
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World

Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time writing. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week.

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Seizing the Assignment of Team 7

As Kurenai departed, Hayashi, Hinata, and Shino dispersed, each attending to their own tasks.

While Hinata and Shino returned to prepare their belongings, Hayashi strolled along the bustling streets.

With his self-cleaning kimono, he required no additional attire. He merely carried a wallet with him, ready for any unexpected expenses. Amidst the throngs of people, he made his way through the crowd.

Suddenly, his stride faltered, his attention drawn to a stall adorned with vibrant paper umbrellas. Selecting a striking red one, he made the purchase.


Holding the elegant umbrella aloft, he continued his journey toward the Hokage building. Along the way, his presence garnered the admiration of many women his age. Married women and aunts also nodded approvingly at him.

Human nature is ever drawn to beauty. It found itself captivated by Hayashi's combination of flawless complexion and unique demeanor. This rendered him a beacon of radiance amidst the crowd.

Unfazed by the attention, he arrived at the Hokage building, his expression unchanged.


Waiting downstairs, Kurenai observed his approach with surprise evident in her eyes.

"You are fast! Did you not have anything to pack?" she inquired, noticing his lack of luggage and curious about his haste.

While folding the umbrella, he spoke calmly, "My attire is rather unique, so there's no need to worry about cleaning. I've already asked Hinata to prepare some dry food."

Kurenai didn't press further on the matter, but smoothly transitioned the conversation to another topic.


"By the way, when did you and Hinata become...?"

"Sorry, no comment," he curtly declined to answer.

"Fine! There's no need for a kid's romance to be a secret," Kurenai feigned indifference.

"If you don't want to talk about it, then don't."

Leaning against a pillar, with his paper umbrella in hand, he closed his eyes in meditation.

Observing the composed demeanor of Hayashi, Kurenai's eyes held a hint of nostalgia.


It's strikingly similar.

She couldn't grasp it when she was a child, but now... Could this be the unique aura of a prodigy?

In the crimson hues of the sunset, he bore a striking resemblance to a youthful Kakashi.

Whether in talent, temperament, or formidable strength.

Kakashi attained Jonin status at 12, while Hayashi showcased his prowess at the same age.

Although she was initially astounded by his swordsmanship skills, her reaction and vigilance had since reached their peak.


Yet, even with her powerful genjutsu techniques, he had effortlessly thwarted her. Recognizing the prowess behind his terrifying swordsmanship, Kurenai understood that she stood no chance against him.

Recalling the encounter, particularly Hayashi's precision, Kurenai realized he had exploited her vulnerability in close combat. The moment he used the back of his blade stood out vividly in her memory.

In the heat of battle, relying on his acute intellect, he had gleaned critical information and used it to incapacitate his opponent.


Unaware of his teacher's contemplation, he remained focused on his meditation, his mind engaged in inner cultivation.

His Observation Haki quietly spread, and he already sensed two familiar auras approaching.

A few minutes later, Hinata emerged in the distance, her distinct aura shining. Shortly after, Shino appeared, his presence equally unique.

Once the trio had assembled, Kurenai led them to the Hokage building.

Entering Hokage's office, she applied for a mission to the Third Hokage.


"A C-level mission?" the Third Hokage's gaze lingered mostly on Hayashi before briefly shifting to Hinata and Shino. He nodded slightly.

"Indeed, it's time for them to gain some real-life ninja experience."

With that, the Third Hokage retrieved a large scroll from under his desk.

"This scroll contains records of recent commissioned tasks," he explained, holding his pipe.

"As luck would have it, there was an escort mission commissioned just yesterday. I'll assign it to your team."

"Understood," Kurenai replied.

"Summon Mr. Tazuna" the Third Hokage instructed, gesturing toward the door.


A heavy silence settled in the office.

In Hayashi's eyes, a hint of surprise flickered.

'Tazuna? Could it be... the mission to the Land of Waves?'

As the first C-level mission of Team 7, the details remained vivid in his memory.

Though labeled as a C-level task, it carried challenges akin to those of a B-level mission.

They actually managed to snatch the mission intended for Team 7?

Could this interception signify the onset of a larger upheaval?

While he felt a weight settle in his chest, a spark of excitement ignited deep within his eyes.

 Zabuza, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, would surely provide a true test of his strength, wouldn't he? 


Hayashi found himself particularly intrigued by the Executioner's Blade, a weapon capable of absorbing iron from the blood of its victims to repair itself. If melted down and forged into a tachi, would it retain its blood-sucking properties? 

Lost in thought, he waited in silence. He had no intention of revealing Tazuna's deception; this was an opportunity too valuable to squander.


Before long, a Chunin entered accompanied by an elder sporting a bamboo hat. 

As Tazuna negotiated with their teacher, he refrained from raising any objections. He was swayed by the determination gleaming in Hinata's eyes.

Just like the Uchiha's Sharingan, the Byakugan of the esteemed Hyuga clan served as a distinctive marker of Konoha's most prominent families. 

Although the Land of Waves lacked ninjas, Tazuna wasn't entirely ignorant. The presence of Hayashi and Shino was unmistakably out of the ordinary. 


Despite his nerves, Tazuna dared not speak up. After all, he was the one who had misrepresented the mission's difficulty level. 

With negotiations concluded, the group of five departed from Konoha, embarking on their escort mission.