
The Great Defender

The year 2022 held great surprises for humanity. A strange system called the "Defender System" chose every human on earth to fight for their lives against other-worldly threats. Everyone must fight together to stay alive, or they can betray one another and can be invaded by cruel, savage monsters that will end the world as we know it. This story follows Luke Smith and his journey along with his friends to become the greatest Defenders and save the world!

SnazTheSkeley · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"Come on Luke! Lets go start your training, your weapon is a broadsword. You need to be super strong before you can fight monsters!"

Luke's weapon that was materialized at his birth was a long broadsword. The blade itself was about 63 inches from tip of the blade to the handle. It was 5 inches in width and weight approximately 250 pounds. And since it was top heavy its weight increased drastically. It was just about 390 pounds in total just to swing it once.

Luke spent years with weight training, and working with a two handed sword style. Day after day, for more than eight hours a day, rugosely training with the one goal in mind, 'to become the greatest defender who ever lived'. After training for 4 months he obtained 3 skills which are; 'Muscularity', 'TwoHandedSwordGod', and 'The Determined Defender'.

'Muscularity' is a passive skill he obtained after training his weak child body and turning it into a powerful vessel for his sword, the skill increased his muscle gain and as well gave him a strength boost of 10%. After training for a bit after being able to wield his blade, the skill 'TwoHandedSwordGod' helped him a lot during his sword training. The skill's description is, "Allows defender two train twice as efficient with any twohanded weapon, and the user gains a 12% power boost with a twohanded weapon."

And finally his skill 'The Determined Defender' granted him overwhelming confidence and determination, making sure that he will never give up his goal to be the best defender. Along with these skills, his class was also determined. He obtained the class 'Paladin' the class is capable of both magic and swordplay. Though the magic is not as strong as a mage's, still combined with a fighter class makes it perfect for long and close range combat. He also achieved the skill 'sprint' after leg training, which made him faster. And the skill 'iron body' which increased his defensive capabilites.

Josh made sure Luke was capable of fighting monsters from the age 6 to 12. After six years of training with his father, he hit his growth spurt along with his new muscular looks. The short little boy had became a 6' 2 young teen with the strength of three professional bodybuilders. All of Luke's skills have also leveled up, making them stronger. The Muscularity has a 20% boost at the level of 25, sprint is 5% faster at the level 10, TwoHandedSwordGod had a 50% boost at the level of 36. And his iron body skill is at the level of 20, making him able to withstand the attack from a D-rank monster.

Luke only had 3 days left until he would turn 13, and be drafted into the military. Over the past six years tensions around the world have increased. More and more rifts in the sky have appeared and different and unique types of monsters have been invading earth.

The G.A.W.D (Global Alliance of the Worlds Defenders) and the U.C (United Continents) have been sending defenders to these different locations. The new types of monster have brought about a new ranking system for the monsters. F-rank, most monsters in this category are goblins, they have the strength of a child and the intelligence of a teenager. D-rank, power is roughly about 1 low rank defender, equivalent to 10 normal humans. C-rank, power about 1 mediocre defender, 5 low rank defenders. B-rank, a team of 10 mediocre defenders, with exceptions of bosses. A-rank 5 high rank defenders. S-rank, 50 high rank defenders. SS-Rank, 100 High rank defenders, or one calamity defender (a defender whose level cap is over level 100). And no other rank has been recorded.

So far there is also only 8 calamity defenders. Eight people out of five billion people, has a level cap above 100. And also their skills are said to be capable of destroying planets without leaving a trace of them behind.

"Mom, Dad, I'm gonna miss you guys. But after I finish my training I'll make sure to visit whenever I can!" Luke exclaimed.

"That's nice and all dear, but have you decided what branch you'll go into?" His mother asked with a concerned face.

"Yes son, this is an important thing for your future." His father said sternly.

'Wow, this is one of the first times, they've been so serious. The last time they were like this is when I broke the neighbors tree and it crashed into their house.' Luke pondered to himself.

"Yeah, totally I've looked into all that stuff already!" Luke said.

'That's a lie, I've been too focused on just training and studying. Plus with a decision that can change my life forever. I can't just choose what I want to be, just out on a whim.'

"Alright, as long as your happy." His parents said in unison.

They ate food together, and told stories of what all happened in the past twelve years. His parents were sad, they felt as if they will not see him again. More than 78% of newbie defenders die during the training. Either the tests are too hard, or the trainees couldn't handle it and just decided to end it all. But Luke assured them that he would be fine, and that he will send letters to them.

On his final day, they went out as a family for the last time. They ate nice food in their little village, talked to old friends, and right as the day ended they stopped at one of the only remaining pure natural flower gardens in the world. Most flowers and trees are mass produced using earth magic from mages. But the local florists in the village have traveled all across the world. They came together and too care of some of the extinct trees. Maple, Pine, Oak, Birch, Cherry Blossom, and many more beautiful trees were displayed in a park. Luke, Oliva, and Josh, laid down and slept under the tree side by side as a family. And after that they went home, and shared stories and went to sleep.

In the morning a wagon with in the back about 10-20 teens all sitting together and chatting with one another. When the carriage pulled up to the residence of the Smith's, the driver asked if this was the Smith family.

"Yes, yes it is." Oliva responded.

"Son, we love you. Make sure you come back to us, and get yourself a wife while yer gone. So I can have grandkids." Josh said.

"JOSHUA SMITH, he is only thirteen years of age you should not be speaking like that! We do want you to find a friend at least, because everyone might find you strange..."She said towards her husband and back to Luke.

"Alright I will mom and dad!"

When he hopped on the back of the wagon, the other boys and girls were scooting away from Luke. Luke thought of this as strange, but to the kids he was a giant muscular war veteran. Not only was he about 3 times taller than the rest of them. His muscles were about 5 times larger than all of theirs combined. Not only that, his sword, it was bigger than he was! They were all scared of the youngest person on the wagon.

"Wow, look its the giant of the wagon!" A kid shouted.

That was what he was called the rest of the 6 day trip, 'the giant of the wagon'.

I enjoyed making this chapter, and i will enjoy making the rest. so if you would, i would also really apprieciate it, add this to your collection so you can be notified when a new chapter realeses.

I am indeed the author Tristan

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