
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


"Alright, that's enough for today... Sora please stay behind I need to speak with you." Jules said calmly, dismissing the classes, All but me stayed back.

After everyone left, Jules sighed while looking at me. She didn't know where to start with me, After the show I had just shown, I was going to become famous, my video was already trending

"What are your goals in life?" She asked confusing me for a moment. I fell into deep thought at her question before shaking my head,

"I guess to make a friend... But Alice already did that. I don't need more friends," I said calmly, making Jules quiet for some time. At least this explains why I have been so close to Alice.

"Well, the reason for these academies is to train everyone to make them ready for the battlefield, the peace we have can only be protected this way. But people with minds as bright as yours are also needed, leading our focus. You have yet to pick an extra class, What do you think about getting into strategies classes, or another form of classes." Jules said calmly, to which I shook my head without a second thought

"My apologies, but I rather stay by my side. Long-distance friendships might make things awkward between us." I said calmly, making Jules frown slightly, but she nodded in the end in slight understanding, before allowing me to leave

'I guess every genus has its quirk. His family is truly foolish, even if he can't fight, his mind alone is something that stands outside realms. A 15-year-old who can outclass every martial arts master. He is on a playing field of his own.' She thought while watching me leave...

*Unable to comprehend his movement... System shutting down.* a robotic female voice sounded before it suddenly went offline, leaving a blonde-haired woman in shock

"This is impossible, its database was overloaded to the point it's speaking in a robotic tone... And now it's shutting down? My baby! If that little brat damages her, I will kill him." she yelled while nearly pulling her hair out of madness

"You can't call it your baby your grandmother was the one who created it." a young man said calmly, only to get a death glare from the woman, which shut him up

"I spent years improving this A.I. The amount of money I spit into its development... Your master will cough up every damn drop of liquid needed to fix anything, damn it... No, I should calm down, I should look at the bright side. I have something new pushing me to make it create. This pressure is what I needed." She said with a deep breath, making the young man take a step back seeing her weird look

"Akane, you need to calm down." The young man said softly, freaked out by the weird look she had. Hearing his words, her glare only glew, making him take more steps backward at a quicker rate

"I need more Data... I will have the atom bots follow him around and collect all his information. I will create a perfect copy of him, Sai quickly get back online." She said while looking at the screen in front of her, With her words, the dark screen came back to life,

"Systems are all back online... Sigh, master, please don't make me scan that guy. His simple movements are filled with many layers of meaning, hard to read that they overwhelmed me, forcing me to shut down." A cute fairy appeared on the screen, to which Akane nodded in understanding

"That means you are not perfect. Send 100 atom bots to spy on him. I want angels from him from every angel. Just record his movement for now, In the future we are going to use them to program a robot to fight him." She said with a cold smile

"Understood. Also, me going offline has caused great trouble around the world. From the looks of things, the many self-driving cars, plans, and other stuff suddenly lost powers. Although the safety measures programmed to everything worked, a few accidents happened. It's safe to say the world would have a not to say about A.I. After after she." She said while pulling up images from all over the world of accidents which happened

This one A.I. Managed the whole world, just going off for a day would send the world into chaos. It was powerful, capable of doing everything around the world all at the same time without lagging or anything of the kind.

This A.I. Was considered the pinnacle of human creations, it's this A.I. That crime rate has dropped, and it's almost impossible to commit a crime with this A.I. around, It has what one might call God's eyes. Seeing the whole world all at once,

You need to track a person down, it could instantly scene through the billions of cameras all over the world to find 1 face. It was so powerful, and that overpowered, no one could hide from god eye

"..." Sora suddenly frowns while going through the news on his watch. My eyes narrowed as I began zooming in to the point where I could barely make out atoms. There he saw a small device enter his room and was looking at it through his hologram which was showing the news.

'Fast, just a moment ago almost everything went offline, yet everything is up and running and I'm even being spied on.' I thought calmly while ignoring the countless bots, some of them even landing me.

