
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Kyto’s Resolve

"DIE! DIE DIE DIE!" (Agnes)

Multiple tendrils around the room would attack Kyto. The Cyrodel stood in the middle of the room and casually backhanded them away while kicking some to the side.

"I told you it won't work!" (Kyto)

Kyto would hover from his feet without gravity magic, accelerating towards Agnes.

"...Haaaaa...!!!" (Kyto)


Around the room would have instruments peer outside of the darkness. Flutes and drums were shown playing.

"The cursed tune of slumber can put anyone to sleep, including their Mana Force! Their soul, willpower, morality, and all will be put to slumber, forever!" (Agnes)

Agnes widened her eyes.

"No effect?" (Agnes)

Kyto ignored the instruments and sent a right hook into Agnes' face, colliding her against the wall behind her.

"...Ugh...!" (Agnes)

It was the first time that someone actually damaged her inside this room.

"...Pain...? He inflicted... pain...? Upon my face?" (Agnes)

She was bleeding from her lip. Raising her hand to rub the blood dripping down her chin, her eyes opened wider than before.

"Blood?" (Agnes)

She stood back up and clenched her fists.


Agnes was enraged, starting to pull strands of her hair outside of her head.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" (Agnes)

She stretched her arm towards Kyto, summoning multiple spikes underneath his feet, attempting to pierce him from underneath.

"If you're just raging the whole fight then you'll have no strategy. You're easy to see through!" (Kyto)

Kyto casually evaded to the side and launched at her again, this time kicking her in the cheek. His blows were powerful enough to skid her sideways.

".....HAAAA!!!" (Agnes)

Agnes recovered immediately after the kick, summoning forth a large grotesque fist from the darkness, punching Kyto right into his gut.

"...Gyaa...!!" (Kyto)

Kyto felt himself launch backward until another fist came from underneath, hitting him in his back.

"...Ungh...!" (Kyto)

He looked around him, unable to react nearly as fast enough.


Kyto cast a magical circle from his palm, sending a large gust of wind underneath him and shredding apart the summoned fists that came from the darkness.


Coming from another casted magical circle was a torrent of flames that closed the distance between it and Agnes.

"...Fuuu..." (Agnes)

She casually blew out the flames, evaporating it whole.

"What...?" (Kyto)

Kyto still levitating mid-air was stunned by the display. Agnes didn't even struggle against his fire magic.

"She blew out a Rank 9 spell like it was nothing." (Kyto)

"Of course I did. Your basic spells are ineffective against me. You may be able to resist my Eldritch magic, but us witches cannot be affected by spells unless they're of divine nature, or if it's from another witch. However, there are some exceptions such as Conceptual weapons."

Agnes shrugged to herself.

"Fufufu~ the only reason you damaged me from your punches was because they're punches from a divine being. If you cannot use divine magic then you're no match for me. We'll be at a stalemate for some time, and I'll keep evading your blows." (Agnes)

Kyto frowned in his face.

"For some reason, I feel as if you're holding back against me." (Kyto)

"Well well, what should I have expected? You found it out quite easily haven't you?" (Anges)

Kyto slowly levitated to the floor.

"Why don't you use your full power?" (Kyto)

"You foolish child. Us witches have seals placed upon us, and it's for a very specific reason." (Agnes)

"...Wait, seals?" (Kyto)

"Normally our power is sealed away from ten seals. As of now we can only break our first seal which is 10% of our power! But I see no reason doing it against you." (Agnes)

She took a small puff upon her pipe once more.

"I'm only fighting you and the pathetic king at less than a percentage of my power. You're both unmatched." (Agnes)

Kyto clenched his fist.

"Am I... really not that comparable? I'm only less than one percent... to a witch?" (Kyto)

"Indeed you are. But us witches are not omnipotent like you would think; there is a specific witch who doesn't know how to break her seals. It only comes out when she's enraged, usually. I forgot her name... but she has white hair, and she's very short. She roams around Midgard hiding her identity as a witch. I have no idea why. But it's none of my business." (Agnes)

Kyto looked down in thought.

"That person sounds almost familiar..." (Kyto)

Could what Kyto be thinking is correct? Could this witch who she spoke of be Grimhild?

