
The Gray In Between

Some things in life are black. Some things in life are white. Some things in life are the gray in between. Find out just how this applies to Female CEO Summer White and dark, broody assistant, Alexander Smith in this novel about love, wealth and the past.

SydneyJay25 · Urban
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Chapter 3

Alex's POV

It'd been just a week since I had started work and she still hadn't shown any sign that she recognised me. I liked that she didn't and I would have just gone along with it because I honestly didn't care but it was so hard. I had met her at a club, not one of those luxurious clubs rich people usually went to at that, where she had also tried to seduce me, and now I had to call her ma'am and run errands for her. It just wasn't something I could just go along with.

"Look, I don't know if you remember me and I don't care but I met you at the club last Saturday and it's really awkward for me." I said to her when I went to drop a report for her that Monday morning. At that point, I was really starting to feel really uncomfortable and out of control.

"Great, go look through the new project I sent to your mail and give me a feedback ASAP." She answered distractedly. That annoyed me so much.

"Are you even listening? Am I supposed to call you ma'am or what?" I said my tone slightly frustrated.

She didn't even budge at my tone, "I am really busy right now and I'm pretty sure you can see that."

I glared at her and glared even harder but she wasn't even paying attention so I finally stormed out of her office. Later that day, Andre from Human Resource department went into the office and came out after a while looking so flustered. Typical of loaded women like her. I didn't even want to start to imagine what happened in there.

"Summer said you should see her now." He said to me before walking off doing his best to saunter. I didn't like the guy one bit but then again, I didn't like anyone of the people that worked here. I kept to myself most of the time.

"Andre said you called me, what's up?" I said casually standing with my hands folded and my legs apart. I hadn't yet figured out if to call her by her name so I just didn't start a sentence that would need me to call her name.

"Your attitude is really starting to annoy me. Last I checked, I am the boss here." She sounded bored as she continued typing on her laptop.

"There is a new mall opening down the road. I want you to research about how big the project is and how much we can get from advertising them." She said still typing away on her laptop.

"What happened to Andre?" I asked before I could stop myself.

"Excuse me?" She looked up from her laptop for the first time since I came into her office and she didn't look too happy. Good.

"He looked pretty flustered when he came out." I said making sure the implication was clear in my voice.

"That's it. Why don't you just get over the fact that I am your boss, dickhead?" She looked mad, no, livid as she stood.

"Because the first time I met you, it was at a club, where you tried to seduce me by the way. That isn't so innocent-like now, is it?" I said keeping my voice low.

"I didn't try to seduce you, I tried to save you." So she remembered? "And I don't know why men like you find it hard to believe that women can be your bosses too but get this into that thick skull of yours, I am your BOSS." She was looking into my eyes now even though she was barely reaching my shoulder.

"And I might go to the club every weekend, dance, drink and deal with dickheads like you but that doesn't make me bad. I like to have fun when I can but not at work. So you had better get back out there and execute the order I gave you or you will be shoving your dick in your mouth in a nanosecond." She sighed like she just got all the anger out of her and looked amused at the blank look still on my face. Why did she look amused?

"And since you decided to waste both of our times on this, no lunch break." She said going back to her seat.

"Why?" I asked getting irritated. I was constantly getting irritated and annoyed. I was starting to think I would have to look for some other job but it was still too much of an opportunity to walk out on.

"That's your punishment." She said like it was totally no big deal. I mean, who did she think she was? I started to argue but she cut me off.

"I won't argue if I were you." The finality in her voice made my legs move on their own, carrying me out of her office.

Then, at lunch break, she came out of her office and walked up to me.

"It's time for lunch." She said looking down at me like I wouldn't be towering over her if I were standing.

"You said…" I started to argue but she interrupted again.

"I changed my mind, I want to go see the mall myself and grab something to eat." She didn't give me a chance to reply as she started heading out the door. I knew I had a choice to either follow or not but I went anyway. It made my job easier.

We got in the elevator and she pushed the button for the bottom floor. She didn't talk to me even when we got to the bottom floor and she walked past the companies' cafeteria and headed straight outside towards the parking lot.

"Hm, incase you didn't notice, we just passed the cafeteria. Aren't we supposed to be going for lunch first?" I said with a little bit of attitude.

She just rolled her eyes, "Wow, Albert Einstein, you know where the cafeteria is. It is my company and I sure as hell know the way to the cafeteria but when I say lunch, I mean awesome burger and fries at the famous McDonalds, not some boring cafeteria food." She headed straight for a black mercedes Benz sitting in the private parking lot.

