
The Grand Dao

"What is the Grand Dao?" A teacher asked her students. "There is no Grand Dao. Dao is just a path that a cultivator will take and there is no grand path that exists, every path is equal. A Grand Dao is just an illusion, a lie made to limit one's own thinking." Her beautiful student said. "That's not true, the Grand Dao indeed exists. It's just that you have never experienced it yet." The main character, Zhou Mengyao said and he even explained what the true Grand Dao is to his fellow classmate. "Well, the Grand Dao is actually a path created by exploring the pleasures of life! Of course, I am talking about the pleasure that a man and a woman can only enjoy!" Zhou Mengyao said righteously. Indeed, the Grand Dao is a path of debauchery.

LazyWriter25 · Eastern
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43 Chs


"Sit down, there is no Grand Dao at all. Yan Suyin is right, every path is equal. Superiority only depends on the person walking on the said path, in this world, there are no useless paths. Only useless people remember that. We will end the class for today"

The teacher Tian Qiuyue said before leaving the room.

After hearing what the teacher said Zhou Mengyao also left their small classroom where there are only two students. He goes just outside to observe the ancient-looking architecture of the building suggesting that he isn't in a modern era.

'It has been a month since I reincarnated here, I have pretty much adapted to my surroundings'

Zhou Mengyao thought after recalling his memories, his memory about the plane that hit their room is still vivid to his mind.

He reincarnated to a cultivation world where countless strong humans and beasts roam the continent freely to their heart's content. In this world, one can get stronger by using cultivation techniques.

Zhou Mengyao even saw someone fly using the mystical power of the Qi, which is the primary reason why people can cultivate in this world.

Unfortunately for Zhou Mengyao, he can't use any cultivation techniques due to his special constitution. It is a trash special constitution since no matter what he does he won't be able to have any success in cultivation which basically means that in a world where everyone can get stronger, only he can't.

But with Zhou Mengyao's reincarnation, he is also blessed with a golden finger in a form of a system. He summoned it and a holographic screen can be seen in front of his vision.

[The D]

[Level 3]

[Exp: 94/10000]

[Effect: Anyone who takes on the D will never forget the taste of it]

[The Forbidden Finger]

[Level 3]

[Exp: 204/10000]

[Effect: Using this technique, any pain can be a pleasure]

[Indestructible Copper Body]

[Level 2]

[Exp: 87/1000]

[Effects: Increases your defense significantly. Able to completely ignore attacks lowered level than the skill]

Right now Zhou Mengyao only has three techniques, two of them came from his previous life experience and the last one is something that came from the library of the academy that he is currently studying.

It is a body cultivation technique that will significantly help increase one's defense, he has already tested the effects of it and he can tell that it was a good technique.

Right now he can only use body cultivation techniques since it is just a waste of time if he tried qi cultivation techniques, he has already tested it himself and no matter what kind of qi cultivation technique that he can get from the library he won't be able to learn it.

If it is a body cultivation technique he can learn it easily though, the only problem is just that body cultivation techniques are very hard and are thought to be inferior to the qi cultivation techniques hence there are not plenty of them that exists in the world.

He has already spent some days in the library and he only managed to spot one body cultivation technique, even though it is one of the most prestigious academies in the Region of Shrouded Moon, the number of body cultivation techniques that exists is abysmally low.

'Time to go to the training ground!'

Zhou Mengyao thought, he already knew the function of his system. It basically is as long as you continuously used a certain technique then its experience will go up and if the technique leveled up then the technique will get stronger.

Right now its potential is still unknown and Zhou Mengyao is still testing the system's limits.

Zhou Mengyao walked fast since he wanted to go to the training ground to wait for his fellow schoolmates to help him level up his techniques.

He arrives there just in time, there are already students of the Clear Lake Academy waiting for him. The academy is named after the name of the kingdom since it is the most prestigious school of the kingdom and its founder is the first ancestor of the kingdom.

The students' ages range from 16 and above and they seem to be expecting Zhou Mengyao's arrival.

"Yeow guys! It is a shame you haven't managed to put me on my knees yesterday how about now? Can you take me down now?"

