
The Goldenboy Of Panem(Hunger Games Si)

A story of a man who was never meant to be born. Follow the journey of Ryan Undersee from District 12 as he tries to survive in the Great Nation Of Panem.

Last_Quincy · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2 - The Mentor and the Tributes

Ryan Pov

I navigated through the compartment, my eyes widening at the extravagant spread of food and an array of colorful drinks. The sight was both mesmerizing and disconcerting. The Capitol's excesses were on full display, and it struck me that so much of this bounty would go to waste.

Meadow, standing beside me, mirrored my amazement. Her eyes widened in disbelief at the abundance before us, and without hesitation, she dove into the food, devouring it with her hands. It was evident she had never experienced such abundance in her life.

Glancing at Effie, our escort, I noticed the horror etched on her face as she observed Meadow's unbridled eating. She, like many Capitol residents, viewed people from the districts as mere entertainment, oblivious to the struggles we faced daily. The Capitol's ignorance about the harsh reality of our lives fueled a simmering anger within me.

"Where is our esteemed Victor?" I quipped with a hint of sarcasm, directing my question at Effie as she hastily straightened herself.

"Oh, he must be around here somewhere. I will go and bring him," she responded in that unmistakably high-pitched voice of hers, and with that, Effie scurried off, presumably to fetch the man who had emerged victorious in the toughest Games in Hunger Games history.

As I observed Effie's retreating figure, my thoughts swirled with a mix of skepticism and pity for the Victors. Winning the Hunger Games was supposed to be a pinnacle, a moment of glory that could change one's life, but the toll it took on those who survived was immeasurable. The Capitol, with its opulence and extravagance, celebrated the victors while conveniently overlooking the scars left on their souls.

The compartment, filled with a surplus of food and drinks, seemed to mock the harsh reality of the districts. The stark contrast between the Capitol's abundance and the scarcity faced by our people was infuriating.

My gaze wandered to Meadow whose uninhibited enjoyment of the feast only deepened my resentment toward the Capitol's callousness.

Effie returned, leading Haymitch Abernathy into the compartment. He was the sole living victor of District 12, and at that moment, he bore the undeniable marks of his tumultuous journey. A flask clutched in his hand, he emitted the unmistakable odor of alcohol, and as he stumbled forward, the stench of his breath wafted through the air.

"Haymitch, here are our tributes," Effie announced, her attempt at formality contrasting sharply with the disheveled state of the man before us. Haymitch made a feeble effort to stand upright, only to succumb to a bout of vomiting that left him sprawled on the floor, face first. Effie's face twisted with disgust as she witnessed the spectacle, a stark reminder that the Capitol's champions were not immune to the ravages of their victories.

As I watched Haymitch snore amidst his own vomit, a mix of disbelief and concern settled within me. This was the man who was supposed to mentor and guide me through the treacherous Hunger Games. The irony was not lost on me — a supposed mentor incapacitated and drowning his sorrows in alcohol. It was a disconcerting introduction to the harsh reality of the Capitol's treatment of its victors.

With a resigned sigh, I took it upon myself to assist Haymitch. Slowly and with great care, I lifted him from the floor as Effie directed me towards a room. The stench of alcohol clung to him, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the man who had once triumphed in the arena. In the confines of the room, I meticulously removed the vomit-stained shirt, revealing the toll of his struggles. Cleaning him up as best as I could, I laid him on the bed, his snores now a melancholy soundtrack to the surreal scene.

As I contemplated the mentor assigned to guide me through the Games, a determination surged within me. If Haymitch, despite his struggles, had managed to emerge victorious, then perhaps there was more to be learned from him than met the eye. The Capitol's callous treatment of its champions only fueled my resolve to defy their expectations and navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead.

Stepping out of the room, I scanned the compartment to find that Meadow was nowhere in sight. Effie, on the other hand, sat nonchalantly, engrossed in a Capitol magazine.

