
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World

Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time writing. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week.

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Darkness Of Konoha

As the tranquility of their moment began to wane, Hayashi's senses picked up on an almost unnoticeable shift in their surroundings.

His gaze sharpened with an acute awareness of presences nearby.

With a subtle change in demeanor, he turned to Hinata, his expression serious yet unreadable.

"Everything alright?" Hinata asked, catching the faint change in Hayashi's demeanor.


"Go home first, Hinata. But stay vigilant," he urged, his voice gentle yet firm. Though she didn't understand the urgency, Hinata trusted the gravity in his tone.

Meeting his gaze, she nodded silently and began to make her way home, the echoes of their shared moment fading behind her as she disappeared into the distance.

As Hinata distanced herself from the lake, Hayashi's senses heightened, his Observation Haki allowing him to track her movements until she vanished from view. With her safety ensured, he turned his focus to the shadows lurking nearby, where six figures emerged.


The lead ninja, adorned in the distinctive attire of the Anbu, stepped forward with an air of authority.

"Hayashi," he began, his tone firm, "the Third Hokage has sent us to retrieve you."

Hayashi regarded them with a calm demeanor, his gaze flickering over their concealed faces.

"Are the others lurking in the shadows also Anbu?" he inquired, his tone betraying no hint of fear.


The lead ninja's lips curled into a sly smile, impressed by Hayashi's perceptiveness.

"Your sensory skills surpass our intelligence reports," he remarked.

Without warning, they launched a coordinated attack, kunais slicing through the air with deadly precision.

In a lightning-fast motion, Hayashi deflected a barrage of kunai thrown his way with his sword.

"Who are you?" he demanded.


In response, the other ninjas emerged from the shadows, six in total, their faces obscured by masks and cloaked in secrecy. One among them stepped forward, his voice cold and authoritative.

"You don't need to know who we are," he declared, his tone brooking no argument.

"You will come with us."

Hayashi's lips curled into a knowing smile as he complied. As they led him away from the tranquil shores of the lake, they remained oblivious to the mirage-like mirror that shimmered above them.



Arriving at a nondescript building, the ninjas ushered Hayashi into a dimly lit basement, the air heavy with the weight of secrecy. It was clear that this was no ordinary place.

The walls seemed to absorb sound, leaving only the muffled echoes of their footsteps as they descended further into the depths. 

Alone in the dimly lit basement, Hayashi's senses remained sharp, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and calculations. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not when the truth behind this situation still eluded him.


Curiosity piqued, Hayashi activated his Observation Haki, eager to glean insights into the mysteries lurking within the basement.

Instantly, he felt the presence of those around him, their movements and intentions laid bare before him even in the darkness. His surroundings came alive with newfound clarity, revealing the faint outlines of the ninjas lurking in the shadows like phantoms waiting to strike.


Hours passed, marked only by the slow, steady drip of water echoing through the darkness. But in the stillness, a whisper of movement caught his attention, a faint sound echoing from the depths of the basement.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, breaking the oppressive silence of the basement. In the doorway stood a figure cloaked in darkness, his features obscured by the dim light filtering in from the corridor outside.


"Follow me," the figure commanded, his voice a low, ominous whisper.

Hayashi rose to his feet, as he followed the figure into the depths of the building. They traversed a maze of corridors and stairwells, each step bringing them closer to the heart of the operation.

Finally, they arrived at a heavily guarded chamber, its entrance flanked by two imposing figures. With a nod from the figure beside him, the guards stepped aside, allowing them entry into the chamber beyond.


As Hayashi entered the chamber, his attention was immediately drawn to the enigmatic figure at its center. Despite his frail appearance, there was an undeniable aura of power that emanated from him

His piercing gaze bore into Hayashi, as if peering into the depths of his soul with unnerving precision.

"Hayashi," his voice boomed, resonating with a commanding authority that brooked no argument.

"Welcome to the heart of the Root. I have been expecting you."

Hayashi felt the weight of the figure's gaze, like a physical force pressing down on him, as he stood before the leader of the ninjas that had brought him here.


