
The Grand Weaver's Garden in the Sky

Follow the story of the Grand Weaver, a high being, as he takes part in the lives of his weaved creations who came to life.

ChongHoon_Yoo · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Outside

The son of the Weaver went inside the garden and walked by where Hish and Hishah was. He sees them but still decides to ask a question.

"Hish," said the son. "Where are you?"

"He-here," replied Hish, showing only half of his face behind the tree trunk.

"Why are you hiding?"

"I am ashamed of what I am made of."

"Did you touch my father's sacred needle?"

"My wife made me do it."

"Where is she?" asked the son.

"Here I am," said Hishah, showing up behind another tree.

"What have you done?" asked the son.

"The kayot by the needle made me do it," she answered.

The son walked to the needle and grabbed hold of the evil malak in disguise. Rah was choking and in rage, but he cannot move while being held by the neck.

"You have done terrible things since the beginning!" exclaimed the son. He threw Rah outside the boundary, never to enter the center of the garden again.

Looking at Hish and Hishah, he said, "Because you have disobeyed my father's commands, you will be expelled from this garden. Most kayots will fear you, if not, harm you. From now on, you will work the ground for food and dig water from deep under. You will be the residents of a cursed land, where Rah the evil malak have power over. The offspring you will bear will be painful for the woman. And you will have to protect yourself from all your surroundings, including the weather."

The Grand Weaver made clothing from kayots killed and gave them to Hish and Hishah. They ran to the garden's exit in fear and guilt, and was forbidden to come back.

Hish held hands with his wife as they explored the land outside the garden. It had the same nature and kayots, but there was something lacking. The perfect care of the Weaver and the relaxing life they had inside the garden is now nowhere experienced and felt. They have to plant their food and wait for its fruit to bear with time. They have to dig far underground to get water to drink. Hunger and thirst will be a common feeling, toil and suffering will be a common occurrence. It will be something they will forever regret.

Soon after, Hish made a home for them outside the garden, far from it. Hishah had bore children and from then on, the Grand Weaver made themselves invisible from the world outside. The garden is now nowhere to be seen or found, and the Weaver's relationship with them are cut. Still, the father and the son long for the time when everything will be restored back to its proper place.

Generations passed, the descendants of Hish and Hishah became very numerous. Because of their separation with the Grand Weaver and the curse filling the land, they all became wicked in their deeds and did all kinds of detestable things imaginable.

Amidst all the chaos happening, malaks from Rah's forces were hovering above in the sky and saw that beautiful daughters were born from Hish's descendants. They chose wives according to their desires and bore children among them. Those children became giants, twenty times the size normal for people in the whole land. Half malak and half humans, they possessed extraordinary strength and battle prowess. They became kings in their own lands and conquered other lands beyond their territories.

Meanwhile, as the rest of the world became wicked, one family remained untainted by the evil in the land, a family whose way of life stands out from the others. A family led by a man called Hohah, who had a wife, three sons whom each had a wife.

Hohah was building a home for his youngest son in the field when the Grand Weaver called him by a voice.


"Who's there?"

The sky opened and lightnings spread out from the hole and scattered across the whole stretch in loud thunders. Then a voice came out.

"I am the Grand Weaver."

"Speak, my Lord."

"Because of the wickedness in this world, I will send this whole garden from the sky down to the ground and cause everything to die from impact."

"Grand Weaver, spare my family," begged Hohah.

"Build for yourself a large ship that could fit your family and all kinds of kayots I choose to save. Tie it with large ropes on each corners, and I will weave for you a stretchable textile that could withstand the wind and let the whole ship slowly descend without harming everyone inside," the Grand Weaver instructed.

"As you wish," Said Hohah.

The next day, Hohah and his sons began to build a ship. People who came across gathered and laughed at them.

"Why are you building so big a house when there's only you and your family living inside it?" said a man smirking along with the people gathered.

"I am not building a house. I'm making a ship," answered Hohah.

"A ship?" they laughed.

"The whole world is going to fall to the ground below," continued Hohah. "Come with me and rescue yourselves and your families!"

"We are already on the ground," they continued laughing to their heart's content.

"We are not," Hohah replied. "We are in a sky dome, visible to the Grand Weaver, and he, invisible to us. He is going to destroy his creation because of all the wickedness!"

The people continued laughing with disbelief at Hohah's words. He and his family became the laughing stock of the whole city, but they kept their faith and hope in the Grand Weaver's words.

The time came when the ship was complete. People were still gathering around and laughing at the spectacle of Hohah's family. The son of the Grand Weaver appeared in a voice to Hohah the night before everything will drop from the sky.

"Hohah," said the son of the Weaver.

"Who is there?" asked Hohah waking up from his sleep.

"The world will be dropping from the sky tomorrow. All the kayots will be led to your ship by morning. Prepare your family and close the boat when the last kayot walks in."

"Yes, lord," said Hohah.

Morning came and hundreds of all the different kinds of kayots entered the ship. The people were amazed but are still in disbelief. Hohah stands on top of a rock hill to tell the people of the impending doom.

"Everyone!" exclaimed Hohah. "Join us and save yourselves!"

Everyone laughed and said mean things to Hohah and his family. Rah disguised himself as one of the people and made his voice stand out.

"What will we save ourselves from?" he exclaimed. "Your insanity?"

Everyone laughed with Rah, unaware of who he was.

Hohah became tired of convincing the people of the imminent destruction about to happen. He returned to his ship and closed the door when the last kayot entered.

Noon came, and as everyone around the world of the sky garden was doing what they want in wickedness and strife, the Grand Weaver tied the stretchable textile to the ropes on the corners of the ship and opened the garden dome's cloud foundation.

In an instant, everyone felt their world falling. Screams were heard everywhere. All the houses are separated from the ground as the whole world was falling. People outside their homes floated in the air but realized soon enough that they were not flying but falling. The fall lasted for minutes. Everyone's voice became hoarse from the screams as the fall approached its end.