
The Great Path of Eternal Magic

A lone carriage made its way down the road. Its destination? Teckleville. A small town, with no real importance in the grand scheme of things in a world where magic is everything. Upon arrival though, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Morgantus as the young boy sets on the great and painful path of learning magic. Join Morgantus on his journey to discover Eternal Magic! (Getting added to RR soon under the same username!)

ohshi · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Fediluv’s Vision (Part 3)

Morgantus stepped forward, taking hold of Fediluv's arm and pulling her close to him.

"There was also a storm that hit Teckleville during our vision and destroyed the city. It took out the academy as well.", Morgantus added as he stared hard at the headmaster.

The headmaster paused for a second in thought, and then suddenly broke out laughing loudly.

"Oh, that is nothing. Nothing at all. Teckleville has been in existence for centuries and the academy is a relatively new building itself. So it can withstand a bit of wind and rain."

Morgantus scowled, "No. This is different. The academy disappeared entirely and there was a huge crater where it used to stand."

The headmaster looked at Morgantus for a moment and then burst out in laughter once more.

"Ah, that's a good joke. Now if you'll excuse me, I got real things to do and you probably have classes as well. Have fun with your friends.", he said.

He waved his hand dismissively in their direction, but the two didn't move until he looked away from them.

"Come on." Morgantus grabbed Fediluv's wrist firmly. "Let's leave and talk to the other teachers about this later."

Fediluv nodded quietly as she followed behind Morgantus' lead. He led her out of the office and closed the door softly behind them.

"You know how the Headmaster usually is…"

The hallways were quiet as usual; most people had already left to start their lessons or work in the fields.

Fediluv felt a strange sensation within herself that she couldn't quite put words to, like a heavy weight pressing down upon her heart. Her stomach churned in anxiety and fear.

Morgantus noticed how shaken she looked and decided not to say anything about the vision they had just experienced. He knew that Fediluv was still struggling to understand what happened.

Morgantus tried to keep a cheerful mood, hoping to cheer her up and help lift her spirits. "Hey, why don't we go grab breakfast together? Maybe it'll give us a chance to relax."

"Yes," she replied in agreement. She looked at her friend with a grateful expression. "That sounds nice."

They made their way down the hallway towards the dining hall where many students gathered to eat and socialize between meals and class periods.

The smell of cooking meat wafted through the air, and Morgantus could hear muffled conversations echoing off of the stone walls around them.

"Mmmm... What's that delicious smell?" Fediluv asked as she sniffed the air. "It smells wonderful."

Morgantus grinned at her, and he rubbed his hands eagerly. "I bet it tastes even better than it smells."

Fediluv laughed at Morgantus' enthusiasm as he pulled her along to follow the enticing aroma. Soon enough they found themselves in the large kitchen of the school cafeteria.

A dozen cooks were busy preparing food in various ways to feed hungry students throughout the day.

The air was thick with steam and smoke, but Morgantus and Fediluv ignored the heat as they moved deeper into the crowded room.

"Hey, guys! Over here!" shouted one of the chefs who spotted them. "We saved you a place at the table.", he motioned with a ladle as he spoke, pointing at a small round wooden table that was empty except for a plate of fruit sitting in its centre.

"Thanks," Morgantus replied gratefully. He sat down next to his friend and took a bite of a juicy red apple.

"This is so yummy.", Morgantus commented, his mouth half-full as he chewed slowly. The sweet taste of the freshly picked apple filled his mouth.

He savoured every last drop and swallowed before speaking again. "It's perfect for the first meal before a long day of studying."

"I agree. This is really good stuff," Fediluv agreed, her cheeks stuffed full with slices of fresh melon.

"This one is a favourite among my family. It has the right amount of sweetness to satisfy one's appetite without being too bland."

Morgantus took another big bite. "Yeah, this is great." He smiled happily as he watched the headmaster walk past their table on his way somewhere else in the academy in a rush.

"I wonder if there will be any new magic books today?"

Fediluv turned to look at him curiously.

"What? You know, the ones with all of their pages torn out and replaced by blank paper that's actually invisible ink.", he continued.

Fediluv frowned slightly, confused. "Why would anyone want to do that? We can't use magic in the school anyways."

"Who knows. But there is no point in thinking about it now because we have a new mission for the day.

We're going back to class and finding something interesting to read in the library afterwards. That should be easy since it's always full of books. Let's get started!"

Morgantus and Fediluv walked side by side to their classroom. As they entered the room, the teacher who taught this particular subject stopped talking to stare at them.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't realize you two came in late for class", she said sarcastically as she gestured towards the chairs in front of her desk. "Please take a seat."

The pair exchanged glances as they settled down in front of the desk. The professor seemed to notice Fediluv's odd behaviour and furrowed her brow in curiosity.

"Did something happen? Are you alright?" she inquired, concerned.

"Well… Yes and no." Morgantus answered as he shook his head and retold the events in the vision.

"The city was destroyed, but it wasn't due to an attack. It was a storm of some sort that struck Teckleville during our vision and caused everything to get destroyed including the academy building itself."

He paused briefly to catch his breath before continuing with what Headmaster Rekin said.