
The Grandmaster of demonic cultivation and The light bearing immortal

Lan Zhan tries his husband’s time travel talisman with his creative way to save his husband, and both travel through time and end up in their younger selves with both their powers and memories intact. Jiang Cheng is so done with his brother and his shamelessness. Zewujun is confused and curious. Jiang Yanli is having her best time looking at his brothers' antics. Since then things changes drastically… who can stop them from trying to save their loved ones? Not me!

Soyeon_Wu · TV
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8 Chs

Wei Wuxian

Pre Canon – before 8yrs / New Timeline

Characters Ages

Wei Ying| Wei Wuxian– 7 yrs.

Lan Zhan| Lan Wangji - 8 yrs. (An Immortal)

Lan Huan| Lan Xichen – 10 yrs.

Jiang Cheng| Jiang Wanyin – 7 yrs.

Jiang Yanali – 10 yrs.

Nie Huaisang – 7 yrs.

Nie Mingjue – 11 yrs.

Jin Zixuan – 10 yrs.

Wen Ning| Wen Qionglin – 6Yrs.

Wen Qing – 10 Yrs.


Wei Wuxian wakes up with a gasp. Making water into his nose and burn through his lungs. He quickly emerges from the water and coughed, trying to breathe without burning his lungs. After he is sure he can breathe he looks around and panics. What happened? Where is Lan Zhan? Why is this place familiar? He recognized the familiar cave in under water. But why he is in Yunmeng? In the FUCKING CAVE WHICH USE FOR the LAST STEPS IN GOLDEN CORE SOLIDFIYING?

With panic, he swims out from the cave, into the river, and jumps on the shore. Why his feet are so short? He looks at his body and then screams internally. He is his seven year's old self! What the fuck! How did that happen? Lan Zhan! He should check on his husband! That idiot husband of his activated the talisman. Fuck! How is he going to check him? If he is seven now, Lan Zhan surely will be eight years old. Oh my god... this is going to hell of work.

Before Wei Wuxian can think of anything Their Da-Shixiong, Jiang Kai, the one who held that title before him and after Wei Wuxian's father, ran to him with wide eyes. Surely he was waiting near.

"You did it!" he said. Wei Wuxian doesn't know what he is talking about, he just nods.

"Where is Jiang Shushu?" he asks.

Thinking that Wei Wuxian wants to tell that he succeed, Jiang Kai just picks up his tiny form and runs toward the Lotus pier. Even though Wei Wuxian wanted to tell him that he can walk perfectly fine, he doesn't mind carrying. He just wants to meet Lan Zhan soon as possible or hear from him.

"A-Ying!" As soon as they get near the main compound of Lotus pier, Jiang Fengmain who was training other disciples looks at them shocked.

"Zongzhu, he did it!" Jiang Kai said putting him on the ground. Wei Wuxian looks at Jiang Shushu with tearful eyes but smiles. He is alive. He missed him so much. Jiang Fengmian crouches down, looking at Wei Wuxian with pride. And reach to his wrist.

"May I?" Jiang Shushu asks and Wei Wuxian nods. He felt tiny little cool spiritual energy and his eyes got wide. Finally remembering why he was in the cave under the river. HIS CORE! And quickly he manages to send a tiny trail of energy back to others. Jiang Shushu nods with a proud smile.

"Congratulation A-Ying. You successfully solidified your core. I think you are the only one who did it at seven years old." Jiang Fengmian said standing, he pat his head with a smile. Before Wei Wuxian can say anything he was thrown to the floor with the weight of tiny Jiang Cheng.

"Oof" Wei Wuxian looks at the tiny Jiang Cheng who is smiling at him with sitting on his tiny body.

"A-Ying you did it! I knew you will make it!"

"Aiya, ChengCheng, you know me too well!"

"Don't call me ChengCheng!" Jiang Cheng shows him before standing in a grumpy huff, but it changed into a smile quickly. "Jié is making soup!" he adds quickly with a smirk and then he is running toward the kitchen hall. Wei Wuxian standup up and dusts off his drenched clothes and bows to Jiang Shushu, who nods with a knowing smile.

"Go, get change first. I will tell A-li to wait for you."

Wei Wuxian nods and runs toward his childhood room. As he passes through familiar buildings which they lose at the fall of the lotus pier but hadn't been built as same as this, tears start to gather. He stops himself from reminiscing past and getting lost in emotion and enter his room. It was the same as he remembered. He missed this place. But he doesn't feel at home here as before. He let out a deep sigh.

'I should check on Lan Zhan first.' he thought and sit on the floor in the lotus position. With a deep breath, he starts to meditate and focus on their soul bond, praying for it to work.

The soul bond between him and Lan Zhan was something his husband came up with. After ascending to immortality at the young age of fifty (For Cultivators), his husband used his power and knowledge to create a bond between their souls. Wei Wuxian knew why his husband did that. With the weak core of Mo Xuan yu's body, though he manage to cultivate a silver core along with his golden core, he won't able to reach immortality like his husband and he will die one day. While Lan Zhan lives for eternity. With a soul bond, they will able to meet each other again and again. Now their soul bond is the only thing that can help him to reach his husband.

Wei Wuxian reach their soul bond and felt it is there connected to his husband's soul. It wasn't studier like before, but it was there, strongly connected to each other souls. He sends a wave of his spiritual energy to the bond and looks in awe as his silver and red, lined with faint black energy curled around the bond before absorbing it, making their bond a bit studied.

