
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Its Going To Be Fun

"Whose that white-haired guy? he is so handsome." A girl around 15 years old said while looking at a white-haired boy around the same age as him walking through the hall of the academy. everyone's eyes were on him, he was a handsome young man, and by handsome, I meant handsome.

He had the charm that even models would envy, he had snow-white hair and beautiful red eyes. he had on w white jacket that covered his left arm which had a tattoo, with his right hand having a few tattoos that could be seen. He had on black ripped jeans and nice expensive red and white shoes

This guy, even if he were to wear trashy clothing, would still make those clothing look amazing. it would take a lot to make this guy look bad, leading to many males and females being enchanted by him.

"... Thats Sora Phoenix, he is that young master who was disowned because he forced himself on someone." A woman next to the girl said, although her voice was soft, many people heard it, leading everyone to be shocked, and enchanted looks quickly turned into disgust

Yup, I was Sora. the former host of the body forced himself onto many people, but his parents had enough when he was about to do the same to a noble girl, so he was disowned. But the former owner couldn't be blamed.

He was a golden child, loved by everyone growing up. but it changed 8 years ago during their awakening, everyone found out that the once golden child who everyone put their hopes in had trashy talents. his limits would be C rank, and this is a world where SS rank is considered peace.

Growing Up, Sora was smart, learning everyone at a rate that shocked everyone. this caused everyone to be drawn over to him, and spoil him. his presents gave him everything, but this didn't spoil Sora, instead, he remained a bright cheerful kid.

But give a child all that love, and take it back during a moment where they find themselves at their lowest, like finding out their talent was trash, You have a kid who tries to do many things to get that attention back.

He tried being the good son they would love, but it failed. As his other siblings bullied him and mocked him, he began to be bad. even if they get bad at him and yell at him or something after he does something bad, it would mean a part of them loves him... right?

So, he got a tattoo, but his parents didn't care. he drank alcohol at a young age, yet once more his parents didn't care. So, he did drugs, and again his parents ignored his existence. at some point, he just topped caring and wanting their attention and went on to live his life, but after forcing himself on a few people, and almost a noble his parents kicked him out.

Sora was me, the fact Sora could learn and understand so much was because of me without my memory. I made many people cry, before I began seeing Superman as my friend, I saw Batman as my friend. But Batman betrayed me when I dug up his parent's graves and dressed them.

I had Batman tied up while torturing him. The best way to deal with Batman isn't with physical pain but mental torture. so I had him watch me use his parent's bones to sweeten my tea while replaying some of the saddest moments in Batman's life, and some good moments.

Like how I killed and tortured his son, his butler, and many others around him. but it was not all bad, as I killed the Joker out of jealousy. only I can take up the spot in my friend's heart... but Batman snapped and nearly killed me. it was the first time I had ever been so betrayed.

I had Batman experiences and skills. along with many other heroes and villains, Sora also had these experiences and skills, allowing him to seem super smart before everyone's eyes. which he was, as some of the stuff here was not in my former world

I had no problem with people killing me, Superman had killed before, and thats when he was left without another choice. I have a problem with why they kill, Superman killed me in rage, and Batman wanted to kill me in rage as well... thats not a pure hero. A hero should wear a smile through all life changes, and carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. this is why I lived the Flash at first, but he broke easily. At least Flash took the time to sit with a villain and get to the root of a problem, while others threw punches to fix everything.

Anyway, I headed to class while ignoring everything. there were 5 stories to this academy, the first year had the first floor to themselves. on this floor had at least 20 rooms, I was in class 1-A, the best classroom. why? because my score was the highest,

I entered the classroom and saw that there were already many people in there. with a simple look, I realized I knew a good amount of them. they all turned to look to see who was the newcomer, but everyone's face dropped seeing it was me, with a few of them looking at me with a smug look.

I ignored everyone and went to take a seat in the back near the window, but while heading over there, someone wanted to trip me, so I just stepped over. seeing this, the guy clicked his tongue, but I ignored him and took a seat.

right now, I have a few goals. one of them being that, I wanted to join the 7 heroes. but to do so I needed to change the image in everyone's eyes and make them see me in a new light. why did I want to do this? because I wanted to destroy the heroes' images, make the world see them as villains, and have the world turn against them.

Even in death, these heroes couldn't rest and had to come back to life to save the world, It would be a huge blow if the world turned against them. would they still stand strong? Most likely, but even so, I wanted to play with my new friends...

"You don't belong in this class!" A sharp voice sounded next to my seat, causing me to open my eyes to look at the speaker. but my heart skipped a beat at the sight before me. I was looking at a skeleton, I looked around and saw that the whole classroom had become a skeleton, which shocked me.

I rubbed my eyes, and looked around again, only to see everything had gone back to normal, which shocked and confused me. but I quickly recovered and looked at the woman who was speaking to me, I instantly knew who she was

remember when I said the former host tried to force himself on a female noble, This girl here was the friend of that noble. Lisa FireHeart, from the Fireheart family. they were ranked below the 4 noble families, but that didn't mean they should be looked down upon.

