
The Grand Rebellion

Eshaan_Joshi · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

After leaving the police office, I had to meet with Murphy to discuss the evidence, and possibly bail my siblings out. AFter walking for 30 minutes, I saw the sign of Dr. Murphy's law offices, And I immediately took a left.

"Hello!" I knocked on Dr. Murphy's building.

"You can come in."

I opened the door, and I saw one receptionist typing. After I closed the door, she immediately turned towards me.

"Hello, what is your purpose of visit," The receptionist greeted.

"Hello, I would like to see Dr. Murphy," I answered.

"Ok, did you book an appointment for her?" She asked.

"Yes, I already booked an appointment," I answered, "I also came here because it was recommended by Serena."

"That's wonderful," The receptionist smiled, "We have a reputation of being one of the best evidence analyzers in town."

"Yeah, I heard," I responded.

After we chatted for a while, I followed the receptionist. I entered the elevator, and after the elevator read the 4th floor, The elevator stopped, and we exited the elevator. When I arrived at Murphy's office, she was already waiting for me.

"Hello," Dr. Murphy greeted, "I heard you booked an appointment for me."

"Yes I did," I answered.

"Ok, so first, I would like to see a copy of the police's evidence," Murphy requested.

I got my phone, and showed her the police's evidence.

"Why do I see blue streaks in the fire?" Murphy pointed out, "And also, I see green light on your sibling's body, when there is fire everywhere."

"So, do you think that this could be edited?" I asked.

"Yes, there's a good chance that the police could've edited this, because the reflection is abnormal," Murphy analyzed.

"Ok then, thanks for helping, and i'll try to bail my siblings out," I told her, as I was walking out of the room.

"Good luck with that," Murphy chuckled.

After I left the building, I was feeling hungry, so I decided to eat at Pamela's Italian Restaurant.

When I walked in, I saw people happily chatting and talking with each other, along with the few waitresses serving food.

I immediately walked towards the main counter.

"Welcome to Pamela's, what would you like to eat today?" One waiter asked.

I examined the menu, before deciding what I want to eat.

"I would like a Lasagna with some salad," I responded.

"Ok, your food will be brought to your table,"

"Thanks," I answered with a smile.

I sat down, and scrolled through the news site to see any updated information on my siblings. I was shocked about how much news articles were about me or my siblings, and most of those articles aren't very pleasant. Even some people on social media were creating hate pages about me, and I saw a lot of harassing comments.

I saw the waiter carrying my food, so I turned off my phone.

"Here is your food," the waitress placed the lasagna.

"Thanks," I responded.

I was very hungry, so I started digging in the tasty lasagna, and the delicious salad. After I was done eating, my stomach was full, and I was a little bit tired. But, I have to go to the palace before the queen suspects I'm gone.

I grabbed my purse and phone, and walked out of the restaurant. The sun had already gone down, and the dark blue shade was taking over the sky. I ran fast to the castle so that I would not be late.

When I arrived at the castle, I walked to the secret hole that goes to my room. I opened the latch, and I went inside the hole, making sure no one was watching me.