
The Great Witch of Magic Academy

An age of Fairies, Humans, Gods, Giants, Elves, Witches and Dragons. Created from the World Creators that exists beyond the confines of Yggdrasil and the 9 realms, these omnipotent creators love their creations, but little do they know, terror awaits them and all of Yggdrasil. An outside force that lurks in the shadows of the World Tree, unbalances all of creation. This entity drastically accelerated mortal evolution through his magic, and in the process, unlocked mortals' hidden potential, and granted them mana forces, conceptual weapons, champions, and other weapons that completely broke the cycle of balance between god and men. Humans can now slay gods, which in return, destroys the concepts of the world, unbalancing order, authority, and laws. This is the chaotic world they all live in now, and it cannot be changed, unless someone powerful enough defeats Orcus for good. Main character, Grimhild Yorgana and her friends, are said to be these group of people destined to destroy Orcus, as they call themselves the 11 Kabbalah. They do not know if they have the power to truly destroy him together, but with Grimhild’s wits, knowledge, and experience, it’s best to rely on her. This tells a story of friends, war, love, chaos, development, and betrayal.

HouseOfLee · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Birth of the Eldritch Witch

"Indeed. I saw you standing there, unfazed by these group of men, I knew you had the power to defeat them, but a lady such as yourself doesn't deserve to get thy hands dirty." (Dracula)

Dracula approached Agnes, extending his hand forward to hold her palms.

"My name is Dracula," he kissed the back of her hand before doing the same to her other, "Only Dracula, my lady." (Dracula)

"…Oh…my." (Agnes)

Agnes was flushed. For the first time in her life, she was dazzled with such elegance, from a man that didn't fear her.

"My name is Agnes Gravenworth, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Dracula. I am a witch, one who is known as the Witch of Darkness." (Agnes)

"Ahh, I see, that is why your blood runs cold. Thy blood of a witch, yes, I know it quite well, perhaps that's why I saved you instinctively from those men." (Dracula)

"So it wasn't just my beauty that pushed you to save me, but your instincts? What a kind gentleman you're." (Agnes)

"Fumu. It is only natural for a man of my stature to be a gentleman, but onto more important matters-" (Dracula)

Dracula closed his eyes as a slight grin appeared on his face.

"You claim to be the witch of darkness, yes? Your beauty is outstanding… and I can make you even more beautiful than what you already are, my lady." (Dracula)

"Hoh? More beautiful than I am now? Tell me, how are you going to do that, through magic? Perhaps… metaphorically?" (Agnes)

"Nay. It will be done from a higher power! Power that surpasses even that of your sealed sisters, and perhaps even the Great Witches that unlocked all thy seals placed upon their very essence." (Dracula)

"…How do you know so much of my people? Are you perhaps connected in some way? You know an awful lot, I am quite suspicious of you..." (Agnes)

Dracula snickered.

"That is only natural. Please, allow me to explain," he bowed his head with his hand against his chest, "Above Yggdrasil, there is a portal. This portal is that of the Eldritch darkness that not even the World Creators themselves can get rid of. It leads to the Astral Void, or perhaps… the Outer Void is more befitting of a name." (Dracula)

"…Even the world creators!? But how? What is this 'void' you speak of?" (Agnes)

"It leads to the realm of the Outer gods, also known as the Eldritch ones by mankind here. The Eldritch ones had war with the gods long ago in Asgard, but little did they know, the Outer Gods only fought them in their avatars. In reality, none stands a chance against the Eldritch ones here in this world, except those who exist in the Branches of Order." (Dracula)

"How can I be certain that you're telling the truth? If these beings truly exist, then why haven't they destroyed Yggdrasil yet?" (Agnes)

"No one knows, not even me. Their thinking operates on higher planes of thought and transcends our minds entirely. I conversed with these creatures, and we spoke to one another until we came to an agreement. I will be the one who will bring back the forbidden concept, known as Eldritch Magic, so even their true forms can reside within Yggdrasil. The cursed gods erased Eldritch magic across all of Yggdrasil, but as long as I exist, they can do no more." (Dracula)

"E-Eldritch magic?" (Agnes)

"Yes. It is magic that derives from the Astral Void. It defies all reason in this World Seed because it doesn't abide by this world's standards and concepts. These creatures came from another World Seed where their true god, Azathoth, resides. They spread like parasites across the Sea World, taking over everything to claim for themselves." (Dracula)

"You know so much… are you telling me, you wish to make me as powerful as them? What are you getting at?" (Agnes)

Agnes took the pipe out of her mouth, approaching Dracula in haste.

