
The Great Thief

He had never invested in shares or bought a lottery ticket, and neither did he have any experience in the general business industry. Lu Li found that the only thing he could do was play games. Luckily he had experienced rebirth, and was one step ahead of everyone else. Luckily, games had been developing extremely quickly, and there were many people who had become rich through playing games. In his ‘past life’, he had spent countless nights awake, in grief and anguish. However, although all of this had been washed away, so what…? This life, he was determined make a fierce counterattack against fate and stand at the very top! ------ Release Rate: 5 Chapters/Week; will be released on Mon, Wed, Fri and Weekend;

Boating Lyrics · Games
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1977 Chs

Teebu's Blazing Longsword

Translator: Halcyon Translations Editor: Halcyon Translations

"This is for you."

It was hard for Lonesome Flower to say anything more – he wanted to keep his pride intact, but his actions sold him out.

His sister already had her T0 set, and he didn't want to fall behind.

Remnant Dream looked at the 50 gold coins in the trade bar and felt pressured.

"Flower, I've already earned enough today. This... mmm, I can't take it."

"It's okay – take it. Even if you don't loot the item, it's fine too. Use this to buy some good crocodile meat for your pet. Look at your pets; they're so skinny," Lonesome Flower urged, his expression unchanging. It was rare to see him say something like this.

Remnant Dream hesitated, but she still took it in the end.

She wasn't greedy; she barely had any clue about how valuable money was. She had never exchanged gold for real dollars, and was a typical child from a well-off family.

As she began to loot the body, everyone stared intensely at her hands.

With a quick motion, she pulled out an equipment.