
The Good Knights Burden

In the kingdom of Bonitdei there exists an order. An order with holy authority and guidance, bestowed upon them by the church of the holy father. The order is called the holy order (i know it's simpel :/). The holy order is adored by the people of Bonitdei. But what they don't know is the cost of peace, the cost of freedom. To them the order consisting of knights and priests are an example of chivalry and divine power. When in fact, it's quite the opposite. This story follows Aron after he is “honourably” discharged. Aron discovers that he has acquired a powerful ability that is unheard off. But how will his time as a holy knight effect his decisions and actions? PS: I stole the pic ;)

Asmudusmalum · Action
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13 Chs

A little fun

The starry night had enveloped the sky above and Aron was amongst the other knights gathered around a small bonfire. The bonfire was surrounded by fifty tents all the same colour of white with an outline of red. The knights had taken off their heavy armour and while some were sitting, others were laying down on some mats, as to not dirty their clothes. The atmosphere was calm and relaxed. Some knights were munching on smoked jerky, while others fancied a goblet of wine.

The Holy Order had successfully purged the village killing all but a few. Small chatter could be heard, and folk were happy to be returning to the capital in due time. In this moment of peace Matheus spoke.

"Hey, Aron?"

"Yeah?", Aron asked back.

"Did you see those we took as prisoners? I heard from our fellow comrades, that they were quite feisty. Wanna maybe… I don't know, purify the devil within in them?" Matheus asked behind a quit chuckle.

Aron understood what Matheus meant. He wanted to beat the devil out of them. At the prospect of violence Aron agreed.

"How could I ever say no to that?"

Matheus rose from his sitting position and offered a calloused hand. A hand which Aron accepted.

"Then let's go", said Matheus.

The two of them started wandering away from the area of the bonfire, leaving its warm cover. They were walking towards the big cages made of birch wood. The cages were situated at the outskirt of camp.

The walk was quiet. When they finally reached the cages, they saw the women residing inside. They were all wearing tattered clothes and were filthy with their own grime and sweat. Matheus stepped slowly closer inspecting the wares. In response the captured women retreated to the back of the cage. Which wasn't that far since the cage was only two times two meters wide and long. (2 meters 78,74 inches).

"Oh?" Matheus said.

"Where are you going you filthy slut?", he asked stoically.

"This is truly a sign that the devil's sperm resides within you. I, a holy knight, must help save you from the deep hole you are in. It is the only way you will be allowed into the father's embrace!"

The women were looking on in fear. All they could see was a madman. They had not eaten or drank anything and were exhausted from their endless pursuit. A brave woman stepped up to the bars of the cage, which was staying together by tightly tied rope.

"W-we only want to be left alone." She almost whispered.

Her throat was dryer than she thought. It must have been all that screaming. The only thing controlling her anger, was her fear. The fear of what they might do to her, and the others with her. She had lost everything. Her mother, her father and sibilngs. The only thing driving her to live, was the fear of pain and death.

"Ehhh! What was that!?" Matheus reached for the woman and grabbed her chin with his strong and cold grip.

"I don't think we can talk properly like this." Matheus clenched her jaw and bashed her face on the cage's bars.


The Woman staggered back with a broken nose, falling on her ass.

She started wailing hysterically at the pain induced. Matheus opened the cage making all inside take a step back. Matheus then grabbed her hair and dragged her out through the open cage door. He threw her to the ground and closed and locked the door behind him.

She continued to wail and scream. Aron saw all this happening and did nothing. This angered him so he decided to do something about it.

"Hey Matheus!" Aron said loudly.

Matheus turned his head from the cage and replied.


"How come you get all the fun?", said Aron while laughing.

He then kicked the woman hard in her ribcage, causing it to make a deep cracking noise.



Aron then kicked her chin, just to see if it would break.


The woman went unconscious.

"Haha. You have had your fun, now let me have mine" Matheus said sinisterly.

He now embraced her waist with his arms carrying and placing her on a near bench.

"Hey Aron. Can you grab that bucked of water?" He asked pointing, at what seemed to be a bucket of water.

"I like to hear their screams, you know?", Matheus could barely contain his excitement.

Aron did as asked, but when he went to throw the water at her he realise that it was in fact wine and not water. But he was too late.

The stench of wine filed the air, but the woman was awake all the same.

"Wh-wharrr aave u dong? Peees dong huur me!", she pleaded with her dislocated jaw.

"Now you filthy whore. You just turn around and enjoy." He said smiling.

He then forcefully turned her around and grabbed her wrists. He then lifted her ragged gown and pulled his pants down, revealing a hard piece of meat.