They were too small and weighed almost nothing, I couldn't feel them unless I tried to. These things got me thinking if it was some kind of shrink tech or something else. Sighing softly, I closed what I was looking at and went on to sit outside.

I just sat there, bathing in the sunlight. I was not bothered by the fact I was being spied on, this only made it harder for me to do what I wished to do. But it wasn't bad, it would force me to control myself. Something which I lack control of... Although I wonder how long I could last.

I sat outside for some time, but with nothing to do my mind began wondering. it was only then I began wondering how the books of this world were. So, I went on to find a book to start reading, Books of this World had years to progress

unlike in my past world where I found books and stories from Asia to be more interesting, well I didn't need to worry about anything as the stories were unmatched. I went on to read stories about tech, how it developed, the troubles they had, and so on. it was an interesting read, allowing me to quickly kill time. well, I went through 8 books.

I went to sleep even though I didn't need sleep, and woke up a few minutes before sleep. After taking a shower and eating a small breakfast, I went to class. but on the way to class, I quickly noticed how I was the center of everyone's attention, which I ignored and made my way to class.

Today was the end of the first week at the academy, It had been 7 days since the first day, and as everyone entered the room, everyone's eyes quickly landed on me. but it didn't take long for something more interesting to catch their attention.

The door burst open, and to everyone's shock, Eric was thrown into the classroom. everyone stood up, looking at Eric who was beaten to the point even his mom wouldn't know who he was.

Eric slowly got to his teeth, his eyes burning with rage while looking at the door where a handsome young man stood. he had long silver hair, with the eyes of a tiger... one might question, why was it that I was the only person from the 4 noble families in my classroom?

well, there was a reason why there were 4 classes. us of the 4 noble families would have to fight for a chance to enter one of the 4 classes. I scored the highest grade on the entrance test, allowing me to enter class 1-A. the others entered the class below.

this white-haired man... well, he was called Kevin Tigran, the young master of the Tigran family, one of the 4 noble families. Kevin coldly looked at Eric who struggled to stand up, just to fall to the ground,

"Why are you running into your classroom? all that talk and yet you're kneeling before me... is this all that class 1-A have to offer?" He asked with a mocking smile, making Eric who was on one knee grit his teeth in rage. the rest of the classroom instantly got up to go back up with their classmate, all but me who just gave this a look over before looking outside

A fight was about to break out, but Jules appeared just in time to send everyone back to their seat and send Kevin away, who didn't dare to disrespect a teacher whose class had just begun. So, with a last disdainful look at everyone, his eyes landed me for the longest, Although I ignored him, he went on with his day.

To say the least, everyone in Class 1-A was upset by the disrespect they just suffered, so they went on to report Kevin's actions. which Jules nodded as she went on to do this, but everyone didn't miss the fact that I ignored everything that happened, which caused a few people to start talking behind my back

"Are you alright?" Alice asked hearing how everyone was talking below their voice, I looked at Alce before looking at Eric

"Kevin isn't dumb enough to make the first move, there is a reason he picked Eric out of everyone here. he is the easy person here to control, he most likely threw the first punch, and got his butt beat. Kevin just used all that to control the whole class into making a report. I bet he is going to push towards a class battle so his class can become class 1-A." I said calmly, making the whole classroom quiet, but Eric who which given a potion to help him recover was stunned by my words.

everyone looked towards Eric, waiting for him to say something, but all they saw was the rage which was slowly being written on his face.

"Let me guess, he targeted your family. you grew angry and threw a punch towards his face, which he easily dodged while landing a slap across your face. you were sent flying towards this classroom, but you got up and rushed to fight him, he acted like he was leaving, giving you the chance to hit him from behind. but after that attack, you were beaten up and thrown through the door. Congratulations, you were played like a fool." I said calmly, leaving Eric frozen on the spot, unable to say anything for some time.

everyone seeing his reactions was left quiet, this was of course bad. since Eric through the first punch, it meant that they would have their credit cut, It would be impacted even more since he launched a sneak attack, now that they reported Kevin, it would come back to bite them in the butt.