
The golem mage (old search for new).

Alec was reincarnated in another world where magic rules, he was confused at the discovery of how things turned out, by he was in for a more for a more longer ride when he found out that he was the bastard son of one of the top family in the capital, The blaze family so his grandfather took care of him till he reached the age to become a mage, funny enough when his grandfather transferred his family ancient secrets to him he never took it seriously, until he awaken his system from there he started his journey into becoming one of the world greatest mage and helping his grandfather hope come to life again, for the golem mages legacy

mystic_dark_100 · Action
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21 Chs

Combat Training

After sending the other kids away since they had to train, only Arthur remain by his side

" so what's this behemoth name" Arthur asked expecting a cool name

But he could literally see visible question marks over Alec's head ^_^

" The fuck don't tell me you have not named that cool golem already cause its clear it's a special one after all it's your first golem" Arthur explain his point vividly

" ohhh I never thought that far" Alec said as he looked at the big golem thinking of what to name it

He then turned towards Arthur like he just had a great idea ^o^ " what about fatty?" Alec asked Arthur

And the face Arthur used to look at him was like his face was saying " what the fuck is wrong with your naming senses"

" let's name it titan the based on the fact its big and its your first, this domineering name should resound more, right?" Arthur asked Alex as he turned towards his friend for confirmation

Alec just sighed "i think I will go with the titan you chose, I can't even deny it sounds better to the tongue" Alec confess

" well don't just stand there you boys come in and get beat" a combat instructor of the Gordon's family said to the young boys

Alec and Arthur quickly returned back to the training ground, as Alec went a round of basic boxing and hand to hand combat with one of the instructor in the corner

[ Learnt Basic combat skills. Lvl 1 ( 0/50)]

Alec noticed the all type of ideas of hand to hand combat entering his head it was like he was a veteran who had practiced for years, but he kept his on following the instructions of the instructor as he kept on performing the skills one by one even if he felt he already knew it even more than the instructor now

[ Learnt Basic combat skills. Lvl 1 ( 20/50)]

But he was quick to notice his proficiency kept in increasing as he kept practicing the same combat skills again

" It seems even in this world practice make perfect " Alec smirked at himself

He continued with practicing the combat technique, becoming even more fluent the more he used it, that even the instructor had to stop and look at Alec demonstrated his fist styles, he performed them so beautifully that even the instructor felt inferior as Alec demonstration seems to have picked up to him and reached his level

When the other kids saw this it gave them more reason to reverence there new leader

" he is simply a monster in human flesh, I better swap with a superior or I will just be wasting his time since he has learnt what I have to teach him" the instructor said to him self as he moved to a higher up instructor explaining to him that some one has basically learnt the first form of combat skills, even though the new instructor found it amusing he wasn't so suprise since some who came Early already learnt it like Agnes and the other dual element mages that awaken in the family

After all their talent was above the rest, but what he didn't realise was that Alec completely grasp this technique in a couple of one minute

The new instructor walked up to him and was suprise when he saw that it was Alec

" Young master, so it was you OK attack me with what you have learnt let me see your progress" he said to Alex as he made a defending stance

" OK" Alec said as he rushed towards the man

He threw a punch at him using his right hand and the moment the instructor tried to block it, he found out he had being fooled as the right punch was a feint as Alec already withdraw his right hand back and was sending a punch with his left hand instead now, the instructor showed no panic on his face as he skillfully directed his other hand to protect his ribs where Alec is aiming for

But Alec saw his action and still decided to coutinue with the punch after all ever since he got this system he has not tested his strength yet so he wanted to use this instructor as a marking point to find out

* Bamm * His punch landed on the man making him take few steps back as he inhale breath to steady him self,

Alec looked at him and a system panel sign show in front of him

[insight skill activated ]


Name : unknown ( Gordon's instructor)

Level : tier 2 mage ( low)

Progress to next level : 10% (tier 3 mage)

Affinity : Earth (medium affinity)

