

On his way back home, Imuru makes plans for the aesthetic nature of his home. Having an overwhelming amount of ideas for how he wants everything to look.

His thoughts switch, as he ponders how he should approach the whole Great Demon Lord title, since he hasn't really had much time to think about it. The thought of him telling people he's the Great Demon Lord, was just too much of an embarrassing idea for him.

"People!" Imuru said out loud. For his Village he'll need a lot of people, but he's not quite sure how to go about this idea.

Imuru circles his wagon, hoping to get some ideas about what the building blocks for a Village are.

"People, infrastructure, and some other important stuff... Ah! This can wait." He thought, lowering his head.

Imuru gets a sudden idea, "I'll take claim Prerent..."

Immediately Imuru turns around, racing back to the village. Leaving his horse to carry on at a measly pace.

Once Imuru got back to the Village and locates Prerent still loading up to continue on his journey.

Prerent heard his name being called out, turning to face the direction his name is being called from, to see Imuru.

"Imuru!" Prerent said out loud surprised. "You're back?" He blinked, "Wait, where's the stuff I gave him?"

"Besides that at the moment, So let me guess you came back for me huh," Prerent said proudly with a smug grin.

"Yeah. I would love that," Imuru responded jokingly.

looking at Prerent confidently, Imuru points at him, "Listen, From now on your under the protection of the Great Demon Lord."

"Eh?" Prerent stare at Imuru dumbfounded about what was just said.

Prerent notice Imuru seems serious, so he also tries to be serious, "A Demon Lord really?... Well then I'll take you up on that offer. I have nothing to lose right?"

Imuru Pouts, "I hope you're not making fun of me."

Prerent cheekily smiles. "I'm not..."

Prerent gently pats him on the head,

as the two share a little chuckle.

They part ways once again, this time unlikely they'll see each other for a while.

"Please, rethink and come back," Prerent mumbles to himself.

"Oh!... Wait for my stuff..." Imuru goes pale, remembering he left his wagon unguarded and the fact that his horse might have wandered off somewhere. Imuru quickly begins to rush back to the entrance of the village.

"Rushing off... Guess he must be in a real hurry," Prerent thought.

Prerent watched Imuru fade out of sight, before getting back to packing. He feels a heavy presence beside him, that causes him to lose his grasp causing an item to fall from his hand, "Her?"

"Oh, Dare. I apologize, it seems I might have scared you... But I must ask..." Yoshi opens her eyes, "Where exactly is your friend heading off to?"

Prerent steps back nervous, "He's heading home, but you know, I don't know really..."

"Home?" Yosho stares him down wanting a more specific location.

Prerent hesitates, but gives in, "The village associated with the 6th..."

Yosho picked up on the location. She gives Prerent a bow before going on her way.

Prerent breathe a sigh of relief, "Hell... What does she want with Imuru?" Prerent wondered.

A worried Imuru hurries himself along the path from the village. His worry vanishes almost instantly once he spots his wagon detained by the two guards guarding the path.

Imuru gradually calms down, as he approaches the guards with a smile.

The leathered guard stares Imuru down, "Well if it isn't you... So you and your friend went separate ways?"

Imuru sighs and ignores him, looking to his other friend instead, who has a hold of his horse by the rein.

"Could you please relinquish a hold of the horse?" Imuru asked, exhausted by being in the guards' presence.

"Oh? This is yours?" The armored guard asked.

"Yep... There from my friend Prerent... Just some stuff for me," Imuru explains, trying to get this interaction over with.

The armored guard believes Imuru, and without any further question attempts to hand over the horse that carries the wagon, but he's stopped by his friend, who glares at Imuru distrustful.

"Wait a moment," The leathered guard said. He places two fingers on the side of his head, which enables him to use telepathic skill, to get information from the others.

Just in a few seconds, Imuru could see the distrustful look in this guard's face fading.

The leathered guard hand fell back to his side. He looks over to his friend and gives him a nod, who immediately relinquishes hold of the reins.

Imuru thanked the guards and went on his way.

