
The Great Aurora

Struggling with his own choices, bordering the abyss of time, Ralph tries to find the way... to freedom, he doesn't want to be held hostage by destiny again. The story begins when the world decides so. -- The modern world changed after a aurora, everyone can now evolve in a game-like way. Follow the protagonist since -just- before the event starts. (I write this novel and translate it to English with Google Translation.) [REAL average words/chapter: 2.7K] This book is a work of fiction.

ILuxTenebris · Urban
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69 Chs

Doce Lux - (Very large chap.)

The other day, Ralph arrived at school with a big smile on his face.

There are two reasons for this. The first is that before bed he finally mastered the smell factor of his ability. That is the most important reason. The second reason is that now he thinks that the girl will not resist his "charms" and give him more and more missions.

Upon entering the classroom, Ralph contorted the corners of his mouth. The same young man as before was sitting in his place again.

Ralph blew out a light breath and repeated the same operation as the day before. He disagreed with the young man while maintaining his skill.

The young man simply did not know how he passed out.

Ralph didn't know his name, but he was starting to make a deep impression on the boy's insistence.

-Besides, he doesn't look for problems during class ...

Ralph thought as he put the boy in the same place as before.

As he sat down, he noticed that Aoi arrived in the classroom.

The two exchanged glances and Ralph nodded before looking away. He thought it more appropriate to hand over the gun during lunch.

Apart from Japanese history class, Ralph spent the rest of the classes practicing.

Since he had already merged his sense of smell with Aura the night before, he simply started to practice the illusion skill.

Having mastered four factors, Ralph knew that to increase the skill level he needs to synchronize everyone.

This proved to be a very difficult thing, since Ralph didn't make any progress until lunchtime. Three synchronized factors were already too difficult, and the smell is an even more complicated factor than the others.

-I have already merged three senses of the five main senses ... Tact and taste are missing.

Ralph thought as he walked to the cafeteria.

He doesn't know if it's because he is naturally a little handsome, or for some other reason, but some girls kept sneaking looks at him.

-Do I have something on my face?

Ralph thought as he created an illusory mirror.

Something worth noting is that he learned to create illusions in several areas at the same time, something he had not been able to do before.

For example, he is now able to make someone invisible to others, while the person can see himself.

On the mission before his death, he only managed to make others invisible brutally, with the targets unable to see each other.

Thus, he created an illusion around him so that he seemed to walk normally, and another that is the mirror, that way nobody could see the mirror created by him.

This doubled energy consumption, though.

After checking that there was nothing on his face, Ralph dispelled the illusions and arrived at the cafeteria.

He chose something to eat as usual and sat in a random place.

It didn't take long for Aoi to sit beside him with her lunch.

"Where's the product at?" Aoi asked after finishing eating.

Ralph laughed without meaning to and took the gun from his waist.

Aoi's eyes lit up and Ralph said:

"You don't have to speak so discreetly when you're around me."

Aoi nodded as if he didn't care and took the gun from Ralph.

After examining the gun for a while, Aoi sighed and looked at Ralph.

"It looks like you really got the right weapon. Thanks for the hard work."

Ralph smiled slightly and said:

"I have a question, would you mind answering me?"

"It will depend on the question." Aoi spoke while putting the gun away.

"Who exactly was the first Aura Master? What did he do? What was his philosophy?" Ralph looked away and looked away as he spoke.

"There were three questions ..." Aoi frowned.

Ralph was silent.

Aoi sighed and said:

"Since you like books so much, I can lend you one about the history of Aura ..."

Ralph remembered the book he had read before and asked quickly:

"And does this book talk about Master Jin?"

Aoi blinked and looked at Ralph strangely.

"Cough Cough, I mean, thank you very much!" Ralph noticed his mistake and spoke with a bitter smile.

Aoi unconsciously smiled when he saw Ralph's strange behavior, and said:

"On Monday I bring him, tomorrow we don't have class since it's Sunday."

"Instead, why don't you take pictures of the book and send it to me by email?" Ralph proposed.

"Sigh ... I don't have that much free time." Aoi spoke and stood up.

"Okay then ..." Ralph also stood up.

"Oh, really, is your arm hurting a lot?" Aoi suddenly asked.

Ralph was a little surprised and looked at his arm, there was a small dressing he had done the night before.

"It was just a small wound." Ralph smiled slightly and said.

As it was Saturday, they left school early and Ralph went to the same restaurant as before.

Attendant Jane recognized Ralph and answered him in a professional and friendly manner.

