvenia)

"What is it?" (Grimhild)

"We've been friends for a while. All of us. But we question every day, who are you? With your capabilities, you could lay waste to everything. Nobody knows that except me and Fhiron, but I'm afraid of what will happen if the True Ones found out about it." (Elvenia)

Grimhild lowered her already restless eyes, responding, "I suppose they'll never know how strong I am. Everyone in the entire world is deceased from Orcus' existence, so they couldn't witness the battle."

"That's not answering my question, Grimhild!" (Elvenia)

"…I have to go. The world will be restored soon, goodbye friends." (Grimhild)

"When will we see you again, Grimhild?" (Fhiron)

"Maybe in another 100 million years, maybe longer." (Grimhild)

"Thank you for everything you've done." (Fhiron)


Grimhild went quiet, nodding her head as she left the both of them, teleporting out of view.

"…Grimhild." (Elvenia)