
The Birth Of Evil

The growing power of chaos started to touch the world, some Artheláins started to be corrupted by the power of chaos. Forlandüin is the mightiest of the Artheláins, and is said to be very powerful and smart. He himself is the commander of the Army of Artheláins that will fight against the dangers of the growing power of chaos. The might and power he possess soon caused him to be boastful and arrogant, and then he started to think and imagine of having as much power as the creator and dominating the universe. This desire lead him to secretly study the powers of chaos, he soon learned the most forbidden kind of magic, the black magic. He saw the potential of the power of chaos to either bring the universe to ruin or dominate it. Forlandüin's arrogance soon lead him to plan an attack against the heaven. He secretly talked to his army and said:

" We are the Forces who protect this land and this universe against the power of chaos, but we don't know what power chaos can offer us..."

Everyone started to wonder and murmur.

"We keep on trying to destroy evil and the chaos all this time, for we are taught that chaos will bring the world nothing but wreckage, but they taught us wrong. The power of Chaos is the most powerful force of the universe, and as we resist it, we are becoming slaves to the wrongdoings and beliefs of other Artheláins. We can have the power to create, dominate, and even defeat the creator himself with the power that chaos will give us. The Chaos only needs our loyalty, and it will give us unimaginable power. We can rule the world, and we can give orders to our slaves. Power! A power to dominate all beings."

Some started to become corrupted. All started to murmur.

"Now join me," Forlandüin said. "Take the power of chaos, and attack the heavens! seize the power to rule everything and put it to our hands!"

Many of the soldiers started to be corrupted by power, and pledged their loyalty to the force of chaos. Those who refused were all killed mercilessly. Forlandüin and his army started to attack the heaven, but the creator knew it will happen. The forces of heaven under Kaja surprised them as they entered the gate. Kaja's army were too strong that he defeated Forlandüin. Kaja brought Forlandüin before the divine judgement, and there he was punished heavily. Forlandüin was thrown by Argus into the bottomless pit of the Dark Abyss where he was chained and imprisoned. Those who sided with him where also thrown into the abyss. There they remained silent and imprisoned.

Forlandüin was named Borroth (The One Who Rebelled). Borroth was heavily chained in darkness. He shouts and tries to break the chains, but the chains were made by the Celestial power, and only Argus, the punisher can break those chains.

"I..! I will take my revenge! I will rise and rule!" Borroth repeatedly shouts.

But although Borroth was punished and imprisoned in the abyss, chaos is still inevitable for the outside world, and it still threatens everyone, and if left unwatched, the power of chaos will devour the universe.

The Artheláins planted the sacred tree at the center of the Land of Dawn, the Tree of Light, it will give protection to the Land of Dawn against the impending danger of chaos.