Zhuo Mengyao said before going to the fighting platform, the training ground has many facilities that can aid a cultivator who wanted to train his martial arts techniques like the cauldron that can test one's punching force and many more.

The fighting platform is very known since it is commonly used by students to settle their grievances and is also used for practice like sparring.

The fighting platform is square in shape and it is composed of a large open space for the fighters to fight. People can watch the ongoing fights since it is in an open space and most of the time, students spend their time watching others fight since it is satisfying.

"Tsk, you are lucky that we haven't given you a good beating yesterday but now your luck has run out!"

"That's right, your luck has run out since Brother Qin Peng is here to teach you a lesson yourself!"

"Brother Qin Peng is a genius! His cultivation level has already reached the Six Stage of the Qi Refining Realm at the age of 16!"

'Qin Peng? Isn't he one of the goons of the top 10 students in the first years of the academy? He must be powerful, I am expecting a good amount of experience points from you so you must not disappoint me.'

Zhou Mengyao thought and he grinned, the powerful his enemy is the faster he can gather experience points. That is what he learned after fighting the students of the academy.

He is also one of the first years and just a week after he got into the academy he is already popular due to the arrogance that he displayed by fighting countless students too many times.

He did that to increase the experience points of his technique, the indestructible copper body.

"Alright, no need to be so noisy. All of you get up here, I wanted to fight all of you. Give me a good fight guys!"

Zhou Mengyao shouted loudly and every student who is just below the fighting platform is irritated. This situation has happened way too many times, Zhou Mengyao will provoke them while he is on the fighting platform and they will be forced to fight to protect their silly little pride.

"So you are Zhou Mengyao? Zhou Mengyao of the Zhou family? It is disappointing that you don't have the talent to cultivate qi since you came from the prestigious Zhou family, your family might be able to protect you outside but in the academy, you have to protect yourself. That is the number one rule, I hope you understand that."

Qin Peng, a man in a white and blue robe said while getting on the fighting platform. He has long hair and an average face, even his demeanor is just average in comparison to the amazingness of Zhou Mengyao, from face to everything.

'An average face, no a little bit ugly to be average. It is a perfect face for a side character that is just a henchman of someone.'

Zhou Mengyao thought he couldn't help but think that he is the protagonist of the story. From reincarnation to getting bullied to getting a golden finger.

As someone who has read countless novels in his free time, he would be an idiot if he did not think of that coincidence. Nevertheless, he never wanted to rely on plot armor.

Who knows? If the author has a bad day then he might kill him because he relies on plot armor way too much. He has already seen countless protagonists in the movie die so he knew that plot armor is unreliable at some times.

"Let's fight already! You should have known that action speaks louder than words!"

Zhou Mengyao said and he stands straight, he never put his hand up to defend against the incoming attacks later, in short, he is completely open and defenseless. The only thing that he is thinking about now is grinding the techniques.

"You are right, actions speak louder than words so let's go into action"

Qin Peng shouted and he rushed to Zhou Mengyao's defenseless state. His fist is raised and with his cultivation of Six Stage of the Qi Refining Realm, he managed to quickly approach Zhou Mengyao.


A fist falls down on Zhou Mengyao's face and it produced a very sharp noise. The noise is akin to a fist punching a copper.

'Fuck! That hurts!'

Zhou Mengyao thought after receiving the punch, nevertheless, he endured the painful punch and even though he flinched for a moment he never moved from his position.

[Indestructible Copper Body +30]

Zhou Mengyao saw a tiny notification in his line of sight and seeing the +30 made him happy. The level 2 of the Indestructible Copper Body can provide defense until the 6th Stage of the Qi Refining Realm.

The first level can give defense until 3rd Stage of Qi Refining Realm and in the last few days, Zhou Mengyao has his ass thrown around the fighting platform just so that he can get experience points but now that his technique has leveled up, it completely ignored the force coming from the attacks of cultivators below the 4th Stage of Qi Refining Realm.

Most of the students are just at 1st to 4th so the exp became +1 every time they land a hit on him, the higher the level of the technique is the lower the exp one will receive if one receives an attack from a low-level cultivator.