"You take burger and fries at McDonalds?" I definitely couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice. Did rich women like her do that? Because, I had met plenty who just take a fork of veggie at some boujee restaurant and say they are done and would still spend three hours in the gym shedding fat that wasn't ever there.

She didn't answer as we got into her car. We drove for ten minutes south of the road heading for the McDonalds beside the new store that I was supposed to be checking out.

When she pulled up to the parking lot, people couldn't help but stare at her and I didn't blame them. If I got over my irritation and natural hatred towards her, I could say she was easily the most beautiful woman I had ever met. The car was also getting some stares, it was the latest model. I didn't even have a car.

I would have thought she would have been so happy for the attention but she didn't even act like she noticed. She just walked into the restaurant, head held up high.

"Good afternoon ma'am, how may I help you?" A guy with headphones and a McDonalds' t-shirt on asked, his smile so wide, I could almost see the corner of his lips touching his ear.

"Hey Caleb, I have told you several times, don't call me ma'am. You know the name."

"Sorry." Caleb blushed. "The usual?"

"Yeah, thanks." Summer answered Caleb before turning to me, "Get whatever you want." Excuse me? I could do whatever the fuck I wanted.

She went to sit at a table very close to the restaurant's floor-to-ceiling window.

I just ordered mini burger minus mayonnaise and mustard, I hated spread in general, and a soda for myself before heading towards the table.

"Your name is Alexander Smith. You live in New York. Apart from those obvious and boring details, what else don't I know about you?" She asked as I took a seat in front of her.

"What do you want to know?" I let myself smirk at her. Even though it was totally none of her business and I wasn't going to tell her anything, I was satisfied to see the shock on her face since it was the first time she was seeing me with any other expression apart from irritation on my face.

"Have you always been this bad at making conversation?" She asked smirking and leaning forward a little.

"Why don't you start first then, aren't you supposed to be really good at that?" I replied testily. Annoyingly enough, she found my sudden crabbiness amusing.

Her phone started ringing at that moment. She looked at it, smiled and picked it up from the table.

"Bitch! One more day without you calling or answering my calls and I would have been down there in LA to whoop your ass." She shouted loud enough for people to stare at her but she just smiled at everyone and continued to talk to the person on the other side.

"Gal, how is life in LA?" She asked and paused for a while to let the person on the other side reply.

"How is Brian? The jerk hasn't called for a while, it seems like he is not so in love with me anymore." She said laughing and turning a bit away from the table. I continued to eat my food silently.

"Seriously Nik, you need to come down here someday. You can look after the hotels here in New York too" She looked disappointed at the answer the person gave.

"I miss you and Brian so much." And that was where I stopped listening and I zoned out thinking of my own life until I was brought back by Summer snapping her fingers in my face.

"Earth to Alex." She said smiling.

"You are done." I said my emotionless face back on.

"I must have been on the phone for a very long time then. It's just that I miss my best friend, Nicole, and my soulmate. They both pushed me down here and stayed back at LA, where I grew up."

"I bet you grew up in Beverly Hills too." I could have bet my whole life I was right and I was. She looked at me puzzled but she didn't say anything as she picked fries and shoved them into her mouth.

"So I believe this your soulmate doesn't know what you do to have fun here in New York." I meant to upset her even more but I was taken aback when she started laughing very hard.

"Who? Brian?" She said, finally catching her breath. I guess I looked confused because she said, "He is gay." I couldn't help the slight blush that crept up my ear and it was the first time I didn't have an offensive retort.

"Why would you even think that?" She asked going back to her food, amusement dancing in her brown eyes.

"You called him the love of your life! And your soulmate!" I exclaimed trying to defend myself and for a moment I forgot I was supposed to be acting indifferent.

"He is my best friend too. We are kinda like a trio." She said finishing her food and checking her expensive-looking silver wristwatch.

"Lunch break is almost over. We should go check up the store now." She said. She cleared the bills including mine and tipped off the guy behind the counter. I got angry at that but reserved my comment till we got in the car.

When I complained to her about paying for my food, she just said, "Then pay me my money back."

Later on that day, she didn't take her money back neither did she talk to me until we closed at 6pm. I took a taxi home, too tired for the subway, ate dinner at a diner close to my apartment and went to bed after making sure to take sleeping pills. It was the only way I could sleep fast so I didn't have to mull over things I didn't want to deal with yet.