
The Great Turnaround

One World, Four Tribes....Supernatural beings, Cultivators, Awakeneds and Mystics. A shift in the equilibrium of the world, a quest for power, an unknown destiny... What happens, when your past is shrouded in deep mysteries, buried under doubt and fear, shattered into a puzzle of a million pieces. The rise of abominations, the realization of power, fate defying actions and decisions, the actualization of dreams, and the fulfilment of destiny. A young boy, unique destiny, great responsibility, promising talents, heroic predecessors, do all this really count, when facing the real enemy... All hopes high, all fingers crossed, all teeth gritted, all weapons drawn, all awaiting The Great Turnaround.

D_Marvel_2943 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Lessons 2

"First, we start with Blade Of Revival CRUSADE", he said, as he began the lesson.

"It is written in the Legends, that at the beginning of time, the gods after the bout of their creation held a feast in honour to the head of the elder gods VILKA—the god of light and cosmos. During that period a coronation ceremony was held to crown Vilka's son, THILKA—the god of fire and light as the successor of the head of the elder gods."

"Unfortunately, DINKAN the god of vortex and destruction, the half brother of Vilka was displeased and wanted his son Vallas the god of void and ruins to be head. He gave excuses that Thilka was too young and immature to succeed his father. But his excuses were debunked by the council of the elder gods and this seeded hatred in the heart of DINKAN."

"The burning desire for his son VALLAS to be the head of the elder gods coupled with greed, hatred and jealousy, led DINKAN and his son VALLAS to war with elder gods and the inhabitants of ASYENTIA."

"Half of the inhabitants of ASYENTIA joined forces with DINKAN who brewed hated and bore the motive of eliminating VILKA, his son and all loyal to him."

"The war caused the death of so many gods and inhabitants of ASYENTIA."

"The skies were black and that period was name Era of the DARK HEAVENS.

VILKA, his son THILKA and his followers fought valiantly, but their forces were weak compared to his half brother."

"The gods blacksmith DELSIUS, who is also the god of Earth and resources, came up with a plan to create a god killer sword, that will end the war and bring back peace to ASYENTIA."

"Sadly, the requirements of the sword, came at a high price. It required the core of five realms, the fire of creation and the revival wind of the cosmos, and it had to be forged in the core of a star for one month and dews of eternal life has to drip on it; a drop a day for a month."

"That caused the destruction and extraction of the cores of five newly created planets reducing the numbers of planets to twelve, the extraction of the fire creation depleted the light of the cosmos, drained the energy of gods and inhabitants of ASYENTIA, ASYENTIA and the Cosmos, plummeted into gross darkness."

"The goddess of tempest, wind and air—VEXTIA, used three-quarter of her power to create the revival wind, she lost her god-title and power and she became a mortal."

"The dew of eternal life was extracted from the goddess of water and life—MIRA, at the cost of her."

"That period was known as ERA OF EVIL LEGACY And THE WRATH OF THE GODS."

"After a period of one month, the Blade of Revival Wind was forged."

"The Blade commands the power of all gods, cosmos and beings, having one disadvantage, no god could wield the sword."

"The sword was cursed and sent to a planet named Earth, "To him whose heart is pure and path is righteous, to him whose mind is just, to him who commands the power of the gods, to him who wield the Blade of Revival Wind for it shall not depart from his bloodline.", with that the sword was cursed."

"A man of Purity, Righteousness and Justice, a man named JAKE PHNEAL wielded the sword. With the power of the sword he ascended into Asyentia and battled with Dinkan and his forces, known as the Battle of Purification. The power of the sword was too great, that it stripped him of mortality and made him a demi-god."

"With the help of the gods and remnants of ASYENTIA, Phneal banished DINKAN and his followers from ASYENTIA. For his good deed, Phneal was the first to be awarded a spirit form—THE IMPERIAL WHITE COSMOS PHOENIX, and was given the title of god Slayer and he became the mediator between our world and ASYENTIA."

"With his new power and position, Phneal restored order back to ASYENTIA and the cosmos."

" He restored VEXTIA back to her goddess position and gave life to MIRA, which he later married."

"The banished DINKAN, his son and all his followers, having nowhere to go, made the innermost part of VRESCRA, their home."

"DINKAN became the god of abominations, and his son, VALLAS, became the god of necromancy, dark magic and death."

"That period was deemed, The REVIVAL AGE, and the Blade Of Revival Wind, became the first legendary anti-abomination equipment", the teacher said, as he concluded the story.

"Now, to Imperial City" he said, as he began the second phase of the lesson.

"After the Battle of Purification, the world was split into four major tribes, the Supernaturals, the Awakeneds, the Cultivators and the Mystics. But, there was an hidden faction of people who became immortals called the Drits, also known as the Abominations. The Drits, were made up of people from the four major tribes. They swore allegiance to DINKAN, and we're granted dark powers and immortality. But that's another topic entirely."

