
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Grimhild Vs Alice Part 1

The two golden mages stared at each other as the sound of the wind could be heard blowing around them in the middle of the arena. The students all watched and were prepared to see the battle of a lifetime between two of the most powerful mages inside Magic Academy.

"Shall I make the first move?" (Alice)

Alice asked as she grinned, as did Grimhild. Both of them were excited to face off against one another to show their capabilities. Grimhild took her hoody off her head and nodded.

"Go ahead, hit me with your best shot." (Grimhild)

Alice nodded in response and clenched both her fists, pumping her elbows back and keeping them at her hips. Alice's expression soon turned to a frown — in an instant she moved at alarming speeds, dashing towards Grimhild like a projectile.

"Alice Mode!" (Alice)

Alice shouted as her hair wavered through the wind, and her fist cocked back. She looked crazed in the face, only excited to go all out… and so she did.

Once Alice through her first punch, it connected right into Grimhild's stomach; the witch's hair fluttered from intense winds, and for the first time in months, she felt pain. The initial blow widened her eyes, and she was sent flying off the arena, slamming into the stone wall located a dozen meters behind her. The entire arena shook from such force, and all the students gasped.

Alice's grin remained as she stood on one foot after her attack, slowly falling down on the other.

"Didn't expect that did you?" (Alice)

Alice slammed her fist into her palm, smiling. She was so confident in her abilities and everyone could now see why. She managed to even harm Grimhild Yorgana, and she was going all out.

"…Terema Horema, Lathuus, Lathuus." (Grimhild)

Grimhild used her [Yorgana Tongue] to hide the spell she was casting from the layers of smoke created by her collision. Alice couldn't understand what she was saying as it was only a language Grimhild herself understood from creating it in the first place.

Alice was suddenly attacked by hundreds of magical spells from all directions. Each and every spell would come out from a portal constructed by the witch of justice herself, and dodging each and every one of them was impossible.

"…Seeeaaaaa!!!" (Alice)

Alice suddenly bent her knees into a slight crouching position as a violent aura surrounded her body, sparking lightning all around them. Her sailor hat suddenly flew off her head into the winds, and her blonde hair spiked up viciously.

"This is Super Alice!!!" (Alice)

The students were all being slid back into the dirt once her drastic power increased even further, causing violent gusts of winds to drive them away from an explosion of golden power. Even Ms. Ilya could barely stand there without being pushed away.

"Your spells have no effect against me! Not while I'm super Alice!" (Alice)

Her golden and yellowish aura would cancel out the magical spells once they tried hitting her, some bouncing away and some instantly evaporating.

"What is it Grimhild? You look confused!" (Alice)

Alice spoke about Grimhild's bewildered face, mockingly. The witch was outside the crater from the stone wall, and could only stare at Alice as she floated in the air a few meters away from her.

Grimhild didn't know of this power… even with her incredible analyzing abilities she couldn't comprehend it. This ability Alice had would feel otherworldly and far out of her reach — Grimhild needed to brainstorm and come up with a conclusion on what exactly is Alice's ability.

"Aren't you supposed to be smart enough to figure it out? Remember, I said I know a lot about you… and I for sure know that you're capable of figuring stuff out in seconds or minutes if you see it up close, or read about it. So what about me? What's my ability?" (Alice)

Grimhild crossed her arms and risen her eyebrow.

"…The ability to defy laws of the world and reality, it's quite common in most cases with other spells, but yours is… more complex." (Grimhild)

Grimhild maneuvered her eyes and stared down at the ground beneath her.

"It's almost like a gag power." (Grimhild)

"Haah? Gag power? What do you mean by that?" (Alice)

"Fumu. I think I'm starting to understand your ability a little bit more — let us continue this fight and see where it goes." (Grimhild)

Grimhild risen her hand into the air to create a magical circle, forming a ball of fire inside of her palm.

"Fine then! Haaaaaahhh!!" (Alice)

Alice initiated combat once more as she leaped from the arena towards Grimhild. The witch threw the fireball from her hand which Alice dodged in a mocking manner, throwing her kick straight into Grimhild's stomach, knocking her back a few feet, though Grimhild would cast another magical attack in front of her.

"I suppose holding back my series of spells is foolish. I am going all out after all!" (Grimhild)

Alice's eyes widened once she saw three magical runes appear in front of her.

"[Gigthoruum]!" (Grimhild)

Using [Gigthoruum] it specifically came from Grimhild's own created magic known as "Justice Magic", which was magic named after what she embodied. She created this magic to be specifically limited to her only, and it far surpasses the Spell ranks since it follows its own system.

In terms of its own ranking, it would be above all spell ranks entirely, including Catastrophe Magic, and perhaps even Fhiron's golden magic he created. Justice Magic itself can only be cast by knowing [Yorgana Tongue], so copying, or mimicking it was impossible.

Using [Gigthoruum] which meant "Giga Lightning" outside of [Yorgana Tongue], it creates three powerful runes that summons powerful black lightning that connects to create a more powerful magical circle.

Right in front of Alice was the magical circle that soon shot out jet-black lightning, distorting space and paralyzing Alice inside her body, affecting even her Mana Force.

"…Gaaaah… guhh!" (Alice)

Alice was in shock as her body spasmed back and forth. It looked like she was having a seizure from this powerful magic… it could even annihilate all of Midgard if it managed to go out of control.

Alice looked up into the sky, trying to clench her fist and fight through its effects; her mana force was even being tampered with, and her mana was slowly being drained… however, from her sheer will alone, she flexed her muscles and powered through it, shocking even Grimhild.

"…You continue to surprise me Alice." (Grimhild)

Alice reached forward at the stream of lightning still pouring into her body and grabbed it as if it was tangible. She slowly pulled the lightning towards her like it was candy, opening her jaws and chomping on it, slowly sucking it in her mouth like a cartoon character.

"This is nothing!" (Alice)

Alice munched on the lightning and swallowed it, releasing a satisfied sigh.

"You'll need a lot more than that Grimhild!" (Alice)

Grimhild widened her eyes. Was it from disbelief…? Or a clue?

"…I figured it out." (Grimhild)

Grimhild smirked.

"Your ability allows you to absorb stories from others, and implement them into yourself. I should've expected this out of all things. The longer we continued to battle, the more I could read the abilities spell fragments. Normally an ability like yours wouldn't have spell fragments… but that's false. All spell fragments are, is particles of information, so I've managed to read yours." (Grimhild)

Grimhild tilted her head down, her grin getting bigger.

"…You can absorb stories from other authors, and take the abilities from other authors' characters, allowing you to use things such as your super Alice, and gag-like abilities. I deciphered it, and now I know a counter." (Grimhild)

Alice tilted her head to the side.

"Seriously? Is that what it is? I guess that makes sense after reading some Dragon Storm Z, and stuff like that…" (Alice)

Alice was an airhead, she literally created her "super Alice" transformation simply cause she wanted to, and because she's seen a power-up like this in other books, yet she didn't question how she got it. But now it was starting to add up.

"…So I finally figured out what this is… and now I have limitless options don't I? I've read so many books… so many stories, the thoughts are endless! I can do so much! I-I have to read more books to get cooler superpowers! Thank you Grimhild, you're amazing! I never knew what my ability was and I was hoping you could find it out!" (Alice)

Alice had so many thoughts rushing through her head, she was just like a kid at Disney land, except she had Disney land inside of her. Balling up her fists, she was ready for them to continue even more.

"You say you have a counter to my ability right? Then let's see it Grimhild! I wanna see what you can do with more of that magic of yours!" (Alice)

"Fumu. Well you asked for it, let us fight to our heart's content." (Grimhild)