
The Great One Explores the Multiverse

Some guy dies during the COVID-19 epidemic unknowingly and got to meet a god who took pity on the young human who died and gave each one three choices of either to go to heaven, go through reconciliation, or spin the wheel of fortune that will give a new fate for whoever spins it.

WizPThief · Video Games
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12 Chs

Ch 3

It's been three days since Gabriel merged the sea bay village with the dream realm he based on Bloodborne that allowed him to can create the foundation for a new kingdom he plans to run.

So far the kingdom is peaceful under Carmilla rule as for the population is made up of a small margin of normal humans who are brainwashed not remembering their lives before entering the reality merge dream realm while the rest of the population is dreamed up by Gabriel to fill the population of the city but sadly they are not real so they can't leave the territory of the dream realm unless they want to disappear but they were temporary as when the actual human population rises they will slowly disappear until they are no longer needed.

So far Gabriel is still in the initial part of his plan as he only had made the foundation for a kingdom and it still missing many things but as it is still in the starting states of its existence and that it will take time for Gabriel's plans to proceed he wasn't worried and he was focusing on making four pillars for the kingdom as he waits for the right time to move on with his plans.

The kingdom's four pillars will be made up of the nobility, the clergy, the workshops, and the scholars.

The nobility pillar will mostly follow other countries' nobility system but the members will be made up of coldblood that Carmilla had appointed as she has full control over them as their Queen and their progenitor. The nobility will be in charge of governing the people, lawmaking, and the safety of the country.

The clergy pillar will follow the Catholic system with all high ranking members and recommend people be able to turn into Blood Saints. The clergy pillar is also the spiritual leader of the kingdom and will be in charge of the clinics, orphanages, and asylums.

The workshops pillar will be a unique pillar as it will be made out of many different Hunters Workshops who have their own ideals and type of work they do in the kingdom and to make sure all workshops work well together they will be overviewed by a counsel of selected Hunters chosen by the other three pillars.

The scholar's pillar will mostly be in charge of educating the people, keeping track of the kingdom's history, research, and keeping all important documents safe and account for.

Gabriel now was looking for people to fill in the leadership role for the remaining three pillars as he already made their foundation with dreamed up people running them but he needs actual people to run them as dreamed up people act like NPC when they enter into a difficult situation.

As Gabriel was looking for suitable people a person dress in a hooded robe had entered the dream realm territory and started to walk to where the village used to be.

Once the person reached the area where there was a long path leading to the village he was stun to find a huge city was now on top of the path that used to be there and by looking how big and tall the building are he can only guess he's at one the edges of the city not knowing how big the city is.

Not knowing what to do the person walked into the city finding the architecture was odd and new to him and looking around he found the people walking around with strange weapons on them and that gave him an uneasy feeling like if he did anything wrong it will only take one of them to kill him.

As he was aimlessly walking around a passerby saw him and called out to him seeing how the man was lost.

"Hey, young man you don't look like you come from here are you lost?" Passerby

Hearing a man ask him if he was lost the person answered him awkwardly to show embarrassment but he still holds some vigilance in his voice as he can't act suspicious now or the people wielding weapons might attack him.

"Haha, yes, I seem to lose. I was heading to my home village after a faultless hunt and it seems that I might have taken a wrong turn somewhere can you tell me where I am?" Man

The passerby hearing his respond gave him a once over and not fining any hunting gear let alone a knife he felt like something isn't right but didn't put too much thought into it as the young man in front of him probably hunts with traps and does need any hunting gear to check on them and even if the young man in front of him had any bad intentions he doesn't need to worry as many Hunters are patrolling the city so he doesn't really have to worry if anything goes wrong as one of the Hunters will stop it.

"Young man you're in the Old Yharnam district of Yharnam. I'm guessing you came from Yahar'gul, Unseen Village seeing how it's the nearest village to Old Yharnam." Passerby

Hearing the passerby the person didn't know how to respond as he never heard of Yharnam let alone Yahar'gul so how could he be from there but not wanting to be any more suspicious than he already is he agreed with the man statement.

