
First day at school

As they reached school, they register and were now going to be sent to Hostels.

"Jeremy Blake, Right?" Caitlin Victoire asked Jeremy"You are in 301 end of the hall."

"Thanks" Jeremy said and left

"Hi I am leah Taymore" she said

"Oh, our prodigy." Caitlin replied"I am Caitlin Victoire, me and Stephen are your RAs. You're in302 end of the hall on the left" she continued

Mother Taymore seemed to know them she said, You-You wouldn't be related to!" she stopped. Stephen whispered to Caitlin,"She's our mom" and mother Taymore kept looking at them.

When they reached the room, they weaved each other goodbye and the parents went. As they went Mother Taymore said," On our little girl at liberty vocational" and she sniffed.

"So, I'm here I guess" leah said," but where is every one else?" then she remembered about the assembly and said,"Omigosh, the assembly!" and left as she read on the map she had Victory Auditorium. She saw it near the lake a the map read But the map was wrong, she found it was the Wilder hall so, She decided to Bang and pass through the wood wall. She also found her self inthe in the victory auditorium she had missed the announce ments.

She ran and met Jeremy the one she had met as soon as she reached Liberty. Uh, hi. Jeremy? leah Said and thought"Gosh, he's looking at me like he thinks I'm a nut.""Hey, I'm leah, l am in Exclesior." She continued.

"You're the atom manipulator," Jeremy said.

" I Guess? How did you know?" asked Leah. Jeremy laughed and asked her to meet his room mate Paul.

Jeremy said , 'Too bad about you coming late. Dr. Santos Is going to be death on you now."

"Quit Scaring the kid." Paul said," Just stay out of trouble a couple of days and Dr. Santos will forget about it." he continued as he left

leah said,"So about that ann- O migosh what was_ That?"

Roy Roberts had come with his Villains

"So, these are the pittful Specimens the so called heroes are planning to throw Us.... " Roy said

Stop doing this said leah"Relax kid it will be over soon ."said Roy

Leah Taymore tried out her magic or natural power but unfortunately she never knew how to control it She cracked the hole ground and every one was stuck. Dr. Santos to herself she said," I think stephen and Caitlin can leave Ms. Taymore for last."

Roy Roberts said,"Didn't any body tell you this was a tr?"

"Oh ,that was the announcement."

"Will you add 5 extra mins on your watch from now on?" said Roy to Leah. Dr Santos also to where they were stuck

"Well have you out in a minute, Mr. Roberts." She said"Yeah, thanks a bunch." Roy said.

When she went back to her dorm, She wanted to take a birth. She changed and put on shower clothes.

"Calgon take me away yyy... "as she went to the bathroom

When she reached the bathroom, the pipes had broken down. Jeremy came and said,"You could fix it."

"Just reach down the pipe and make anything blocking it into water. You're not going to make it more blocked up, right?" he continued I guess, I could try!" Leah said."Excellent" Jeremy mocked.

She again use her powers and blocked the whole bathrooms, the whole ofstudents tried to clean,all the taps leaked. Paul is the one who fixed the taps. Both Caitlin and Leah said,"My hero" and they all left

"Oh, got lost on campus, come late to assembly, wreck senior training exercise , substantial property damage and flood bathrooms. Oh this is the worst day ever." Leah said

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