
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

A New Friend

"Yesterday, you all got your stats. today would be the first day we work on combat-related. Based on your stats, as of this moment, you would all be placed in teams of 4." Jules said calmly, followed by a pop-up window appearing before everyone, showing them their team.

I looked at my teammates and couldn't help but smile, I was with Alice Goldenheart, she had the highest overall stats in the classroom, all stats at least being peak C tier. Other than her, I was with James Armstrong and Lisa Fireheart.

It was a balanced team, James had the highest overall attack power, reaching Mid B rank, meanwhile, Lisa had the highest range, as she was skilled with long-range weapons. adding me with balanced stats, and my extremely high intelligence, we made a perfectly balanced team.

"Sit with your teammate, you will be facing off against the other teams in a moment," Lules said calmly, before leaving the classroom. everyone looked around to find their teammates before going over to sit with them, all but me who simply looked out of the window, This pretty much forced them to come to me. plus, I was all alone and there was more than enough space around me.

"My name is Alice Goldenheart, I'm a swordsman. Long range is the weak spot, although I have a few long-range attacks, I still prefer mid or close-range. Oh... I'm also a healer." Alice said with a bright smile, I looked at her for a moment and my heart was shocked. She was beautiful, with long blonde hair, beautiful pure blue eyes, and a smile that was as pure as an angel.

"I'm James Armstrong, I'm a powerhouse. give me time to attack, and I could destroy a small town. My weakness is that I'm not that fast, I'm more of a tank than anything else. I was born with a strong physique. So, just let me take all of the damage," James said while slapping his chest. James was a long teen, he had short black hair, black eyes, and dark skin. he had this air of innocence, being a gentle giant. He sat next to me, with Alice sitting opposite to me, while Lisa sat the furthest from me

"I'm Lisa Fireheart. I'm skilled with the bow, and I'm also a mage. I'm costly skilled with fire-based attacks, that are long-range or could affect a huge part of the battlefield. I carry around a dagger just in case I need to fight hand-to-hand, and I also know some close-range attacks. but I mostly prefer long-range. I can also heal, and I have sharp senses since I'm a half-elf." Lisa said causing Alice to be caught off guard as she didn't notice her pointy ears, but she and everyone else looked towards me who was just looking towards the window with closed eyes.

"I'm just balanced, all of my stats fall into the mid-C tier. I'm skilled with all forms of weapons, I'm a master in hand-to-hand combat, and I mastered a few spells." I said lazily, stunning all of them who of course didn't believe a word I said. How could anyone master all forms of weapons, be a master in hand-to-hand combat, and even master a few spells at such a young age?

"Don't lie, this isn't the time for such things," Lisa said with an annoyed look, I ignored her and simply had my watch show them my stats, leading everyone's eyes to widen seeing the SS rank stat. everyone opened their mouth and closed it, unable to say a word for some time. at least now, it made sense why I could master so many things,

Everyone looked at me as if they were seeing a monster, but I ignored them. But Alice suddenly grabbed my hand, stunning me. I looked at her, and couldn't help but freeze seeing her pure blue eyes shining at me.

"You would be the team leader, you have to me." She said with a smile, I was stunned for some time... What I wouldn't do to test and see if I could cloud such beautiful eyes, would she remain pure if I tortured everyone she knows and loves?

I closed my eyes so I didn't end up revealing anything I didn't want them to know, after a deep breath I nodded slightly. Alice jumped in joy, not caring for the weird looks she was getting. I simply looked at the pure and innocent girl, I might be the only one who knew she was a former hero, and even after everything she could remain... cheerful.

Soon the teacher returned and went on to tell us which team we would be fighting. Our team which was called Team Golden Flames by Alice, would be fighting Team Golden Dragon. Once that was done, we left to Battleroom where we could fight, without worry.

the battle room was enchanted with a few spells that could pull a person out in the blink of death. meaning, we could fight to kill, but when we are about to land a killing blow, the person who would die would be teleported elsewhere. we were first up.

the battle room was not simple, as we could pick how the battlefield would look like. we could pick a forest, a desert, or even near a beach. but the teacher picked the forest for us, which would be the same for everyone else, she even told us to make sure we could fight in any of these areas just in case as in the future it would be random,

"Any plans boss?" Alice asked while looking at me to hear my plans, I sighed softly at her words before looking around for a moment. before placing my palm on the ground, and using Mana to enhance my senses, I began to talk.