"I want to see the other tributes," I declared, prompting her to snap to attention. Without a word, she reached for a device, a flicker of enthusiasm lighting up her face. With a deft touch, she activated the device, revealing a display that showcased the reapings from the districts.

As the screen came to life, I couldn't help but feel a knot tightening in my stomach. The faces of the tributes, each representing a district, appeared before us.

From District 1, the male tribute was announced as Falcon Velvet, and the female tribute as Valencia Lure. Both were strikingly attractive, fair-skinned individuals who exuded an air of sophistication. Their well-toned bodies hinted at rigorous training, suggesting a formidable challenge in the upcoming Games. The allure of luxury and privilege that defined District 1 was evident in their poised demeanor, belying the harsh reality of the competition they were about to face.

District 2 mirrored the same air of dominance. The male tribute, Stryker Ironheart, stood over six feet tall, his dark sinewy frame exuding an intimidating presence. Muscles bulging, he portrayed a menacing figure, a testament to the rigorous military training emblematic of District 2. The female tribute, Elektra Granite, despite her comparatively shorter stature at five feet five inches, emanated a fierce aura that hinted at both strength and strategy.

In contrast, the tributes from District 4, Dylan Wave and Marina Pearl, entered the stage with confidence. Their smiles radiated assurance, suggesting a deep familiarity with the oceanic challenges they were likely to encounter. Their demeanor hinted at a resilience born out of a life connected to the sea, adding a layer of enigmatic calmness to their appearances.

As the reaping for the other districts unfolded, relief washed over me. Tributes from Districts 3, 5, and beyond seemed less threatening, their physique and expressions lacking the calculated edge of the career tributes. Yet, I remained vigilant, knowing that the true adversaries lay among the career districts.

The tension escalated as the reaping for District 12 approached. Caesar Flickerman, the charismatic Capitol commentator, appeared on the screen, his voice dripping with condescension as he discussed the tributes. When Meadow's name was mentioned, his dry humor was at its peak, garnering laughs from his fellow commentators. However, the tone shifted dramatically when my name echoed through the arena.

"What a treat we have from District 12," Caesar Flickerman exclaimed with a flourish, his voice reverberating through the Capitol audience. The unexpected turn of events had captured the attention of the Capitol, turning what would have been a routine reaping into a spectacle.

One of his fellow commentators chimed in, attempting to inject humor into the situation, suggesting I must have come from District 1. The two shared a laugh, a momentary diversion from their usual banter. However, as the camera turned towards me, capturing the unconventional scene of me kissing Meadow's head, a hushed curiosity filled the air. The commentators, initially dismissive, suddenly found themselves grappling with the unscripted nature of the moment, putting hands on their hearts as if caught off guard by the unexpected display of connection between District 12 tributes.

"Is there a deeper connection between the two tributes from District 12?" Caesar pondered aloud, his words hanging in the air, resonating with the Capitol audience. The Capitol, always hungry for scandal and intrigue, was now presented with a narrative that deviated from the expected.

With a sense of satisfaction, I turned off the screen, a small but triumphant smile playing on my lips. My plan had worked – the Capitol's attention was captured, and the speculation surrounding the connection between Meadow and me had begun.

After consuming a meal, I retreated to my room before undressing and stepping into a refreshing shower. The hot water cascaded over me, a temporary reprieve from the impending challenges. Thoughts of the journey ahead mingled with the warmth, setting the tone for the strategizing that lay ahead.

Emerging from the shower, I discovered a set of nightclothes neatly laid out on the bed. Eager to check on Meadow, a crucial element of my plan, I changed into the comfortable attire and made my way to her room.

The sounds of retching greeted me as I entered, prompting me to rush to the bathroom. Meadow was there, tears streaming down her face, caught in the aftermath of her tumultuous encounter with the Capitol's lavish feast.

"It will be fine," I reassured her, kneeling down to lend support. Pulling back her black hair, I comforted her through the ordeal, offering a soothing hand on her back as she recovered. Once she finished, I guided her on using the shower to freshen up and change into the provided nightclothes.