Wei Wuxian felt the familiar feeling of his husband's spiritual energy, seeping through the bond with bright golden and icy blue before their mind connect to each other. Wei Wuxian choked on a sob, of relief. His husband is here, and he is safe enough to get connected through their bond.

'L-Lan Zhan'

'Wei Ying,'

Both of them felt relief take over their bodies as they hear the voice of their soulmate.

'Lan Zhan, you are here. Are you okay?'

'I am here, I am fine. Wei Ying, you are alive. My love. You are here. Are you okay?'

'Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan. My idiot h-husband. Why did you do that? What if didn't work and you died?'

'Can't live without Wei Ying. If you die I will follow.'

'Lan Z-Zhan but you are an immortal. Why did you leave it to follow me?'

'Wei Ying is my world, love, soul. I don't care about my immortality. I don't care about anything. Will do anything for you, always.'

'Then how are you feeling now?'

'Tired, but okay. My love, don't worry. I will recover soon. Things are slower because my body is so small and it can't recover my full energy. I never thought de-aging will be this exhausting. Maybe it's because of the time travel. So it will take time. How are you feeling?'

'Yeah me too. I am a bit tired. And I solidified my core today. I also don't have my full energy back, if it travel back with me. But I think whatever you did back there actually worked'

'Rest well my love. If I can I will come to you sooner. But I don't think it will be possible.'

'Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan... My love. I am going to miss you.'

'Miss Wei Ying. Love Wei Ying.'

'Lan Zhan, How I am going to live without seeing you? I will die.'

'Wei Ying will live. I will be with you always.'

'But Lan Zhan, you are not here.'

'Wei Ying'

Wei Wuxian sobs as his husband tries to comfort him through their bond, humming their song 'Wangxian'. It calms him and he felt like Lan Zhan is beside him, singing to his ear. He is still in wet clothes and sitting on the floor. He wipes his tears with his wet sleeves. Finally, he feels like he can breathe. Knowing his husband is alright. He knows Lan Zhan might not be fine as he is saying. But he knows nothing will make danger to his husband other than that talisman. Lan Zhan is an Immortal, the youngest one ever in history. If he didn't cause his own death nothing will danger to him. But, he had designed that time travel talisman to separate one's spiritual consciousness from their mind and powered with their golden core to transfer it through time. He knew What Lan Zhan used was not his original talisman, it was a different one, a better and alternate one. He should ask him about it sooner.

A knock was heard before opening his room door. Jiang Yanli peeked inside, with a warm soup bowl in her hand. She is so small, in her ten year's old self. When he was a child, Jiang Yanli was someone he look up to as a big and brave woman. Now he can see how small she is. She is still a child herself, but looks after him and Jiang Cheng like a mother.

'ShiJié' Wei Ying's mind filled with a scene he last time saw her.


Jiang Yanli smiled through her pain. Holding his face as he cries leaning to her touch.

'My A-Xian, You ran so fast. That I didn't have enough time to look at you. And talk with you. I want to tell you-'

Jiang Yanli looked at him with wide eyes, before pushing him aside. Taking a sword to her chest, piercing through her heart. Blood spreading on her mourning clothes fast. Jiang Cheng looked at her frozen in his place. ShiJié falls into Jiang Cheng's arms, eyes closed, dead. Leaving him alone.

'Wei Ying' Lan Zhan's voice through his mind, worried, making those painful memories go away. 'You are not alone. I am here, my love.'

'Lan Zhan, she is alive. What I am going to do?'

'Wei Ying, we will save her. She won't die this time.'

'Lan Zhan, b-but how I can take her love and care? I d-don't deserve her love.'

'Wei Ying deserves every love. Go, hug her. Don't make her worry. You are a child in her eyes. Her brother. Her three years old XianXian.'

'Lan Zhan'

'I am here. Go now.'

"A-Ying, you didn't come," Jiang Yanli said as she put the warm bowl of soup on his low table and walks to him, studying him head to toe. Her eyes get wide as she looks at his red puffy eyes.

"A-Ying," she said softly, worries filling her voice. Wei Wuxian doesn't remember how long it had been her calling him like that. Right. He still is known as Wei Ying. He will get his courtesy name in a few days since he finally has the golden core.

Wei Wuxian throws his tiny body at her. Hugging her body tightly, sobbing.

"A-Ying are you okay? Why are you crying?" she asks worriedly. Wei Wuxian doesn't reply. Burying his face in her clothes he breathes the familiar smell of lotus and honey.

"Oh, A-Ying!" she hugs him without another question. Patting his back softly as his cries decrease to sniffs. Her light pink color hanfu is now wet with his tears and snot and his drenched clothes.

Finally, after a few minutes of crying, Wei Wuxian pull back, with red puffy eyes and a red face. He smiles at her sheepishly, trying to do damage control why he suddenly broke down on his special day. Jiang Yanli chuckles at him, wiping his wet face with her handkerchief.

"A-Ying. Will you tell me why you cried?" she asks softly.

"I t-thought of Mama and Baba. I hope they are here with me." Wei Wuxian said with a small sniff. It wasn't a lie. It was something he had thought so many times in his last life.

"Oh, A-Ying. I am sure they would be proud of you. And I am proud of you A-Ying." She hugs him again, kissing his crown.

'ShiJié, if you knew how you died because of me, will you still think of me like this?'

'Wei Ying, it's not your fault.' Lan Zhan reminds him in his mind like the sweetheart he is.

We Wuxian hopes he can live without those regrets this time. No, he will do it right this time. For everyone. For his husband. And for himself.