
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Magic (Part 1)

The four of them made their way to the classroom as everyone else continued walking past them towards their classrooms.

Morgantus looked around the classroom to find that it was not particularly crowded as there were still empty seats available at some of the tables. It was unlike most of the other classes that they had gone past so far.

The room itself was dimly lit by the candle lamps that were placed on several of the tables and some lanterns were lit around the room too, casting a soft glow on everyone's faces.

Several chandeliers had been placed around the room, creating a nice ambience in the room.

As Morgantus looked around the room, he could see many different elves and some humans and gnomes here and there too.

There were even a couple of dwarves in the class too.

It seemed to be a lot more diverse than the one that Morgantus had attended back at home.

Since elves were naturally more attuned to magic, usually they were the ones attending the magic academies.

Most of the other races would have to take some kind of additional special course before they could even attend such a magic academy or university.

Morgantus had a feeling that he was going to enjoy this place.

He felt like he could make new friends here easily, just like he had done with Ragnar and Nino so far.

"Okay everyone, welcome to your first day of class!", a soft voice said from the front of the room.

Everyone looked up to see that the person who had spoken was a young-looking elf boy with short blond hair and glasses.

Morgantus was surprised as he realized that the boy from earlier was the teacher that they were supposed to meet today.

The elf boy smiled shyly as he looked out over the students, "My name is Lorelin, and you can call me Professor Lorelin.

My job as your instructor is to teach you everything you need in order to learn magic in this institution. This will be a basic introduction to magic theory and magic practice for beginners since there are some accepted for special reasons.", he said, giving a knowing look to everyone in the class.

Everyone was quiet at once as they tried to listen to what the teacher had to say.

"Magic itself is the ability to manipulate things that we can't normally perceive with our bodies or minds.

That includes the elements and their properties, spirits, mana, material things and even souls.

"But in order to use magic, one needs to have at least a basic understanding of the nature of these things. And that starts here.", Lorelin said as he continued to speak.

Lorelin walked closer to the front of the class and reached out his hands to the air above him.

Slowly, a faint light appeared between Lorelin's palms and began to grow larger. As it did so, the room filled with a soft, gentle glow as the students in the class looked up at Lorelin in awe.

As the light grew even stronger, it transformed into what looked like a transparent ball that floated between Lorelin's hands.

"This is mana.", he said.

The light within the ball began to cast rays of light into the air around the room, making the students gasp in wonderment before dissolving into nothingness.

"This is magic.", Morgantus thought to himself as he stared in awe at Lorelin's magic. At the magic academy in Teckleville, magic was rarely used.

Since they focused more on academics than on magic, they only offered basic knowledge of magic to the students. But, none of them were allowed to practice it.

Even if they wanted to learn truly to use magic and wished for an instructor, they weren't even told where they could find one or who would teach them.

So the learning of magic was left for the more privileged ones.

He was looking forward to getting started and learning from this professor's teachings.

"So, what do you all think of magic?" Lorelin asked as he looked out over the class, "I know that most of you have seen magic before. Some of you may even have experienced it already."

As he spoke, Lorelin raised his right hand into the air and held it there.

Slowly, a tiny spark of light appeared between his fingers and then expanded into a small fireball.

"As you can see, there is a certain amount of control that you need to have when using magic.", Lorelin said as he slowly moved his hand to the left and right.

"You need to be able to control it and direct it where you want it to go. You'll be able to learn just how to control your magic with practice!"

The rest of the lecture proceeded as Lorelin taught the students everything that they needed to know about magic theory and magic practice.

By the end of the lecture, the students were all completely exhausted with all of the information that they had learned that day. They were all eager for their next classes.

But before they headed for the dorms for the day, Lorelin gave them individual lessons.

Each student was taken aside by Lorelin and shown how to draw out their mana for the first time.

For some, this was the first time that they had ever experienced using magic on their own. For others, they had not realized that they had magical potential until then.

It involved drawing out one's mana from its storage. If one is capable of doing that, then one would be able to use magic he explained.

Morgantus looked toward the ground and began to concentrate. He felt his mana start to flow from his core and outwards as he directed it along his body.

As he did so, he could feel his mana begin to swirl in his palms, growing brighter and stronger as he controlled it.

After a few moments, he managed to hold his mana in both his hands before directing it outwards.

A faint glow spread around his wrists as they started glowing blue before turning a shade of green and fading away completely.

Morgantus' eyes widened slightly at what had happened.