

I put my cold hands on the briskly arrow, and the wooden bow. I have to make sure not to hit the bow anywhere else than the bridge, or the wooden bow will break. While I'm trying to focus on the bow and arrow, I have to also watch the sharp arrows from Altatian army. Suddenly a cold, sharp, and dark thought threw my focus off track, which ended up where I am today, the base medical center. You see, my younger brother, Zoo, and my older sister, Nella, left home, and I think my dad was killed in the Altatian battle. All I have left is my cruel and toxic mother, Lulu. I am fed up that she keeps on talking about getting me married to a soldier, and becoming a housewife. I wasn't interested in marrying right now, because I still have to finish school. How much can a 15 year old take?