
The Grand Ruler (ASOIAF/Game of Thrones)

A Guy does CYOA for worm but gets ASOIAF instead. OP MC KINGDOM BUILDING A LOT OF A LOT OF SMUT. Darkish MC inspired by Dark Sculptor

RudraDragon · TV
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Name: Legiel

Who: You, CYOA

Setting :A Song of Ice and Fire, Lost,

Difficulty: Normal

Scenario: Summer, 2009, (296 AC)

Character: Reincarnation, 12 years old,Male, Amazing, Jobless, No Education, It has its ups and downs, Orphan,

Shard:Multiversal Source

Perks: Fan Service, Frankenstein, Reputable, Well-Adjusted, Natural Leader

Drawbacks: In One Ear..., Corona Pollentia, Flashback, Conscious Geas [5][Can't tell anyone about past life, Conqueror Planetos,Become the richest person alive,Defeat the White walkers,industrialize planetos] May you live in Interesting Times,

Skills: Sword Art Offline, Master Craftsman, Teaching, Tactics, Business, Pickpocketing, Sign-Language, Lying, Omnilingual

Items:Melee (Piercing) (Trident), Survival Gear,

Powers: Powers: Magik, Shard Imitation, Blaster, Thinker, (Brute) Captain America, (Brute) Captain America Second Trigger, (Brute) Deadpool, (Tinker) Chemistry, (Striker) Vibranium, (Striker), (Striker/Thinker) Biokinesis,(Striker/Thinker), Biokinesis Second Trigger