I simply ignored her, why? I hear I might try and torture a few people here to see if their screams were different from the screams in the Superman universe. Plus, I had other things to think about. why was I seeing through things? I of course had my thoughts.

I had tortured Superman's son, and I had noticed his skin was much harder than a normal person's. the kid was awakening his dad's powers or it had already awakened and it was growing. I believed I tortured him so well that I might have gained his developing powers. this was... interesting. I was a normal man with the skills to outplay Batman back in my former life, and now adding this? this world was fucked.

I placed my hand over the sun's ray and indeed, I could feel my cells being empowered by the sun's ray, I could even sense that my trashy talent was improving bit by bit. if I could stay in the sun's rays long enough, then I would not only grow stronger, but my talent would improve.

Superman had many abilities, I didn't know if his son had gained all of them or not, but just to list a few of Superman's abilities they were, X-ray vision, Suepr hearing, Super Breath, Freeze breath, Super Speed, Flight, No need for food, water, and Air, nigh-invulnerability and the list went on and on.

Superman could hear things from off planet, thats how sharp his hearing was. when I kidnapped his wife and child, I did so when he was in a battle that needed his full attention, allowing me to get the two.

"I'm speaking to you!" She slammed her palm on my table, while grabbing my shirt, forcing me to look at her. but she froze when she saw the look in my eye, a cold and chilling look.

"Miss Lisa, please do keep your hands to yourself. While you're at it, please watch your words... as your spit is flying all over the place." I said calmly, my eyes chilling to the bone. there were a few things I hated, and that was getting dirty,

I ignored Lisa while dusting off my clothes, and for some time Lisa couldn't speak. that look I just gave her... well, it scared her. it left her paralyzed. but when she came back to her senses and saw how everyone was looking at her, she wanted to say something to regain some face, but she didn't dare.

I killed many people before, not many humans as Suepr amn and other heroes were always there to stop me, but I did leave a few spaceships to explore outer space, where I enjoyed the screams of aliens, I even destroyed a few planets to see how beautiful it would be. the blood on my eyes, was above billions, the amount of killing intent I could give off... let's say it alone had the power to kill weak-willed people

"Why are you shaking?" Lisa's friend asked, causing Lisa to look at herself only to see she was shaking. she opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't. when she looked into my eyes, all she saw was... death. Death had its arms out,

Her friend seeing Lisa's condition grew enraged. She got up and was about to go give Sora a piece of her mind, but Lisa stopped her, which confused her.

"Let's leave him alone." She said softly, Everyone was confused by her actions, people thought they were going to see a show, yet what happened was out of their expectations, A few others walked up to me to try and bully me or something, but I ignored them all, which annoyed them. but when they were about to touch me, a simple glare caused them to freeze, with even a few of them peeing themselves, leading to them running out of the classroom in tears.

after all of this, I was left alone, even the new students who were entering the classroom were warned to stay away from me. it didn't take long for the classroom teacher to enter the classroom, only to frown seeing how quiet the room was. She looked around before shrugging

"Welcome to class 1-A. I will be your teacher for the following academic year. as today is the first day, you all don't have work and instead, I will be going over what I expect from you all, how you would be graded, and what we would be going over." She said calmly before she went on to tell everyone just that.

She would be teaching us everything, from hand-to-hand combat, the basics with every weapon, improving our usage of mana, going over the magic, learning about the many ways to use magic, and so on.

everyone was also given a chance to take extra classes, for example, if you wished to do research into magic and other stuff, you could take an extra class to help you with that. if you wish to be a master in martial arts, there are classes for that. if you wish to learn to cook, there are even classes on that.

we had until the end of the week to pick an extra class, other than that, we were given the chance to wander around the academy, getting used to this new place, and that we did, all but me you began playing with the watched which was handed out to me.

the tech of this world was light years above Earth, just the watch in my hand was like none other. what could it do you ask? it was pretty much a phone, plus a hologram projector. it even had the power to change the way it looks, to better suit you. I had it take on the appearance of a black watch.

it also acted like a storage, able to hold many things within. it was linked to the mind, and with a thought, one could control the watch, having it do just about anything. I played with the watch for some time, but after some time I got bored.

I have seen high tech in my past life, this was something new to me, but I quickly understood it. hell, I bet I could take it apart and rebuild it, given some time, I might be able to create a better one. Anyway, I went on to leave to explore the school, before heading outside where I found I since spotting near a pond to sit at and read a few books I brought with me. it was best I stay away from others, self-control is something I'm good at. but just because I was good at it didn't mean I liked to put myself in a position where I might not be able to help it.

'What would my plan be... to change my image, I need to push the blame for my past actions onto someone else. My parents would be a good one, I could destroy their image, and come off as the person who became a bad child because he wanted some love from his parents, but changed after seeing that his parents were not worth it. I would also need to put my parents in a position where they would slap themselves in the face, and make them look like the bad guys. I could start with my elder sister.' I thought as I looked towards the academy building, my eldest student was a 5th-year student.

She and I were close growing up, but once my talent was trash, she along with everyone else distanced themselves from me. This would be fun, I never played the role of a child looking for love from his parents, and I wonder just how much of a blow I can give my family.