"I will have your head if you're simply wasting my time. In the end, I am a witch after all, and you're some man I barely know." (Agnes)

"I wish… to make you as beautiful as the Eldritch Darkness itself. I will make you the witch of Eldritch, where all of these creatures will be at your command, serving you until the ends of time." (Dracula)

Agnes widened her eyes, staggering in her movements.

"The Witch of Eldritch? You… will defy my nature, and make me even greater, is that what you offer? To give me more power?" (Agnes)

"Yes." (Dracula)

Dracula extended his hand forward as a sly grin smeared across his face. Agnes looked into his eyes, blushing.

She felt her heart race for the first time in her life, as she instinctively reached her arm out to him, grasping his hand.

"I… accept your offer, for some reason, it feels like I cannot turn you down. This feeling inside of me, it's hard to contain…" (Agnes)

"That feeling? Fumu. It is love, my Agnes. You love me like the gods love their authority. I shall grant you, the ultimate gift, and in return, you shall come with me." (Dracula)

"C-Come with you?" (Agnes)

Agnes was pulled into Dracula's arms, forcing her back to arch.

"Yes, be with thee. If you want to love me, then serve under me! Be the next queen, and be the woman of my children. We, together, shall rule this world, and claim Yggdrasil as our own, once it is all destroyed." (Dracula)

"…Y-Yes… I will… be with you… Dracula!" (Agnes)

Agnes looked into his eyes, her flushed expression unwavering.

"So be it." (Dracula)

Dracula opened his mouth, baring his fangs.

"Ahh~!" (Agnes)

Agnes moaned once he bit into her neck, drawing blood from her pale skin. The witch's arms wrapped around his throat, embracing him with all her might.

"Harder, bite deeper into me… this feeling… I want more of it." (Agnes)

She moaned again, lifting her head back in pleasure.

Deep within Agnes' body, she could feel a sudden change. Her mana force was no longer red to signify she was evil, but it became pitch black, as if it was separated from this world entirely, and belonged to an even greater power.

Her embodiment as darkness was no more, as she was now the Witch of Eldritch, Agnes Gravenworth.

"Fwaaa…~" (Dracula)

Dracula pulled away from her neck, licking around his lips as he chuckled.

"Fuhuhu, how endearing. You're one of a kind, Agnes Gravenworth, you will make the perfect woman suited for me, and no one else should claim your title, as my dearest beloved." (Dracula)

"…This feeling… is it really love? My body… it's tingling, my stomach… it's swirling. My face, it's hot. I want more of it… I want more of you! All of you!" (Agnes)

"You will have all of me, there is no need to worry my beloved. You belong to me now, so let us return back to my nation, where I rule supreme. Your love for me will grow even stronger there, I can assure you." (Dracula)

Dracula picked Agnes up in a bridal style, glancing over at the young Nokitera.

"Young Nokitera, gather what you need. Take from their dead corpses things you wish to bring with you, for we are leaving into my kingdom." (Dracula)

"A-Am I really coming with you?" (Nokitera)

"I made you a promise, didn't I?" (Dracula)

"Y-Yes sir! Right away." (Nokitera)

Nokitera ran to his former allies' corpses, inspecting their bodies for things he may need. Taking their coins, weapons, and even jewelry, he stuffed them inside his bag, quickly returning back to Dracula once more.

"Is that all?" (Dracula)

"Y-Yes sir, that will be all. I have nothing else to really take. My mother and father never left me anything important before they died, so I only have my memories. That is the only thing I can cherish, more than money, and more than my life." (Nokitera)

"Fumu. To say such a thing at a young age, you truly are miserable, young Nokitera. But worry naught, their hell awaits them, I will guarantee it." (Dracula)

Nokitera gripped Dracula's black cape from behind, nodding his head in response.

"I entrust my life to you, lord D-Dracula! I will try my hardest to be the commander of your army, even if it takes me hundreds of years to do so!" (Nokitera)

"Very well, then it is settled. Hang on tightly, you will all bear witness to a grand sight!" (Dracula)

In a swarm of bats, Dracula and them vanished.

[Present Day]

"You took me away!! You carried me in your arms, and took me away!!! You looked at me as if I was gold to that of a commoner. You loved me, you adored me… but… was all of that a simple scheme to make me follow you!? For simple manpower?" (Agnes)

Agnes took her hands off her face, realizing her palms were soaked in… tears?

"I'm… crying? How? How is this possible? I-I never cried in my life…? Have I been crying this whole time without realizing it?" (Agnes)

Agnes stood up from the bed, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her dark kimono.

"I won't shed tears for a man like you! From everything you've done to me… to the lies you told! To the manipulation against me, I'll make sure you suffer karma, tenfolds!" (Agnes)