
The Grand Uzumaki Ancestor

I was once a warrior unlike any other, my power was such that a single punch was enough to break space and time. In my search for absolute power, I became blind to those around me. The result couldn't have been different, they backstabbed me... If only I knew I couldn't trust just anyone... if only I had friends to help me and protect me along the way... if only I had listened to her... But fate had other plans for me. So be it then! A new life you give me? Then, I shall start anew! I won't abandon my family like before! I shall protect my clan! I'll make friends and help them as well! This cold heart shall finally understand the heat of love for the first time!

CountlessDreams · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Saki's plight, how far can a filial child go for its mother?

Chapter 5: Saki's plight, how far can a filial child go for its mother?

Saki Uzumaki stood emotionless in the hall of the Uzumaki clan's library.

Shinobis would walk past by every few minutes, there were at least fifteen of them protecting the clan's most treasured possessions, jutsu scrolls.

Even though there was so much life there, Saki felt more lonely than the time spent taking care of the sick mother at home.

Those blue eyes that so lifelessly watched the entrance in wait for another brother or sister of the clan to ask for directions were clear as crystals, but it was in the shadows of the heart that one would notice the blood-like tears that were spilled every day.


Another one came.

"Oh, good morning brother Saki, can you tell me where can I find rank-c fire ninjutsus?"

It was another unfamiliar face, one of the many who came here every day, asked something, and left, after all those years, this individual knew the name Saki, but not once he tried to talk to 'Saki'.

That's right, you're a tool, just another something to be used. Saki repeated.

"Section 3... the second shelf."

"Thanks, Saki, you're very helpful as always."

The man patted Saki's shoulder.

Seeing him leaving, a painful feeling spread across Saki's heart. The eyes followed the figure, but the mouth didn't open, the words were there, but they weren't pronounced, as if a curse had installed itself within the boundaries of Saki's tongue, ever and forever preventing friendship, companionship, and any sort of relation to form.

It was Saki's destiny to remain like this, a useful lifeless tool.


Why Saki endured this hell?

Saki endures it for her


Will you still be there when I arrive?

Will you ever smile again for me?

Will there be a time where the pain is no more?

Will this curse clung to my heart till the end, or will there ever be someone to break it?

Saki dropped on the chair, the clenched fists holding ever so tightly into the beautiful blue robes kneed by the dying mother.

"Kami... please... break it... please..."

With a blurry vision, Saki stood up to the sound.


The doorbells rang once more, the tool had to work again, the tool had to do it. For the tool's mother needed this.

But... what is this?

The tool... why is it crying?

How dare the tool do something like this!

Stop it!




A hand touched Saki's shoulder. The eyes of this boy... they had a reddish-orange tone, there's a different kind of warmth to them, it wasn't like that of Saki's mother, who was filled with expectation and hope. Those eyes which seemed to hide a fire unlike any other also seemed to transcend beyond those simple meanings that people like Saki's mother were capable of conveying through the eyes.

Right... Why is Saki thinking about his eyes? They brought comfort, a comfort similar to that of a blanket, a warm hug, a haven for Saki's troubled and pained heart.

His face approached, they were too close, Saki could feel his breath.

"Tsunayoshi, ol- brother..."

He hugged.

Just a simple action and Saki couldn't hold it anymore, the forced voice, the one that was clearly meant to make Saki sound like a boy disappeared.

She cried, she cried like never before while feeling the warm arms of this man in front of her. Her body shaking so much, the sounds of her pain echoing in the library, attracting the attention of the many Shinobi inside.

The rubber band that once held her hair even fell on the ground, revealing the long red hair.

The people were stunned, since when there was a woman working in the Clan's library?

"Wait a minute... isn't that Saki?"

"This girl is Saki? You must be crazy, we have seen Saki many times, why would he be a girl?!"

Saki ignored those comments as she tightly embraced Tsuna, her legs had lost all strength, she was tired, stressed, she couldn't hide anymore.

What a cursed world, Kunoichi had no rights here, especially one like her, who was blessed with a rare beauty. How long will it take? She asked herself. They will definitely force her into marriage, use her body as a tool for a political alliance with another clan, and that is if one of the elders didn't become interested in her.

Now the secrets will be forced one after the other, they will discover the rare abilities inherited by her blood, they will dig up every secret, they will use her mother as a threat, another trading tool, cooperation for help.

