
The Great Magic Era

In the world of Aureum there are 3 main continents, the vast Verdant, the ancient Antana and the land of gods, Midrass. Since the fall of the ancient elven empire of Lefheim 5000 years ago, the once unified continent of Verdant was now fractured in many nations, all in constant war with one another, where only the strong can carve it's own place amongst the victors, leaving the weak to be forgoten, only to be found as footnotes in the books of history. "Chronicles Of The Broken Sword - Gladius Relicta 2534 h.c.".

blacheaven · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Drastic Measures

"A terrorist attack, you say?"

Right now in prince's Felix study, a soldier who claims to be coming by order of Baron Loufus, from the city of Augusta is kneeling. He'd just brought the Baron's emergency message, saying that the city is under the attack of terrorists, and that he needs help.

(Just when the war is about to end, this suddenly happens? I don't belive this incident somehow isn't related)

(Who was it? The anti-royal faction among the nobles, or the Dynasty's scheme?)


(No! Think about it! It's probably the latter. Although these nobles want to overthrow father, they wouldn't risk putting their benefits and the integrity of the whole country).

As silence pervaded the room, Prince Felix was deep in thought.

The atmosphere in the room was suffocating as both Dom and Gauss were wearing somber expressions in their faces.

"I order you to explain the current situation Augusta" eventually Felix broke the silence as he ordered the soldier.

"Yes, your highness".

"One hour prior, was when the first attack began. Suddenly, reports of violent individuals attacking the shops in the comercial district came to the city guards quarters, under orders from the captain soon squads of guards were dispatched with instructions to locate them and apprehend them" while still kneeling, the soldier started describing from the begining.

Apparently, once the ones causing unrest were arrested, they were then escorted to the prision in the city guards headquarters, where they planned to interrogate them. But soon enough, reports describing simmilar cases started coming from all over Augusta. Noticing the strangeness of the situation, the captain of the guards informed the Baron, that after hearing it, decided to mobilize the whole troops available in the city, ordering a temporary martial law.

But before the Baron's orders were implemented, from the comercial district, the city square, the urban district and even the city guards headquarters.....




From different locations through the city big sounds of explosion simultaniously went off, leaving countless deaths and destruction in their wake.

The attack was tu sudden, not even lord Loufus could have predicted.

Watching the trail of destruction, and fearing another simmilar attack, the baron ordered one of the soldiers to send a message to the fortress, requesting help.


"I understand, the situation is indeed more serious than i thought" said Felix after hearing the soldier's recount.

"I'll send help!"

"Your highness! You shouldn't, sending help would mean weakening Dragon Pass" said Gauss, firmly opposing the Prince decision.

"I don't plan to turn a blind eye, if that's what you're asking me to do!" Said Felix, looking directly at Gauss

"I said i will send help, and that's what i am going to do"

"But your hi-"

"Say no more, Gauss. I've made up my mind" before Gauss could said anything, Felix interrupted him, using a firm tone, and leaving no room for discussion.

"Now" Prince Felix then got up from his seat and said:

"Dom, you'll be in charge of gathering the troops, around a 100 men should be enough, don't forget ro also pick a couple of healers from the mages"

"... Yes, your highness!" Dom remained silent for a couple of seconds before casting a meaningful gaze at Gauss while he leaved the room.

"We're short on time. It is unknown if the terrorists have something else planned or even what is their real objective" Felix made his way from behind the desk up to the center of the room.

"For now this is all the help i can send without compromising the fortress defense" while looking at the soldier he asked:

"What's your name, soldier?"

"My name is Alem Sternn, your highness!" Said the soldier, still kneeling on the ground.

"Sternn? That's a peculiar last name!" Said Felix in surprise.

"My family are descendants of inmigrants from Vrizz, sir" answered the soldier, not daring to look directly at Felix eyes.

"So the fallen country of Vizz, huh? Very well, you'll be going with the help I've prepared for the Baron's, you can leave when the troops are ready" said Felix.

"Gauss! Please send him out" ordered Felix as he made his way back to his desk.

"Please this way" said Gauss to Alem, signaling him the exti. Then Alem stood up, bowed in direction to Felix and exited the room.

"What do you think Gauss? This seems like a distraction. Will they attack Dragon Pass?" Asked Felix with a worried expresion.

While slightly distracted, Gauss pondered for a second before answering:

"All traces seem to indicate so. First the attacks in Augusta, leavind death and injured not only from among the normal citizens but also the City guards. Then there's us sending help and weakening our forces. It appears to be premeditated!"


"... Indeed, i thought so too" Felix replied, before sinking in his thoughts.

(If they launch an attack now of all times, it just goes to show that the Dynasty is willing to take their recent loss while lying down).

(What's more, if they successfully take down the fortress, theyll be dealing a heavy blow to the country).

(But, if an attack is what they're planning, how are they gonna go about it?).

(A large scale siege is out of the question. I don't belive that they have the means to smuggle a large amount of troops through foreging soil, and without enough numbers, taking the fortress down in a direct assault is nothing short of suicide).

"Unless... Gauss! Let's go!" Said Felix suddenly as if he just discovered something.

"I've got an announcement to make, call all the troops, and then relay my orders to those in the middle and lower sections".

while uploading this Chapter, I've already finished the manuscript for the last chap of the 2 volume, it took me longer than i originally thought it would.

squeezing my brain for his juice every day, while writting chapters, didn't actually help me write them faster, but instead maked them even longer, so there's gonna be a lot of double releases in the next couple of weeks.

well that's all i have to say. peace.

blacheavencreators' thoughts