With a wave of his hand, the figure signaled for the ninjas to withdraw, leaving him and Hayashi alone in the dimly lit chamber.

"Allow me to introduce myself," he began, his voice carrying the weight of authority that commanded obedience.

"I am Shimura Danzo, leader of the Root."


Hayashi nodded, his expression guarded as he took in the figure before him. He knew of Danzo's influence, aware of his reputation for ruthlessness and cunning.

But now, standing face to face with the man himself, Hayashi couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension, his curiosity piqued.

As he faced Danzo, a thought crossed Hayashi's mind — should he eliminate this powerful figure? The idea lingered, tempting him with the prospect of gaining points for his template.

However, he quickly dismissed it. The result of such an action would be immense, potentially sparking a conflict that could engulf the entire village.

Despite his growing strength, he was not reckless nor did he seek needless violence.


With his power already at Kage level, Hayashi knew he possessed the strength to engage Danzo in combat. Yet, the prospect of facing not only Danzo but also the forces of Konoha posed a formidable challenge.

He wasn't willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent civilians or jeopardize the stability of the village for some points.

After all, Danzo hadn't posed any direct threat to him or his loved ones yet.

Taking a deep breath, Hayashi reminded himself to exercise caution. The time for action would come, but rushing into a confrontation now would only lead to more harm than good. 


With a silent resolve, Hayashi pushed aside his impulse for immediate action. He would wait for the opportune moment.

Perhaps Danzo could unwittingly become a pawn in a larger game.

Until then, he would continue to observe, and to prepare himself for the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead.

"I am well aware of your exploits, Hayashi," Danzo continued, his voice laced with a hint of satisfaction.

"Your skills are impressive, but they are shackled by the confines of the light. The world of shinobi is a dark and unforgiving place. Only those who dare to embrace its shadows can truly understand its depths."


The chamber seemed to shrink, suffocated by the weight of Danzo's words. He spoke of a reality where morality was a fleeting concept, where survival demanded a willingness to tread the murky paths of deception and sacrifice.

"But make no mistake," Danzo continued, his voice growing colder.

"Root exists not for its own sake, but for the preservation of Konoha. We are the guardians of its darkest truths, the silent protectors who do what must be done, no matter the cost."


"I have summoned you here, Hayashi, because I believe that you possess the strength and resolve to serve Konoha in ways that others cannot," Danzō declared, his voice resonating with unwavering conviction.

"I offer you the chance to become not just a shinobi, but a harbinger of our village's salvation. Will you seize this opportunity, and walk the path of shadows with us?"


Hayashi remained composed in the face of Danzo's offer.

"I appreciate the offer," he declared, his voice ringing with defiance.

"But I have no interest in joining your organization, Lord Danzo. I choose to walk in the light."

Danzo's demeanor shifted, his eyes narrowing with a blend of frustration and barely contained fury.

"Foolish sentimentality," he hissed, the venom in his voice betraying years of concealed ambition.


Danzo's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin.

"Refusal is not an option," he replied, his tone laced with a dangerous edge.

"The Root serves Konoha, and those who stand in its way will be dealt with accordingly."

"You will join us, willingly or by force. The choice is yours."

Before Hayashi could respond, a group of Root ninjas emerged from the shadows, their weapons drawn and ready for battle. With a swift motion, they lunged forward, their movements swift and precise as they closed in on their target.


But to Hayashi's surprise, Danzo raised a hand to halt their advance.

"Not yet," he commanded, his voice echoing through the chamber.

"I know that you are only a shadow clone," Danzo continued, his voice cutting through the silence like a blade slicing through the night.

"But your purpose remains the same. You must let your original know that sometimes, darkness is the only option to protect what truly matters."


With those ominous words, Hayashi sensed danger creeping closer. Yet, instead of evading the strike, he allowed himself to be struck, his lips curling into a subtle smile as he watched the kunais raining down upon him.

As the smoke cleared, Danzo's voice echoed through the chamber once more, a sinister undertone underscoring his words.

"You will come to understand," Danzo spoke, his voice dripping with certainty.

"In the end, darkness always prevails."