
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Master Leran (Part 2)

Morgantus and Fediluv looked around to see a large open book floating around. The pages were covered in tiny scripts and drawings.

"Is that the spellbook of a Wizard Master?", asked a student nearby.

"No, that is the spellbook of a young wizard who was trying to learn magic.

The boy did not understand the magic that was contained in the spells written in the book. He was a failure.", a deep voice said, seemingly coming from all around them.

Morgantus and Fediluv jumped back and turned to try and find the source of the voice.

A man wearing black robes appeared out of nowhere and stepped forward. He had an unkempt beard and wore a wide grin on his face.

"That's why I'm here to teach you how to use magic properly. It's important to learn the basics of magic before moving on to advanced magic. Do you not agree?" he asked with a smile.

Morgantus and Fediluv could feel the powerful aura radiating off of the man. He was obviously a powerful mage, yet he didn't seem to be conceited or arrogant.

"Yes sir," Morgantus answered.

"Good!", the man said as he continued staring at them. It felt like he could see straight through them.

Morgantus and Fediluv glanced at each other in confusion before turning back to look at the stranger.

"You two are the ones I need to speak with. You must be Morgantus and Fediluv. Follow me, follow me."

Morgantus and Fediluv followed the strange man into a meeting room where they found themselves surrounded by a group of professors, including Headmaster Rekin.

"You're the ones who had visions of doom. Please come closer."

The man gestured towards the centre of the circle and everyone moved away to make a space for them in the middle.

"Please tell me what happened in the vision. What did you see and hear?", the strange man asked.

Morgantus took a deep breath and began to recount the events. The others listened attentively without interrupting him.

"Thank you for telling us everything that happened in the vision. I will now explain the true nature of the vision.", the strange man said.

"The vision you experienced was a warning. It shows the possibility of what might happen if no action is taken to stop it.

The reason you and the other people in Orlania can experience this vision is because of your potential.", he said.

Morgantus was relieved that the vision was only a warning. But what kind of warning was transmitted to the minds of people around the country?

"Your power lies within the realm of Eternal Magic. The magic that mages and scholars have strived to learn for centuries.

However, your current abilities are similar to a small child playing with a loaded crossbow. A single mistake can result in death.", the man continued.

"This is where the magic university of Orlania steps in. Currently, the magic university is taking in all of those who have had visions of doom for all ages.

The goal is to train them against whatever was warned about in those visions, for Orlania to survive the visions and avoid the tragedy you all witnessed.

We are going to take you through the process of training to try to learn Eternal Magic." The man took a brief pause as he walked up to Morgantus and Fediluv.

"I am the one that is going to take you there. The name is Leran.", he said.

"I want to be sure that you fully comprehend the gravity of this situation. This is not a game. Those who have the potential to become Eternal Masters are extremely rare.

Most of the Eternal Masters are also the strongest beings on this plane. Some are even capable of transcending reality itself. In short, they are gods among men. It is a great honour to be chosen as one of these people.

But please remember that being selected does not guarantee success. Only with hard work and talent can one become one of these Eternal Masters." The man paused and stared straight at Morgantus and Fediluv.

"I can promise you that the path ahead of you is extremely difficult. It requires more effort than any of you have ever put in before, and there is a good chance that many of your comrades may die along the way."

"Wait, die?!", Morgantus was startled.

"Yes. Even those who are already strong enough to master Eternal magic are still at risk of dying. As you already have seen these awful visions, the luxury of time may be gone. So, hurry and get ready to leave immediately."

Morgantus was shocked. He had barely been home for a single day and he already had to leave again. How would his parents take the news…?

Morgantus and Fediluv quickly split and both of them soon arrived at their own homes.

"Mother, Father. I have to leave-", Morgantus didn't get to finish before his Father and Mother seemingly appeared from nowhere and joined forces to give him an airtight hug.

His mother was crying. His father was smiling.

"We know that we can't keep you safe forever. And we also realize the dangers of magic. Headmaster Rekin came here after you left for the academy.", his father said.

"But this place has always been your home since you were born! It's the only thing you've known. To suddenly lose it all and become a target just because of some prophecy...we don't think its fair...". His mother burst into tears.

"Mom, it's just a warning, not a prophecy. I promise I'll stay safe. I will return safely. Besides, there are probably vacations so I'll be able to visit you often.", Morgantus said as his mother tightened her hold on him.

"But...", his mother sniffed.

"I'll be fine. I've got Fediluv with me and I'll make other friends there too. The teachers won't be bad either. I won't be alone. I love you, Mom. I'll be back soon."

Morgantus hugged his mother tightly as she cried softly into his shoulder.

"I'll be back. Don't worry.", he said.