-I don't know why, but I feel very comfortable in that environment.

Ralph thought as he ate a pie he had ordered.

The restaurant has a kind of ancient aura about it, and the decor is really old-style, with several wooden columns and old paintings.

There were some bamboo planted in various areas of the restaurant, which is well lit by sunlight.

There were few people in the restaurant, with the majority being students at Niji High School.

-I think I'm going to stop by that abandoned building to get more money and the revolver.

Ralph thought.

He would probably start receiving some new Aoi missions, and it probably wouldn't take him long to reach the mastery of the first level of the manual.

When that happens, he'll start working as a hit man.

-I was always so cold-blooded?

Ralph asked himself with an indifferent expression.

He knows the value of a life, he knows how terrible the fear of death is... So, what makes him so indifferent to killing?

Is that why he only kills bad people? Or why does he like it?

-I can't be a hypocrite and think I'm doing it for justice.

Ralph decided in his heart and stood up.

"Ah, don't you want anything else? Sir." Jane had arrived at Ralph's place and asked.

Ralph shook his head and smiled.

"Here is the money, until another day." He paid the bill and left.

Jane watched Ralph leave and murmured:

"Strange, why do I feel a familiar Aura coming from him?"

Ralph took a bus to the Chōji district and went to the abandoned building after activating his ability and making himself invisible.

There were no signs of movement, and everything looked the same as before.

Fortunately, the money and revolver were in the same place he had left.

"Since I'm going to do something big, be it in style ..." He murmured and took one of the briefcases full of money, along with the revolver.

He learned enough from this world to ensure that things work differently for the Aura Masters, he doesn't have to worry so much about things that ordinary people care about.

Tax return? Police? What really matters in this world is power.

With his progress being rapid, and his skill being special, Ralph has confidence in making his name big in this world.

He bought a network filter along with an external firewall at a store specializing in computer equipment. In addition, he bought a small secret camera, which has the ability to send images in real time to his cell phone wherever he is. So, he can always check the situation in his apartment.

After that, he started buying clothes for a disguise.

"If it isn't to look cool, I would just wear a mask." Ralph murmured as he looked in the mirror.

He had worn a light white kimono with special fabric, being waterproof.

The kimono looks more like a martial arts uniform, as it is not heavy and not bulky.

A black belt held the two parts of the gi at the waist.

Ralph analyzed it for some time and came to the conclusion that he needed to adjust the size and width of the sleeves a little.

They were too big and as his arms were not thick, it was very loose, which is not good.

"If you need adjustments, just ask, sir." A store employee spoke outside the ordeal booth.

Ralph thought for a moment and opened the cabin curtain, surprising the maid.

"What do you think? What adjustments do you recommend?" Ralph asked.

He had used an illusion on his face, so that no one in the store or security camera would be able to see his real face.

So why not ask other people for their opinion? Especially women.

"Err, hmm ..." The maid began to analyze the figure of Ralph and the kimono and said after some time:

"I think it would be a good idea to make the gi more fit for your body. Since your body is neither thin nor fat, it would be ideal. Especially the kimono sleeves, which are too wide."

Ralph looked at himself for a moment in the mirror and said:

"Please call the seamstress to make measurements."

The maid nodded and went to find the dressmaker at the store.

After the seamstress arrived and measured everything that was needed, she said:

"Your order will be ready in two days, but if it is urgent you can pay an additional fee for adjustments to be made today."

Ralph laughed and agreed to the additional fee.

After leaving the store with his kimono and a white mask, he went to a knife store, and bought a set of small knives.

He would need to create special equipment to attach the knives to his body afterwards, as this is not sold.

Finally, he bought a large box that was a complete first aid kit.

He would leave the kit at home if he ever needed it.

Incredibly, he had already spent half the money in the suitcase at the end of the day, mainly because of the network filter and external firewall, which are quite expensive.

The other half of the money he deposited in his bank account, which was created when he was still in the orphanage.

This account does not have an open credit option since he is not of legal age, but allows him to make simple transitions.

He called a taxi and went home when it got dark.

Upon arriving, he installed the network filter on the notebook along with the external firewall.

That way, he can finally start using the internet without too many worries when he is accessing the dark web.

He spent the rest of the night trying to synchronize the factors of the illusion ability.

Progress is slow, as he feels mentally overwhelmed.

-If I had a way to get stats points here ...

Ralph thought bitterly.

If he applied a few more points to his intelligence stat, he would probably be able to advance more easily with his skill.

-There are no beasts in this world ...?

Ralph suddenly came to realize something.