Alec got shocked at this new option of the system, he never thought there was still something this as heaven defying skill like this that could make him peek and observe his opponents realm

" ohhh it seems you are a strong one I guess I should not hold back again since you are a tier 1 mage also" the instructor said without any shame in him forgetting just now he was just pushed back by Alec punch because he underestimated him

Alec observed him and started having a feeling of danger as a brown glow was starting to shine around the instructor body as he took a fighting stance again

He dashed over to Alec as he noticed Alec just stood still with his hands raise in defence not ready to fight with him, he threw a punch straight at Alec face trying to make sure to give him some bruises at least to cleanse his earlier shame

The feeling of danger got so much and he knew he could not stop the attack, his mind kept working in fast motion as he thought "if only my golem was here"

Like a shock the golem moved and threw it shield in front of Alec the moment before the instructor's punch could land on him a loud 'Bang' sound went off as the instructor hands banged on the eark shield which cracked a little after after taking an hit from a tier 2 mage,

But it has already served it's purpose as the golem was already in front of Alec and held the Shield taking all the force of the punch as it knelt in one knee, Alec eyes tremble at the battle awareness the golem just shown helping it avert this danger

" okay that's enough, the kid already proved his point that he have learnt the first step of the basic combat techniques" a voice said

Looking over Alec saw the seventh elder moving over to them

Seeing who was coming the instructor who just exchanged blows with Alec quickly bowed his head as he pushed out his two fist in greetings

" Lord seven" The instructor said

" I see you are not just talent in your element affinity, you are also quite talented in combat, for being able to last and exchange blows with a tier 2 after just becoming a mage is quite incredible, young master" The elderly man said

" What, Young master!!! I can't believe I was just trying to bully the next heir of the Gordon's family" the instructor thought to inwardly as his head started to sweat in nervousness thinking the seventh elder my punished him

But he quickly noticed the man seems to have no interest to talking to him and was only focused on the young master so he silently slip away when no one was watching

The seven elder and Alec talked for a while before Alec resumed training his combat skills this time on a puppet, by the end of the day when he left with his golem his combat skills have already risen to level 3 and he had enough confidence to face anybody on a one on one confrontation

[ Learnt Basic combat skills. Lvl 3 ( 45/200)]

Alec went back home tired and stressed out from all the training he did, so he took his bath and started cultivating again he was not ready to play around even if he was the first to become a mage in the younger generation

Because among the younger generations he even found so talents especially Arthur who is so low key when he used the system observe skill on him he noticed he was already close to being a tier 1 mage


Name : Arthur Gordon

Level : none -

Progress to next level : 67% (tier 1 mage)

Affinity : earth(medium affinity) metal(High affinity)

He knew that the other with dual affinity won't be so far off also so he was trying his best to widen the gap between them so that he would alway be the leading mage among the youner generation in order to preserved his reputation and prestige as the young master.

" Hey come out smelly boy" Alec heard the voice of his grandfather from outside, so he made his way over to go see the old man

" whats up old man" if others saw how relaxed he was replying the patriarch of the Gordon family they might beat him to a pulp but it was just him and the man here right now so he was more relaxed when answering his grandfather

" you cheeky brat come over here let me see you properly, you didn't even tell me you have becomed a mage you brat" the old man said as he wrap one his hand around his head and gave Alec a good knock on his head, no matter how much Alec tried to get free it was all hopeless as he could not even budge the old man at all

" old man you are choking me, stop it" Alec tapped out several to show that he surrender, but the old man seems to still hold a grude

But still end up leaving him " how dare you not tell me you have advance to become a tier one mage, I should have being the first person to hear of that type of good new, but no, you kept me in the dark do you know how embarrassing it was for me to find out from other"

" That my own grandson have become a mage" he said while dragging Alec ears tight

" ouch!!! Spare me please, it was a mistake" Alec tried to beg for mercy from his grandfather who had definitely visited him with quite the temper