

She could not understand who or what she was. After her mother's death,she turned vengeful and started seeking revenge against her enemies. A book filled with hatred, betrayal, love and romance.

STlizzy203 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


As Anna was walking, she hitted her foot against the bump that Isabella made on the stairs. Which caused her to tumble and roll down the stairs,when she finally stopped,she looked nasty. Her hair that took time to doll up was scattered, her dress wrinkled and her face looked smudged because of the makeup that cleaned when she fell. She was a complete mess. Her face was red, from both anger and embarrassment.

Some of the servants, that were passing by, took to their heels and left while trying their best not to laugh. Isabella snickered when she saw how embarrassed her step-sister was. She used her magic to make the bump she made earlier disappear, then she turned around and headed to her mother's room.

Meanwhile, Anna was furious.

"Who pushed me!!?"She asked furiously.

One of her maids came to help her up,and she said. " Your highness,no one pushed you,you tripped over the bump on the stairs, it's right there...."The maid paused when she saw that the place she saw the bump, a while ago was completely smooth,as if the bump was never there.

"Your highness,I swear I saw a bump on the stairs just now" the maid said with a look of disbelief on her face.

Anna took her scepter, from her purse and waved it over her head. Soon a white light enveloped her and then it disappeared. She looked brand new after using her scepter to fix her appearance. She then looked at the maid with rage.

"Where is the bump, I don't see anything there." Anna said

"Your highness, I swear I saw the bump right (PAK)."

Anna slapped the maid across her face.

"You wretched slave, you still have the audacity to lie, there's clearly no bump there, or is there?"

She asked facing her entourage.

"No, your highness."Her entourage choursed.

"I know, you were the one that pushed. argh you measly being, how dare you.!!"

"Lock her up in the under ground dungeon." Anna said to her guards, and they did as they were told.

"Let's go"She said to her remaining entourage who followed her and left with her to her tea party.

Meanwhile Isabella went to her mother's room.


" Who is it?" Mira (Isabella's mother) said.

"Your majesty,her highness princess Isabella, is here to meet you, should I let her in?" The guard stationed in front of the room asked.

"Let her in ."

"Hello mother,how are you doing today?"