The woman was beyond terrified. For her, the pain she was experiencing was beyond what she could take. She had never been beaten before. She wanted for this pain to go away no matter the cost. Even if the cost was her maidenhood. So, she simply closed her eyes, and embraced this new pain. A pain that was a reward and an escape from what might be. A necessary pain.

Matheus proceeded to ramp his big personality inside the woman laying bare and limp before him.




Suddenly blood started to run down the shaft of Matheus' friend, and this widened his smile.

"Oh? A virgin? How delicious!"

He started ramping into her harder and faster than before.

Aron was looking on in disgust. Try as he might, he couldn't justify what he saw. All he could think about was his wife at home. About how it would be if she was in the same situation. This made him a little unwell and he spoke upon it.

"Matheus? I am feeling a little under the weather, I think I'm gonna go back, but you just eh… enjoy yourself."

"Ehhh? You can bash a child's head into a brick wall, but can't stand the sight of me purifying this devilish whore?"

"You really are a special one…" Matheus pondered.

"I guess so." Aron was about to head back when he noticed something weird.

Something in the air was different. It was like it had become more dense? Almost like there were tiny bursts of energy, that he could not perceive with his eyes. Aron looked around confused, while Matheus continued his purifying ritual.

Then he heard something.

"Chanting?" he asked himself.

"What?", Matheus asked confused.

Aron the looked at the cage with the prisoners and when he saw it his heart was being clenched hard by fear and his breath was stuck in his throat.

Inside the cage were the women prisoners, standing in a circle chanting words and phrases not of this world. He realised it to late.

"Matheus! IT'S SEID! THEIR CHANTING! IT'S MAGI-" he was already to late.

The women started chanting out loud now, making them both look at them.

Matheus became frantic. Running away but falling over his pants, still residing down at his angles.

The women are chanting the last phrase in a single high and powerful voice. United.



What comes next is something that can only be described as demonic in nature.

Matheus had just gotten up and was about to start running when something tore through his shin bone.

Under him was a dark orange circle of what can only be described as a magic portal of sorts. A portal to hell. From this portal multiple demonic arms were protruding, their hands imbedded in Matheus' legs and were scraping the skin and muscle tissue off his bones, like it was a pair of perfectly made ribs, where the meat simply slides of the bone.

The scream that could be heard was truly horrific. Aron has fallen on his back scared to a state of immobility. Where all he can do is watch the event unfold.


His desperate cry for help is cut short, when a demon's seven cm (2,76 inches) long nails slashes Matheus' neck like warm butter, decapitating him as a result. He is dead. The magic has done its job. Or so Aron thought.

Out of the magic portal crawls a being looking like something out of nightmares. It would be around 3 meters tall (9,84 feet) if it were standing up straight, which was not the case.

The demon was slowly but steadily crawling towards Aron. It's charcoal black leather skin was shining deep like obsidian. Its face was of a black slimy substance almost like tar. It had no mouth, no ears or nose only deep hollow eye sockets. The sockets were formed, as if the demon would be smiling if it had a mouth.

It had two legs and two arms both looking skinny and frail. They were far from it. As the demonic creature slowly drew closer to Aron, the only thing he could think of was his wife. He loved her. He wanted her to be happy and wanted to have a family with her. Aron sat there shaken to his core. The air was smelling of pungent bitter piss.

It was now only a few inches from Aron's face. It places its long nails around Aron's eyes. With on final breath Aron accepted that he could not live any longer. His time had come.

The nails began digging around Aron's eyes injecting them with some sort of black fluid. The pain was unbearable. It was as if a million small fires were burning on the surface of his eyes and like acid dissolving his eyes inside out.

"ARRRHHHRHHRR", Aron yelled. The pain was unbearable.

Aron did not think of his wife anymore, nor about the order and the holy Father. Only about himself.

And just when all hope was lost a bright light shone.

The air was feeling lighter and crackling with energy.


The light shone brighter now and the demon was pulled by an invisible force, dragging it back to the portal it came from. It had dug its nails in the ground trying to prevent its expulsion. But it was in vain. It was pulled back into the portal.

Aron looked behind him and saw priest Martin.

"Are you alright soldier? Get behind me I still need to close the portal!"

Aron nodded and rose from the ground. But when he did, he felt a throbbing pain in his eyes like a migraine. The world around him turned black and he lost consciousness shortly after.

The last thing he heard was the priest chanting something inaudible.

Now this chapter was fun:D. It is considerbly longer than the last two. I hope whomever this tekst reaches are as happy reading this, as i was writing it. By the way, do not expect anything to crazy with this stories' quality. I am still an amature writer og maybe even below that.:)

Pls du comment your thougts, it would make my day.;)

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