
Chapter 2

3rd pov

Fuyuki city, a once great city that is now rubble because of something that wasn't suppose to happen. This is what Chaldea would classify as a singularity in the timeline and would send a group of trained masters in order to take care of it, after all many knew that this war had some of the strongest servants with it being right behind the fourth grail war. But because of what has happened the only ones who are in this hellhole are two pseudo-servants and three masters with one being apart of the A team of Chaldea.

"Hmm.... it seems my master is still asleep."

Sitting down on a piece of rubble Nobu was looking over Hinako with a blank face while keeping an eye out for anything that may come their direction with the intent of harming them. Though while this is happening Nobu couldn't help but admit.... he was quite liking the chaos that is happening around him in some weird way, he doesn't like the fact people have died and all that but top him this chaos seemed refreshing to his mind.

"Could it be because I am somewhat like chaos?"

That would make sense, ever since he woke up his mind has been assaulted with so many memories he is confused on who he was since he remembers living so many other lives that it isn't possible to tell which one is the real one anymore, though the memories are helpful since they allow him to know things he needs for example he is able to know anything medical and do it with ease which is helpful to see what could be wrong with his master.

"Hmm.... the only thing that seems to be wrong with her is the fact her Prana is acting a bit out of control but that may be because it is trying to wake the body up other then that she is fine." Nobu said to himself while he did a quick check over his masters body, now that he knew she wasn't in immediate danger Nobu can now think on what else his master may need when they wake up.

"Do they need food and water? I mean she is a being close to a vampire so blood may be the best choice but where can I get some-"

But before Nobu can finished that sentence a giant stone pillar was thrown towards his direction missing both him and Hinako completely to instead hit a pile of rubble causing it to conveniently get scattered around to reveal an working fridge that is filled with bags of blood.

".... well that is convenient!"

Standing up Nobu looked around to make sure he isn't gettign attack since a stone pillar was thrown his direction but sensing nothing around them he just shrugged his shoulders before walking over to the small fridge to grab a bag or two of blood.

" Should I wait for her to wake up or...?"

Shrugging his shoulders he decided to see if he could do something he had seen in a movie once thanks to his memories, so getting closer to Hinako Nobu had decided to put a blood bag near Hinako's nose and open it up to see if he can wake her up by using that smell.

" Hmm it seems what the movies do are fake.... well that su-"

But he was cut off again when suddenly the hand of Hinako snapped towards the bag of blood before taking out of his hands and bringing it close to her mouth to start drinking it. Once the bag was fully empty one of Hinako's eyes opened before they closed due to the sudden change in light now opening both eyes Hinako slowly got up before she looked around to see where they are at.

" ..... huh you know if this is hell then it isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

" Well Master I am sorry to rain on your parade but you are still alive!"

Hearing the familiar voice of Nobu she turned her head only to be shocked at the new look he has not to mention the fact that he is acting way different then he did when she first met him.

"What happened to you Nobu?"

She isn't too concern about his well being since he looks fine to her but she couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous since Nobu was starting to grow on her since he was going to be one of the few non humans in Team A.

" I am fine Hianko or would you like me to call you master now?"


Looking towards her hand she was surprised to see a command seal on her hand (Same one as the one from the S.I.N lostbelt) but it also allowed her to understand why Nobu is acting different but has a different look as well he had magically gained while she was knocked out.

"So you are a servant now huh..... meaning we are in a singularity."

"That does seem to be the case, though I do believe we are not the only ones here."

"So others potentially survived great."

Smiling softly Nobu just got up before he went over to the fridge of blood, Hinako was confused on what he was doing and even more so when he had suddenly started to just take pieces out of it before implementing them somewhere else in it.

"What are you doing?"

" Well Master I have a feeling you may still be hungry so I thought you may wish for us to bring this along, so I am modifying it so it can self-sustain itself with electricity which.... is now completed!"

taking out the plug from the socket Nobu had picked it up before he had put the fridge on his back while using the cord as a way to keep it on his back, the extra wight doesn't bother him but it was quite the sight to see him carry said fridge on his back though he could see Hinako had her hand to her face making him a bit confused.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No- its just you do realize that I don't need to drink blood right?"

Nobu tilted his head at the new information of what his master doesn't need but it doesn't make sense to him since he had just seen Hinako drink an entire bag of blood. Though Hinako seemed to realize this for she started to speak again in order to help enlighten her ally.

"While Drinking blood is a good thing for me I am not limited to just blood like True ancestors are..... though I will admit the taste of blood is good."

"So you do like it but you say you don't... ha~ my master sure is a weird person."

Shaking her head though smiling slightly since she is seeing a bit of the old Nobu in this one, she decided to check his Stats in order to see what he is though has soon as she did that she suddenly tensed seeing the stats of Nobu.

"How the fuck is he a Saver!?" Hinako thought with a wide eyed look on her face when she started to read more of his stats.


Servant Name: Nobu Kamukura Von Einzenburn or "The Ultimate Hope"

Class: Pseudo-Saver

Strength: B++

Agility: A +

Endurance: B+++

Mana: C-

Luck: F ~ EX

Np: D+~ EX


"What kinda of monster did you bond with Nobu?"

That was the one question that formed in Hinako's mind as she looked over to Nobu who was just staring at her with a innocent smile on his face as if he hadn't done anything wrong. Shaking her head she had decided to think about the bright side of these stats since this makes him a power house though she is confused on why his Mana is the lowest?

" Hey Nobu?"


"Where did you say that pillar came from?"

Seeing towards the direction of where he was pointing in order to sense prana being released in burst meaning that a fight is going on. Nodding her head she looked towards Nobu before she sighed when she still saw the fridge was still on his back.

"Nobu..... just put down the fridge I don't need the blood and I mean it or I will use a command seal!"

Seeing that his master was willing to go that far to try and stop him from bringing the miniature fridge made him sigh a little before he put it down while patting it on its head as if it was alive.


Seeing that he wasn't going to bring it anymore Hinako had started to walk with Nobu following behind her in order to make sure she doesn't get hurt even if she could defend herself just fine he still doesn't want to just let her fight all the battles since he is starting to get bored of this scenery.

"Do you think we will find members of Chaldea?"

" I hope so or else we are stuck in this singularity for the rest of our eternal lives."

Hey everyone sorry for the short chapter, but I am needing to do something important so I don't have much time but I promise the next chapter will be longer then usual to make up for this one!

WiseKrowcreators' thoughts