"Thank you," she whispered softly, weariness evident in her eyes.

"I know life in the Seams has been tough for you," I empathized, attempting to build a connection. "But you need to be careful with how much you eat," I advised, explaining the reason behind her discomfort.

She nodded meekly, and I continued, "You should sleep now, Meadow. We have a big day tomorrow."

"I'm scared," she admitted, covering her face with her knees.

"Look at me," I urged, and she complied.

"I am scared too," I confessed, locking eyes with her. "But we will face it all together," I reassured her. "So be brave for me."

With a weak smile, she nodded, and I bid her goodnight, closing the door behind me.

"Goodnight, Ryan," she called softly as I made my way back to my room, ready to succumb to much-needed rest.


As I stirred from slumber, the gentle caress of sunlight spilled through the train's window, coaxing me to wakefulness. After freshening up, I left my room and made my way to the dining area. Meadow joined me after a while, and as she settled into her seat, I decided on a light breakfast, serving her a bowl of tomato soup and a piece of bread. The soft beginning would be kinder to her unaccustomed stomach. As I delved into my meal, I noticed her watching me intently. It dawned on me that she wasn't familiar with the intricacies of using cutlery.

Getting up, I moved to her side and took her hand, guiding her through the art of using a spoon to sip the soup and spreading butter on the bread. Her fascination was evident, and a subtle blush painted her cheeks.

"Good morning, Ryan and Meadow," Effie trilled as she entered the cabin, her tone a mix of false cheerfulness and snobbery.

"It seems someone has finally learned how to use cutlery," she added with a snobbish laugh. I shot her a piercing glare in response.

"Are you excited about seeing the Capitol for the first time?" she inquired, seemingly oblivious to the tension.

"Oh, believe me, I am stoked," I replied, my sarcasm not lost on her.

"I can understand sarcasm, Ryan, and just so you know, I am not a fan of it," she retorted, her disdain evident in her tone.

The cabin doors creaked open, announcing the arrival of our mentor, Haymitch Abernathy. Nonchalantly, he commented on the aroma of breakfast before settling in front of me. Haymitch, with his ever-present flask, surveyed us with a look that danced between amusement and disinterest.

"These are the tributes we got this year," he remarked, taking a swig from his flask. With a sly grin, he turned to Effie, saying, "Quite a looker, isn't he?"

Setting my focus on the task at hand, I cut through the casual banter. "Tell me how I can win," I demanded, but Haymitch seemed more interested in the pancakes, stacking them onto his plate without acknowledging my question.

"Sweetie, could you pass me the syrup?" he asked, diverting his attention to Meadow. As she handed it to him, I grew impatient. Ignored once again, I impulsively snatched the syrup from his hand and tossed it away.

"That's not very nice," he muttered, reaching for his flask. In a swift motion, I grabbed it from his hand, catching him off guard. An intense moment hung between us until he attempted to reclaim the flask, and I dodged his move.

"Give it back," he demanded, leaping at me. A well-timed right punch was enough to knock him onto the floor.

"Listen to me, you bastard," I asserted, standing over him, gripping his collar. "I have to win and survive these games to get back to my family, and so does she." I glanced at Meadow, whose expression reflected fear.

"For that to happen, I need to know that my mentor will not be sleeping in his own vomit. Do you understand?" I emphasized. Haymitch merely shrugged off my grip.

"It seems he has some fight in him," he remarked, glancing at Effie.

"I will mentor you both to the best of my capabilities, but you must not interfere with my drinking," he declared, taking a step back. "Very well," I conceded.

"Come and sit, ask away to your hearts' content," he invited with a broad grin. The tension in the air seemed to ease slightly, replaced by a newfound understanding. The unconventional mentorship had begun, and we were left to navigate the challenges that lay ahead with Haymitch Abernathy as our guide.