
Chapter 63 - Who are You? (2)

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

"I was told that he's here to meet me," Juho said to Nam Kyung as he struggled to understand the situation.

'Did you tell him who you are?' he asked with his eyes, and Juho nodded lightly.

At that, Nam Kyung's face lightened up. He had been hoping for a film adaptation and to work with Sang Young. Though it had been a bit sudden, the situation wasn't entirely undesirable.

As Nam Kyung and Sang Young greeted each other, Juho remembered what he had heard about Sang Young in the past. 'A baby bird,' that had been the description, 'a baby bird that was about to soar up to the sky.' Juho looked at him.

With his untidy beard, curly hair, and dusty jeans, his appearance was far from that of a baby bird.

"Now, should we go inside? We have a meeting room in the office."

"Sounds good. I was just about to think that it was hopeless when you turned me down without hesitation."