Since when he arrived in this world, he assumed several things because of Imamoto's memory, such as that there are no mutant beasts as in his original world.

But ... What if there is actually something like that?

Do you need to be a mutant beast like before to guarantee a stat point?

Ralph blew out a breath and shook his head and went back to practicing.

The next day, he went out in the morning to eat something and came home to practice.

When night came, however, he got a call.

"Do you need something?" Ralph asked calmly.

"... Good night, Ralph-san. Don't forget the etiquette." Aoi seemed to sigh and spoke.

"I didn't think you cared about those things. I like to be direct if possible." Ralph laughed and said.

"Didn't your parents teach you education?" Aoi spoke in a helpless tone.

Ralph twitched the corners of his mouth at that.

-I thought she knew I was an orphan.

Ralph thought and then said:

"Do you know what you're saying? Or do you really like that kind of joke?"

It would be a huge surprise for Ralph if Aoi liked black humor.

"Hmm?" Aoi sounded confused, to Ralph's understanding.

"Forget it, let's go straight to business. I hope that this time there will be clear pay for a successful mission." Ralph spoke in an arrogant tone.

"And who said I want to give you a mission?" Aoi asked.

"Bullshit, you have no other reason to call me." Ralph remained steadfast.

"Tsk, rude as always ..." Aoi murmured and then said:

"I need something ..."


"What the fuck." Ralph murmured.

He was currently trapped in a ventilation tube, wearing the kimono he had purchased, a white mask that covered his entire face, equipped with the revolver and a short knife.

He was in a business building in downtown Tokyo.

His mission is to steal an important document from an office.

The problem is that the office is on the twentieth floor of the building, and security is heavy on the elevators, making it impossible for him to use the elevator undetectable. Since he cannot keep an illusion away from himself for long or without seeing the place.

He then had to climb the stairs to the top of the building, since the 20th floor is full of detection traps on the floor, making Ralph unsure, even with his skill. This in addition to possible Aura Masters on the prowl.

Ventilation pipes were at the top of the building, and Ralph took advantage of them to infiltrate. There were some guards, but he passed them without a problem.

The problem is that there is a maze in these tunnels, and it took Ralph hours to find the right path.

He was currently in the ventilation pipe on the twentieth floor.

Worst of all, the ventilation tube is fragile, which makes Ralph's movements difficult.

He found a way out of the pipe only to discover a detection trap on the pipe lid, if it opened no matter how good it is it would be detected by the building's Aura Masters in no time.

At least it could be located with the help of the holes in the lid.

He was not far from the target office and quickly followed the ventilation tube to the office.

There was another cover on the ceiling of the office, but there was also a trap.

Ralph didn't waste much time and activated his ability while kicking the side of the vent.

He focused as much as possible and fell off the ventilation tube while maintaining maximum alertness.

Part of the ventilation tube had fallen, but thanks to his skill, no noise could be heard.

Ralph sighed in relief and started looking around the room.

Luckily there didn't seem to be any traps on the floor or special detectors, so Ralph started to search the documents.

There was a desk with drawers and a computer on top, it must have been the desk of the office owner.

The drawers were locked, but Ralph simply broke them in after making sure there was no trap or detector.

There were several documents in the drawers and Ralph started to analyze them while sitting in the armchair next to the table.

"This is a surprise." Ralph murmured as he read the documents.

There were records of possible illegal transactions with politicians, as the amounts were exorbitant.

Ralph thought for a moment and looked to the side, there was a scanner in the room.

without thinking much he started to scan the documents one by one, he would leave the copies in the drawer and take the originals.

Aoi just wanted a document about an illegal transaction with some Aura Masters, which is prohibited in Japan.

In Japan, Aura Masters are prohibited from providing services to normal people unrelated to the government and without authorization.

Ralph was a little out of patience to go through the documents one by one until the end and he simply made copies of them all.

After several minutes, he finally finished taking the copies and looked at the ceiling.

He probably would not be able to return to the ventilation tunnel for two reasons, height and fragility of the tunnel, if he pushed the tunnel too far it could collapse.

There were windows in the office, which allowed you to look out.

Ralph could see several guards outside, walking and watching.

Ralph didn't know who was or was not an Aura Master, so he was hesitant.

If it weren't for the fact that he heard from Aoi that there were traps scattered on the floor of the 20th floor, he wouldn't have to worry and get out of the situation.

He just doesn't know where the traps are.

"Well, I have no choice ... Besides, I just need to run." Ralph murmured and tried to open the office door, which was locked.