"Yes, I'm from Yahar'gul. Do you know the way back?" Man

Hearing the young man question the passerby shook his head side to side as he answered him.

"Sorry, I can't I have to go to work but you can go to the nearest carriage outpost and get a ride to Yahar'gul but you'll have to pay for a ride unless someone can give you a lift for free." Passerby

After giving the young man advice the passerby pointed to an area as he was taking his leave.

"Just go over there and you'll see a building at the corner with at least four to six carriages surrounding it. Good luck young man and goodbye." Passerby

After getting the instructions to a carriage outpost the young man left to the building where he found a man offering rides for 80 echoes per hour.

Hearing the coachman he walked up to him and got him to take him to Yahar'gul.

Once the carriage started to move the young man sat on the bench behind the coachman and started to talk to him to try to get information from him.

"Hey friend I haven't been in the city for a while can you tell me any interesting news that might have happened." Man

Hearing his passenger starting a conversation with him the coachman started to talk as it will help pass the time.

"Okay, hmm, oh it seems that the Healing Church is about to get a new Pontiff, and Byrgenwerth is now looking for a Headmaster while the Cainhurst nobles are asking for new leadership in the Workshop Council. Oh, poor Queen Cainhurst she has a lot of work to do but thankfully none of the problems are too major and no public discord will occur because of them." Coachman

Hearing the coachman the young man was still confused and ask for more information.

"Sorry, but can you go into more detail on what you're talking about?" Man

"Oh, it seems like you won't lying about not being in the city for a while. The old Pontiff is sick dying of old age if you ask me and the Healing Church is looking for candidates to succeed him right now. As for Byrgenwerth, the old headmaster wants to retire saying now that his old friend Pontiff Albert is leaving his post he should do the same. And for the Workshop Council, it's nearing the time when it's membership changes and from what I heard some of the Cainhurst nobles want to rush it to curry favor with some of it's old and possible new members, it's all political if you ask me nothing us common should worry about." Coachman

After getting a more in-depth explanation the young man then started to talk once more before asking a question to verify the information about the village he was looking was near this area.

"Oh, I hear you we shouldn't be worrying that doesn't involve us. If anything happens I should just move to another village if needed." Man

"Haha, I hear yea there brother but it shouldn't go that far anytime soon." Coachman

"Haha, I know that but I just want to be prepared. Oh, now that I think about it I don't you know any other village around here, do you have a recommendation you know if you had to move to one." Man

"Hmmm, well you're from Yahar'gul a trading hub so any other village would be a downgrade if you ask me. As for the only other villages around the area, they are Curfew the village in the Forbidden Woods, the Fishing Hamlet near Yahar'gul, and Hemwick on Hemwick Charnel Lane. If I was you I wouldn't go to Curfew as the Forbidden Woods are crawling with Beasts so unless you are a Hunter or with one don't go there. The only good thing about Curfew is the fact it's a midway point between Byrgenwerth and Yharnam. As for the Fishing Hamlet, it is what it is so if you love seafood the Fishing Hamlet is for you. I'm sure there's a road leading to the Fishing Hamlet in Yahar'gul so it's the nearest village to your own home. Now for Hemwick I personally recommended it as it's a peaceful farming village and it's near Cainhurst Castle making the order and safety of the village better than the others. Also, who knows, you might get the attention of a Noble Lady if you stay there long enough." Coachman

Hearing the coachman talk about all the village the young man know understood now that all the villages around this area don't fit the description of the village he needed to go to make him think he got lost or got incorrect directions, either way, he needed to go home to report he found a dangerous country ruled by muggles so they can stay away from it for now.

As the young man and the coachman are moving to Yahar'gul Gabriel was done looking for people and turned his attention to thee, young man, for a moment before ignoring him as he saw him as nothing important before he started to wait for an opportunity to contact the three people he had chosen to fill in the leadership rules of the three remaining pillars of the kingdom.