The leathered guard watched Imuru closely. He notices his friend staring at him with a displeased look, "What? I just had to be sure," He said, turning away.

Freeing his horse from the hold of the guards, Imuru pets and apologizes to it. "The journey back home, should be a lot faster... since Prerent isn't here. And yeah the shortcut..." Imuru thought.

Alone inside his office, late in the middle of the night, Collon reviews some papers. A certain specific complaint caught his attention, a complaint from the High Council of the village.

A knock at his door drags him out of his concentration. There's only a few people that can actually meet him at such a time in the night, so he made a pretty good guess of who it might be.

Collon calls in the individual, and to no surprise of his, his sister Yosho walks in.

"Oh! Now what might my dare sister need, at this time of night?" Collon asked playfully.

Yosho opens her eyes, her hands held in front, one holding onto the other.

"B... I'll be going." Yosho turns away to leave, having second thoughts.

Collon calls out to stop her, his curiosity now peaks, "Hey come on now... What's wrong?" Collon asked, concerned.

"It's selfish really..." Yosho said her head held down.

"Eh?" Collon walks from behind his desk to stand at his sister's side. "Go on."

Yosho makes eye contact with him, "It's been quite a while... we've grown. You the Great Collon. How would I feel if I wanted to leave?"

Collon eyes open wide, "What?... Wait, you're not implying what I think?"

Collon Braces himself against the wall. "Surely you haven't heard yourself Yosho."

Yosho signs, "Fear not dear brother. I was merely relaying my thoughts to you... They are just thoughts."

Respectfully Yosho bows, thanking Collon for his time, before taking her leave.

Disregarding everything that was being done, Collon calls it a night, needing time to think.

Yosho exist Collon's office, making her way outside, until someone stops. Because of the conversation she had, she was paying slightly less attention to her surroundings than usual.

So it came as a surprise to her, when she saw some old friends.

The leader Taz towers over his teammates, his muscular build expressed even through his armor. His hair is a very faded brown.

Unop the blonde of the group, emanates a kind nature Kind. Her hair tied into two ponytails, that rests on her shoulders. The staff she holds makes it clear she specializes in the skill territory.

Miic boasts the same height and small stature as Unop. His dark hair had grown to cover half his face.

The four heads outside to have a little talk.

Yosho properly greets the three.

"Dear, seeing you three is quite the surprise. I practically didn't remember any of you." Yosho said, her typical nonchalant tone, always in the middle of whether they should feel offended or not.

"Yosho... No you must be kidding. Three great knights as us forgotten," Taz said slightly in disbelief.

"Oh..." Taz approaches Yosho with his hand under his chin, with a curious look. "I never noticed but you have such beautiful eyes," Taz comments.

Unop nods in agreement, "Yeah, probably because they're usually closed."

"Three legendary knight's you say... Dare me it seems you guys got an upgrade, and here I thought you all were Inspectors of some kind." Yosho narrows her eyes, "Though that might be an overstatement."

It was hard to take offense, not only because of her elegant and polite way of speaking, but also because she speaks the hard but cold truth.

"Right," The group said in unison, defeated.

Having stopped by to say their hellos to a friend, the three knights bid her a farewell before heading on their way.

In just a few minutes of walking together, one of the members of the party Miic already brings up a complaint to the leader Taz, about his size, bickering him to walk behind.

"So you've noticed my build even through my armor," Taz said proudly, taking all of Miic's complaints about his size as a compliment. After a few seconds of bathing in Miic complaints he puts on a serious face.

Miic sinisterly chuckles, "You know It probably wouldn't be so bad..." He said calmly, "But you keep getting in my way, worse in combat, I can't fight with someone as big as you... you should step back and allow me to take the lead," Miic said.

Taz clenched his fist, turning around to face Miic, his anger boiling over, "As if you could be leader... Ever."

"See, you also lack intelligence... Once again I'll have to show you that someone as skilled as me with a brain, can beat someone like you with brawn," Miic said, nonchalantly unsheathing his sword.

Unop slows her walking, to distance herself from the potential fight that's about to erupt.