"Jake Phneal built an empire, after his battle at ASYENTIA. Jake lived for thousands of years, but all life must come to an end. After the demise of Jake Phintrix, the empire split into five great clans; MERK, GRYLAND, ARDVOCK, QWENIA AND PRYTERRIA, which belonged to the Imperial family, Phneal."

"There was peace between the five great clans of the empire, until five hundred years ago. No one knows what caused the war, but it was said that the land turned to a sea of blood, the sky was dyed red and black, and world was engulfed in darkness—the Battle Of Revival Wind."

Silence permeated the class for a moment, before the teacher continued.

"It is suspected, that the Abominations were involved and were the cause of the war, but no one knows the details of the war."

"The Pryterrians, lost everything during that war. Thanks to the youngest son of King Aravel of Pryterria, David Phneal, the white phoenix and his son Jacob, the Pryterrians managed to secure victory."

The losses of war was to great, what remained of Pryterria, was a population of a thousand people, soldiers inclusive. The victorious prince, David Phneal established a kingdom and named it Conflagration, and said;

'By the flames of battle, we have forged our steel hearts, and as its smoke ascends, we became victorious.

As birth of a phoenix from its dying flame, we've been reborn, as the extinguishing flames of a dragon, we overcame our foes.

As the flames of life ignite, so has Conflagration been raised.

And Conflagration shall remain, as long as life does.'

"David Phneal, was crowned as the first king of Conflagration. He built Imperial City, and made it the capital of Conflagration."

"He added Pyrus to his name, was called Inferno King of Conflagration, King David Phneal Pyrus, 'The King of Revival'."

"His son, was made prince of Imperial City, Prince Jacob Phneal Pyrus, 'Prince of Eternal Flame'."

That was how, Imperial City and Conflagration was established."

"Ahem", the teacher coughed, clearing his throat as he wiped sweat off his forehead.

"Now, Spirit Beasts" the teacher announced.

The former quiet class grew noisy, as this was the field of interest for most youngsters, not until the teacher said;

"—And this will be where your assignments will be coming from."

The noise, was instantly replaced with grumbles and murmurs.

"Let's proceed", he said.

"Spirit Beasts, are not mystical or magic beings, although they can be legendary or mythical, they are actually evolutionary animals, which resulted from the displacement of cosmic power, during the Revival Age."

"They possess unique spirit power, which allow them to merge with spirit of an individual. They can either possess or be controlled by an individual. The possession or control, depends on the spirit strength of the individual."

"I'm going to list the top thirteen Spirit Beasts, according to the hierarchy of their power, and tommorow we'll talk about their origin, power and early users. But, you find such explanations in the town library, if you're that curious."

"Starting from the top, we have the Imperial White Cosmos Phoenix, closely followed by the Horned Imperial Griffin, the next is the Royal Lich Necro-Dragon, the White Purity Flamed Phoenix, the Dark Blood Wind-Wing War Serpent Dragon, the Vampiric Wolf, the Royal Flaming Tiger, the Angelic Iced Lion, the Horned Blue Ivy Adder, the Jade Northern Tempest Eagle, the Diamond Rhinoceros, the Double-Horned Rainbow Unicorn and the Silvered Cheetah."

"But there is one entity, that is stronger than all spirit beasts, all gods. No being, be it god or man, has been able to tame it. That entity is called, Supreme Dove. It has only appeared once, on the day of the birth of our long lost prince. It fluttered it's wings just above the palace, before it disappeared."

They say, only the worthy of the worthiest, can tame that Dove.

"I will be entertaining your questions now", the teacher announced.

"Do you have a spirit beast?", a girl asked.


"What happened to the prince?", Another asked.

"Can I be an abomination?"

"Is the Dove a spirit beast?"

"Is the...."

"Enough!!" The teacher bellowed.


"Alright class is over, break time", the teacher spoke, as he hurriedly left the class.


"At last" the teacher heaved a sigh of relief, as he entered his office.


"Hey trash!!" Ben shouted.

"Let's go see Joanne."

Daniel frowned in response.

"Should I tag along?" Thelma asked, with a worried face.

"I don't think that's a—".

"No, she only called the two of us" Ben protested.

"Are you jealous of the fact that I want to tag along with Daniel, or the fact that no girl likes you?", Thelma asked with a mischievous smirk.

"Grr!!", Ben growled in response.

"That's enough Thel", Marvel butt in to avoid things escalating.

"Let's go", he hollered to Ben.




"Come in", a voice answered from inside.

The duo nervously entered into the office.

"Oh yeah, Benjamin and Daniel", she said, looking up from the novel she was reading.

"How you doing?", she added, now focusing her gaze on them.

Silence permeated the air.

She shook her head.

"So, could you both explain what happened earlier on?", she asked.

"Not that it matters anyway—extra classes for the next one week, for both of you", she said abruptly.

"Wahh!!", the duo echoed.