
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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116 Chs

The Final Floor

Leelee and Yumi were inside the fourth floor, together, sitting down at one of the stools in front of the Inn. Werewolves, goblins, elves, and other mysterious races who were unknown had sung out loud, making the environment full of excitement.

"…Soooo… are you saying that we're on the final floor until we reach Beatrice?" (Leelee)

"Yes, that is indeed what I am saying. However this floor allows you to grant anything you desire, long as you stay inside here!" (Ginger)

Yumi placed his hand underneath his chin and looked down in thought.

"…So we can make any wish we desire? If that's the case then what is the point of visiting Beatrice so she can make our wish?" (Yumi)

Ginger was the waitress and also the leader of the fourth floor. She magically pulled out a scroll before unfolding it, watching the paper roll down to the ground, full of wishes that has already been made, with the rules at the top.

"The fourth floor is an infinite-sized world that allows someone to create anything that they desire here! The reason why you're both inside of an Inn is because one of you probably wished to be inside of one, the moment you walked through the portal, and now voila! It's all here!" (Ginger)

"Well I definitely didn't wish to be in some inn with a bunch of drunk werewolves and goblins…" (Leelee)

Yumi chuckled to himself before nodding his head.

"…Well it's mostly my fault. I was just wishing to be somewhere safe and cozy, and my favorite Inn which was located in Mesnil nation was the first thing to cross my mind." (Yumi)

Leelee looked around her before closing her eyes.

"If what you say is true, then… I'm gonna imagine seeing my dad once again… but this time, alive and well!" (Leelee)

"That is possible, you're free to do what you wish." (Ginger)

Leelee clenched her fists before cringing her face, thinking of the times she had her dad when he was healthy without the curse Beatrice placed on him.

"…Dad…Dad… I want to see you again, with a smile! With you talking to me!" (Leelee)

She tensed up her body until she could hear a familiar voice-

"Leelee…?" (???)

Leelee opened her eyes and saw her dad standing in front of her. Shocked to see him alive and well… she realized what Ginger said is true.

"Dad!? DAD!!!" (Leelee)

She quickly ran over to him extending her arms as she jumped and hugged him around his chest, even wrapping her legs around his waist.


"Leelee, what's going on? Where are we… oh my daughter, I missed you just as much!" (Feero)

Yumi turned to face Ginger with a curious expression.

"Something feels off…" (Yumi)

"What do you mean?" (Ginger)

"This seems too good to be true. I doubt the witch Beatrice would make something like this when she's cruel… and sadistic like all the other witches. You either tell me what's really going on, or I'll force it out of you." (Yumi)

Ginger's expression quickly changed from a smile to a sinister look that a manipulator would show.

"…Fufufu… you figured it out so fast… AHAHAHAHAHA!" (Ginger)

Yumi stepped back from her and raised his staff at her.

"…HAA!" (Yumi)

Yumi used his duality magic as dark and white energy surrounded his staff.

"FOOL!" (Ginger)

The duality magic managed to do nothing as Ginger resisted its effect, now landing a right hook into Yumi's cheek.

"-GAAAH!" (Yumi)

Yumi flew into the wall as picture frames above him fell off their racks.

"Huh? Y-YUMI!" (Leelee)

Leelee turned around and stripped herself away from her father, only to be grabbed by the arm.

"Ow-! Dad what are you doing?!" (Leelee)

She turned around to look at her father gripping her arm, scared out of her wits as the strength was something far above her own.


Leelee looked up at her dad and could notice his face morphing… slowly melting away and his skin falling off his face.


Leelee was in disbelief, but she managed to infuse her charismatic aura into her arm, increasing her strength tenfold before breaking out.


Leelee looked over at Yumi, seeing how he was barely unable to stand…

"I don't know… but whatever it is… we're in the domain of Ginger… this evil entity…" (Yumi)

"Hahahaha… HAHAHAAHA! Yes, you're in my domain! Escape is impossible for you two." (Ginger)


"I'm sure the princess is fine, Astoria, no need to worry." (William)

William and Astoria were inside the tower, managing to break through Leelee's charismatic aura. Luckily Astoria's Kyokogen could absorb it which allowed them to break through.

