
The blood feud

A man is seen holding a woman in his arms as he walks up the mountain. The man is holding a sword in his hand and blood could be seen dripping from the sword in his hand. Behind him the sounds of horses neighing could be heard. It could be said that the man was now tired as he had been chased for a very long time. The woman in the man's arms was now unconscious while the man was barely hanging on. The man's name is Sunny while the woman is called Nephis. The both of them are citizens of Twilight city which was now engulfed in flames of war.

Sunny and Nephis had carved out a path of blood for themselves yet they were now on a dead end and Nephis had sacrificed herself to help Sunny escape yet they were unable to help themselves. As the sounds of the horses drew near Sunny knew that his time was about to come so he hurriedly hid Nephis in one of the bushes and casted a spell to hide her before clearing all the nearby traces of her. The spell he casted costed him quite a lot as he had used his blood essence to cast the spell which further aggravated his wounds. He then took the sword and stood at the middle of the road and stood there with his sword unsheathed as he waited for those who were pursuing them.

"Sunny,Sunny, are you finally out of breath? Where is your little lover?" One of the men asked . The people who were pursuing them were only three but they were very strong that even Sunny wasn't sure he could handle them.

"Modet, things have already reached this far why don't you let us go?"

"Is that you begging me or ?"

"Take it however you want. I don't wanna fight with you guys so why don't we call it a day and let everyone go his separate way?" Sunny said with a smile as he stared at Modet.

"I have pursued you all the way to this place why should I give up at this point?" Modet asked as he stared at Sunny. His eyes then lit up as he realised that Sunny's aura had plummeted and he was obviously weaker at this point.

"Sunny,Sunny ,what have you done? You are already so weak that I can't bear to kill you. Why don't you kill yourself and I might consider your offer?" Modet said with a smile.

"Don't you dare go too far Modet or else...."

"Oh!Or else what? You already have a foot at the grave what can you do to me?" Modet asked. Sunny sighed softly as his aura rose sharply to his peak.

Even a cornered beast would make a last ditch to save itself let alone Sunny. He decided to burn his blood essence so as to fight Modet.Even though he was bound to die he chose to die with honour rather than kill himself like a coward because of a few words from Modet.

"Your aura is obviously weak even after burning your blood essence,why is that?" Modet asked with a puzzled expression.

Suddenly his expression changed as he seemingly realised something.

"Why Sunny? We've been friends for so long you could've just handed her to us rather than using that thing on her," Modet said with a sigh.

"If you considered me one you could've withdrawn."

"Was it worth it using that technique on her? You've only pushed yourself to your grave."

"Enough nonsense. Since you've refused to listen then let's fight,"Sunny said as he leapt forward with a kick while rotating midair.

Modet had already prepared himself so the moment Sunny attacked him he used his hands to defend himself. He was pushed back from the horse while Sunny himself was also thrown back upon impact but he stabilised himself midair and assumed a defensive posture as one of Modets subordinate had already lunged himself towards him.

Both figures were thrown back upon impact but Sunny was injured as he spat out a mouthful of blood after stabilizing himself. Modet saw this and laughed wildly as he attacked Sunny. Sunny was trapped in the middle of the three so he was exposed to attacks from all sides. While he defended against one the other two would always try and find an opening so he his injuries were accumulating as the fight went on.

Sunny was determined so he fought with his life on the line as he had no worries.

'Nephis,live well at least for my sake. I will meet you on the other side,' Sunny said inwardly as he made a stabbing gesture towards Modet but he changed the sword's trajectory midway so the sword missed but Modet's sword stabbed him. At the same time the other two also stabbed him simultaneously.

Nephis happened to have woken up at this moment only to see Sunny being stabbed by the trio. Tears gushed out from her eyes like a broken dam as he tried to call Sunny but she soon realised that she was inside a barrier.

She felt as if her heart was being stabbed by a thousand needles which made it hard for her to breathe. As her heart ached, her body seemed to be undergoing a transformation as an aura of an awakening beast spread out from her. She was soon wrapped inside a cocoon which gave off a terrifying aura. Modet seemed to have sensed the aura of an awakening beast and instinctively left the area.

Nephis woke up a few days after but her aura and personality seemed to have undergone a huge transformation as he exuded a strong bloodlust and murderous intent that was very thick. As she stared at the now empty space in front of her tears started overflowing from her face but she wiped them with her hands. The only thing that was left in this vast space was now Sunny's sword but the owner was not there.

Nephis took the sword and cut open her wrist. "I ,Nephis take this blood oath. I shall from today henceforth dedicate my whole life towards destroying Modet no matter the cost. I shall not rest until one of us is dead and everyone involved must pay," Nephis said.

A thunder clap was heard three times before it died down. Nephis stared at the sky and knew that the heavens had accepted her oath and she was now bound by the oath.

"Modet since you took what I valued you must be prepared to pay the price for your actions. Sunny let us meet on the other side when all is done ," Nephis said with a smile as she walked down the mountain after searching for Sunny's corpse but she found nothing so she assumed that Modet took the body.