"Don't cry, Saki." Tsuna's calm voice reached her ears.

"I said it before, didn't I?"

Saki's crystal eyes shook.


"𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦, 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵, 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺!"


"You're my family now, my sister, I'll protect you... No one will lay their hands on you without your consent. I'll cut all the fingers of the bastard who tries."

Her body shook, her cries even louder as her tears drenched his shoulder. His warm hand patted her head, she could feel it trying to calm her down.

"Brother... Tsuna... I'm so sorry... so sorry..."

She never thought that something like this would happen. It was all her fault, now the only person that ever treated her so well will suffer because of her.

Saki couldn't stand this feeling, the feeling that she hurt someone she respected, someone she looked up to, someone that saved her life.

The battlefield... never in her life she thought that it would be something that she missed. Now... all that she wanted was to go back, face an even bigger army, fight until she fell dead on the street, at least her mother would have received some form of compensation, maybe it would have been enough to treat her illness.

Now she will drag both her and her sworn brother.

Suddenly, she looked up at him, she was startled.

"Why are you smiling."


"?" She couldn't understand.



"Saki... what do you want to do?"

"Hm!?" Saki blinked her eyes as she looked deep into his eyes.

What she... wanted to do?

Does she want to do anything?

"Saki, what are your goals? Your dreams? What do you want to achieve?"

Saki thought about his words, had she ever lived for herself? All she knew her whole life was the pain of his mother, who had lost her husband just a year after Saki herself was born. Her whole life had been about making her proud, making her happy, getting rid of her pain, it was all for her mother, she was sacrificing herself from the very beginning.


Tsuna watched as the tears stopped flowing through her eyes.

He was a cultivator before, he knew more than anyone else what selfish desires were, and he knew very well how repressing this feeling so much like she did would leave injuries behind, injuries of the worst kind, of the mind.

There was no problem thinking about others, it was something that he grew to admire and endorse, but one couldn't overdo it. Like all things in the universe, in life, a balance had to be maintained between them.

After some time, she answered.

"I want to help my mother... I want to have a family, I don't want to be forced to do things that I don't want to..."

Tsuna nodded, with a confident smile, he held her hands and whispered. "I shall give those three wishes of yours as a gift them, no matter what, you will have what you want."

He started walking, but she stood there stunned.

Is he leaving? But... he said...

Once her thoughts started to wave, she suddenly found herself being dragged in the arms of her brother, she looked up with confusion, only to see him smiling at her, as he walked past the stiffed crowd that had yet to process what they saw.

Noticing why he was doing that, carrying her like she was a princess, she blushed and pouted slightly. Turning her to the side, she couldn't help but whisper. "Bad brother... taking advantage of your sister..."

Although she said that, she wasn't expecting him to answer, so when he did so, her face became red like a tomato.

"I have to do it now before my beautiful sister starts her family, after all, I don't think that my sis's husband will let me do this again, pfft!"

"Pfft!" She couldn't help but laugh with him, the atmosphere was so heavy before, now it was so light. She closed her eyes and murmured before she gave in to her tiredness. "Thank you, brother..."

Tsuna simply smiled as he carried her, once he arrived at the Chakra manuals section of the library, he put her down on one of the tables for a second, grabbed some chakra control training methods, and left while princess-carrying her.

Since he promised his new sister to help her, he would put even more effort into his training, he would become powerful so that she could realize the dreams that she couldn't do alone.

"Wait for me... Saki... I promise to help you, you won't have to feel like that again." Whispering those words, he left the clan's library with her.

Tsunayoshi Uzumaki

Age: 11

Status: Mid-level Genin

Current Jutsu Techniques(Ninjutsu/Taijutsu/Etc):

Body Replacement Technique

Clone Technique (not to be confused with the shadow clone)

Transformation Technique

Body Flicker Technique

Kenjutsu level: Beyond mortal (currently limited by physical level)

Throwing technique level: Jonin

Physical level: Chunin

Unique traits:

Seven Mysteries Sutra

Sensor Type (will be revealed in next chapters.)

Cultivation level: Stage 1 - rank 1/7


Uzumaki (High)

Current date: 74 years before Naruto is born in canon

Hashirama and Madara were born this year

5 years before Mito Uzumaki is born

12 years before Kawarama and Itama Senju are killed.

CountlessDreamscreators' thoughts