"Our enemies are Emma Snow, Tommy Williams, Abel Hellblast, and Peter Windstorm. Tommy is a hunter, and has the best instincts and senses among his team. he would be the one who would try and track us down, take him out and the enemy would lose their eyes. We can't get a surprise attack on them thanks to him, instead, we can use him." I said lazily before pointing deep into the forest

"There are that way, about 3 km. Me, Alice, and James would face them. Lisa would go around and find the perfect moment to take them out. The first person you should take out is..." Everyone listened to my plan for some time, before nodding and moving forward into the forest, while Lisa went to go around, using the trees to hide her cover.

"They are coming," Tommy yelled to his teammates while he pulled out a dagger, Everyone looked towards where Tommy was and saw Alice with a sword in hand jumping towards them, while me and James followed behind them.

Not giving Tommy time to think, Alice attacked him first, but an ice wall appeared to block her sword. She easily cut through the wall, but it brought Tommy time to step backward, Tommy's eyes moved wanting to take note of what was happening, but Alice suddenly stepped to the side, shocking them as a huge fist imprint shot towards Tommy. and since Alice had hidden the attack with her body, none of them saw it coming.

Tommy was hit in the stomach and sent flying back while coughing up blood, Being inexperienced, they let their guard open, all but Abel who quickly controlled the ground around them, wishing to push us back. but an arrow shot through the forest, and just as it was about to hit his head, he disappeared, with the arrow.

Everyone was caught off guard once more by the sudden happening, Peter quickly made hand seals, causing the wind around him to get restless. but this caused the dust which Abel had caused to rise to fly into their eyes, leading to his spell not being cast, they were quickly eliminated and sent out, along with our team.

"..." The whole classroom and even the teacher were left quiet, everyone's eyes were on me, after all, I told everyone what to do. Alice was to attack Tommy. but was to expect someone would block her attack after she attacks James to use Alice as a cover before launching his attack when everyone's eyes were on her,

James's attack would be unexpected, and Tommy would feel helpless. Abel was the second most experienced there, most like he would quickly use his affinity for Earth to create space between us. Lisa was to take that moment to attack, once he attack The dust would which be in the air would become our allies,

Peter would either want to attack or push us back, but this would only cause the dust to fly into their eyes, leading him to be distracted, and give us an opening to finish the battle.

"... how did you know everything would play out like that? Did you see the future?" Alice asked softly while looking at me, Everyone turned to look at me, wanting to know if I was the rare few who were born with unique abilities.

"No, I'm just good at reading people. their body language, eyes, way of speaking, how they breathe, it's a window to who they are." I said calmly while heading off, leaving Alice nodding as she understood what I meant.

"What does he mean?" James asked not understanding my words, but seeing that Alice understood he asked

"It's like how you can guess your opponent's next movement by looking at their feet or their body language. instead, he does more than simply look at your next move. your character, way of thinking, weak points, and so on. he can see them all." She said with bright eyes before running up to catch up to me,

"Why are you following me? don't you know of my name?" I asked calmly while watching her appear before me. She nodded at my words and, of course, knew of my past actions,

"I know you're different from what they say about you... your eyes are filled with this innocence about them. You're lonely, that I can tell with but a look." She said with a smile while looking deeply into my eyes.

"Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect... And I can understand all you did was for some attention. you just got lost along the way," She said softly, making my eyes narrow slightly. She held out her hand and gave me the brightest smile

"I will be your friend, and it's not because you're smart. It's because I have a good understanding of who you are. I'm sure the old you would have bathed in the looks everyone was giving you, yet you don't care. which is sad... I see no goals, no dreams, nothing in your eyes. You're only here because you have to." She said coldly.

"You just want my intelligence," I said calmly while walking past her, but she shook her head at my words and showed me her intelligence stats, which was at A tier.

"Sure I'm not as smart as you, but it doesn't mean I want you for that... I want to be your friend, I want to get rid of that... loneliness." She said softly, making me look at her with bright eyes. She wanted to be my friend.

"And you would never abandon me like the others?" I asked, to which she nodded with a serious look while holding her hand out once more. but instead, I stepped forward and hugged her, shocking her.

"Then, you would be my best friend," I said softly, to which Alice gave a sweet smile while hugging me back...

'You poor thing... don't worry. Even if the world hates you, I will always be your friend.' She thought while hugging me. She knew everything I did, my crimes which my parents had covered up, and even a few people I had killed. yet while everyone saw an arrogant young master, she saw an innocent kid lashing out to get attention from his parents,

She saw a once loved and golden child being ignored and seen as trash. She saw that child doing anything in his power to gain some form of attention, yet all to fail once he was disowned. and now, look at him, broken without a dream in life...

'I have a friend... it would be just me, and our ever-lasting battle of good and evil. She would not betray me like the others, she is truly pure... right? other me told me she would be. no there are 6 others, We would become the best of friends, and play together. I have to be careful, I don't to kill them or else I would be all alone.