"So, we're on the third floor, right? If that's the case then they shouldn't be too far away." (Astoria)

They both walked through the same dark hallway that lead to the fourth floor, hearing mice crawl all over the ground.

"…Up ahead, I see a light!" (Astoria)

Astoria pointed out the bright light in front of them, causing her to pick up the pace, as did William. They ran over to the bright light holding their weapons inside their hands. Astoria had a shield while William had a sword.


They eventually approached the portal to the next room but stopped once Astoria held Williams's arm.

"Wait a minute!" (Astoria)

"What is it?!" (William)

Astoria looked at the portal in front of them… her Kyokogen was able to see through illusions, and any trick thrown her way.

"This portal isn't safe to enter…" (Astoria)

"What do you mean Astoria? There's no other portals around us, so that can't be true!" (William)

Astoria curiously took the dagger from its sheathe located on her belt and threw it inside the portal.

"What the hell?!" (William)

They both watched the dagger suddenly decompose… rather than teleport.

"It… decomposed? Does that mean princess Leelee… is gone?" (William)

Astoria looked down a bit saddened.

"I'm not sure William… I refuse to believe that she would die that easily… she can't be dead from such a trick like this!" (Astoria)

"Are there no other exits? You should be able to tell with your Kyokogen shouldn't you?" (William)

Astoria shook her head in denial.

"No, I can't pinpoint any other exits, this is the only one." (Astoria)

"Well then… we have no choice! Let us make our way inside!" (William)

"Make our way… inside? How are we gonna do that? We'll die if we even try!" (Astoria)


"M-MY CONCEPTUAL WEAPON? What are you suggesting we do with Gladiator?!" (Astoria)

Astoria's conceptual weapon, gladiator, was able to deny and block out any logical reasoning directed at it… even on her own ally's.

"You'll keep us surrounded by its effects as we travel to wherever this portal has to take us! It's a risk I'm willing to take in order to protect our princess." (William)

Astoria closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Very well then… I trust your word and confidence William. Let's do this, and make sure to bring Leelee back with us!" (Astoria)

She held out her arm in front of her. Astoria had a small shield connected around her wrist, as it now glowed in a golden color.

"AWAKEN GLADIATOR! PROTECT ME AND WILLIAM UNTIL WE REACH OUR DESTINATION! Nothing will stand in our way to save the princess!" (Astoria)

Around William and Astoria a barrier would appear. They were now protected by the shield as it denied any logical reasoning directed at them. It was logical that they should decompose once entering the portal, but now it denied that logic and made it illogical.

"In we go!" (William)

The both of them jumped into the portal and their bodies were instantly transported. They fell through an endless vacua of blackness until they reached what they were looking for. They ended up inside a room, surrounded by gold and the decorations of royalty you would normally see in a castle.

"Where are we…?" (Astoria)

"I don't know… but this must be the fourth floor?" (William)

"What? Impossible… how aren't you two affected by my spell?!" (???)

The two of them heard a voice behind them, causing them to turn around to see a lady sitting on a throne.

"Who are you?" (Astoria)

"Me? My name is Ginger, and I am leader of the fourth floor… it is the final floor and most challenging one of all. How did you two peasants manage to bypass my spell?!" (Ginger)

"What spell do you speak of, woman?" (William)

Ginger stood up from her throne and walked down the steps, approaching the two of them.

"My spell of eternal sleep. Can't you see that the fourth room isn't meant to be completed? Those who reached this far are put to sleep for eternity where they can live in their paradise as a reward. Seeing Beatrice was only a lie… it'll never happen." (Ginger)

William gritted his teeth.

"Then where is Leelee?! Show me her right now or I'll kill you where you stand!" (William)

Ginger scoffed at his reply.

"Oh that young girl is fine… she's asleep alongside her other friend. She's now in my world… as I am the entity who rules dreams! I am the keeper of all dreams in this world, and it is under my domain! I'm sure you know my real title by now don't you?!" (Ginger)

Astoria widened her eyes in disbelief.

"You're the goddess of dreams… Morpheus…" (Astoria)

"Quick to catch on, aren't you?!" (Morpheus)