Without thinking much, he shot the lock on the door, and at the same time an alarm began to sound across the floor.

"Tsk." Ralph clicked his tongue and saw the guards started looking and running around in search of him.

Ralph started running towards the stairs, but he soon saw a man looking directly at him, without blinking or looking away.

Since Ralph was currently invisible, there was only one answer to that.

Ralph saw that the man pointed the gun at him and hid behind a pillar.

The shots hit the pillar, and Ralph was about to shoot the Aura Master when he saw a woman looking him straight in the eye.

-Fuck, are there two?

Ralph thought and moved instantly.

He has only one advantage, which is that the Aura Masters don't seem to "see" him very accurately.

They may know where he is, but they cannot aim accurately.

While trying to escape the sight of the Aura Masters, Ralph tried to approach the stairs.

-I have no choice, he is on the way.

Ralph took a deep breath and aimed at the Aura Master man chest.

He felt no remorse, it was him or the man. He knew that man can be a good person, but he also knows that it doesn't matter at the moment.

He could end up killing a good man, but that didn't stop Ralph from pulling the trigger.

Ralph could hear the projectiles passing him, and the man screaming in pain.

Ralph took the opportunity and started to escape.

The man fell to the floor with his hand on his right chest.

The Aura Master woman approached him and asked:

"Did it hit any vital organs?"

"No, go after him and kill the bastard." The man replied with an angry expression.

The woman then started to follow Ralph.

Ralph ran like a madman down the stairs.

There were several guards coming up the stairs, but no one could see him if he wasn't an Aura Master.

Fortunately for him, no Aura Master intercepted him on the way to the bottom of the stairs.

But before he could be happy, he saw the same Aura master woman from before a little bit in front of him.

"How is this possible!?" Ralph shouted instinctively.

"Stop right now if you don't want to-" The woman could not complete the sentence as she felt a pain in her hand.

Ralph shot the woman's hand without hesitation when he saw that she only planned to surrender him.

"Shit ..." The woman looked at her bleeding hand and tried to grab her gun, but then she felt a sharp pain in the back of the neck and blacked out.

Ralph, who had made the woman pass out, started running towards the exit.

Meanwhile, he began to find the woman's action a little strange, why didn't she shoot first?

Fortunately for Ralph, he managed to leave the area uninjured and ran to a nearby alley, where he undid the illusion and took a deep breath.

He hadn't brought his cell phone, so he needed to get home to communicate the success of the mission.

-I'm getting good at that kind of thing.

Ralph thought with a smile.

But he knows that the only reason for his success is that the Aura Masters were not very strong.

They could feel him in a way, but they couldn't see him precisely.

If he fought one of the members of the Gray Gate outside Aoi, he would probably lose badly.

Ralph came home sweaty but gratified, he thought about paying for the mission.

Aoi had promised something that would help in his practice if he completed the mission.

"Aoi-san, mission complete." Ralph spoke on the phone.

"Hmm, can you deliver these documents to me today?" Aoi asked in an uncertain voice.

Ralph was surprised and asked:

"Is this really that important? So you don't want to wait until tomorrow."

"Yes ... It is important to my father." Aoi replied and sighed.

"... Okay, where do you want to be?" Ralph rolled his eyes and asked.

"hmm ... How about that restaurant near the school? I hear it's a good restaurant."

Ralph twisted the corners of his mouth and asked:

"Do you want to go on a date or get the document?"

"Hmph ... It's just that my dad wants to meet you." Aoi snorted and said.

That made Ralph even more confused, why does her dad want to meet him?

"Okay, well, we'll meet there in an hour, can we?" Ralph asked.

"You can, I think." Aoi sighed and answered.

After hanging up the phone, Ralph thought for a moment.

What would make Aoi's father, Aoki Sai, want to see him?

It's his performance, probably not. He's just a little student. His relationship with Aoi? Probably not, they are barely friends.

After thinking for a while, cold sweat started running down Ralph's back.

-Or is it because I invaded their house?

Ralph thought in terror.

Having practiced so far, and learned several things, he knows that a person leaves a residual aura wherever he goes, only that an Aura Master powerful enough can detect that residual Aura.

-But Aoi's father is probably a very powerful Aura Master ...

Ralph sighed.

Anyway, at most he will need to acknowledge the fact and take some kind of light punishment, since he did nothing much.

Ralph took a shower and donned appropriate clothing, neither too casual nor too formal. He then put the documents in an envelope.

After finishing getting ready, he took a taxi to the Doce Lux restaurant.