"...You let your guard down ~!" (Agnes)

Multiple tendrils appeared around Kyto. From bottom to top, left and right, front and back. He was surrounded.

"While you were standing there thinking, I decided to just finish you off." (Agnes)

Agnes had a wide smile on her face.

"Goodbye my dear." (Agnes)

Kyto frowned as he looked around him, unable to find a way out.

"...SHIT!" (Kyto)

The sound of multiple tendrils would pierce through his body.

"...GRAAAAAA...!" (Vrunemir)

However, Vrunemir didn't allow it. He took his weapon and sliced apart the tendrils which stabbed Kyto.

"...W-What...?" (Kyto)

Kyto looked at his body and saw no wounds on him.

"Wasn't I just stabbed?" (Kyto)

"There's no time to be asking questions about such things. I used my blade prospect to save you. Together we can defeat this witch!" (Vrunemir)

Vrunemir seemed to be up and running again, however panting heavily.

"I suppose I owe you then, King Vrunemir." (Kyto)

Agnes scowled at the two.

"You really know how to piss a witch off, don't you King Vrunemir? After this is over, I'll make sure to hang your head above my bed."


"...Everyone... they all died? What's going on?" (Estrilda)

Estrilda glanced over at the border a few miles away. Having incredible eyesight, she would see everyone who fought in the war... all dead.

"...What did you do?" (Estrilda)

The Giant asked in a sinister tone.


Estrilda frowned, now grabbing her axe once more.

"...WHAT DID YOU DOOOOO?!?!" (Estrilda)

She dashed towards him, accelerating herself faster than she's ever gone before. Million times the speed of light and even more.

"DIIIEEEEEE!!!" (Estrilda)

She swung her axe towards him.

"What a foolish decision." (Nokitera)

Estrilda ended up missing her attack and would instead strike herself. Her axe would cut right through her leg, chopping it off. Logic was being manipulated by Nokitera.

"...KYAAA...!!!" (Estrilda)

Her limb flew in the distance and she stumbled back on one leg until she grew another.

"...Damn bastard!" (Estrilda)

Nokitera laughed into the sky as he risen his arms above his head.

"He's chosen me! The Dream Devourer Orcus has chosen me! He's given me this power... he's given me all of it in order to destroy the world and bring about his resurrection!" (Nokitera)

Nokitera would laugh sinisterly to himself.

"I'll destroy all of Yggdrasil! First Midgard, then Asgard, and then the other realms as well! All of it will be consumed from only a mere fraction of Orcus' power!" (Nokitera)

Nokitera glanced at Estrilda.

"Did you hear that Giant? Everything will be destroyed. The countries, the planets, and stars, the realms, the higher planes of Yggdrasil, everything!" (Nokitera)

Nokitera placed his hand over his face.

"Kukuku... how wonderful is this!?? I am made into the great and mighty Orcus' right-hand man!" (Nokitera)

Estrilda risen a brow.

"I don't know who this Orcus guy is... but whatever he's doing will endanger everyone. Especially if he gave you some of his power to fight with." (Estrilda)

Estrilda now had two legs after the other regenerated. She placed her hand on the side of her neck and cracked it back and forth.

"If you need power like this to beat me, then maybe I'm too strong for anyone to handle. I guess this gave me a little bit of confidence!" (Estrilda)

She swung her axe around again, holding it with both hands.

"It doesn't matter. After this is over we'll find a way to bring everyone back! Me, Master Jean, and everyone!" (Estrilda)

Estrilda smudged her thumb in some of the blood on her fur-armor, proceeding to wipe it across her cheek.

"Don't underestimate me. Just because you got some borrowed power doesn't mean it's enough to defeat me! I'm still standing when everyone else is dead. I'm in another league." (Estrilda)

Estrilda would smug at the Dark commander.

"...You dare mock the power of Orcus? He is a supreme being that defies the laws of the world and even Yggdrasil! His very existence is something we should praise with our hearts! He's the one true god among all races! HE IS OUR LORD AND—!" (Nokitera)

Nokitera was cut off mid-sentence, as a large foot kicked against his chest.

"...GUOH...!!!" (Nokitera)

"FUCK YOUR GOD!" (Estrilda)