

The clock ticks echo from one end of the room to the other, the three sit staring at the front of the room in silence and boredom. The white board which was nailed into the wall had the word "DETENTION" scrawled in big bold black writing. There was a loud huff from the middle of the three as a hazelnut hue male leans back in his chair aggravated at the time.

Footsteps click as the heals ripple into the room accompanied by a tall bulky middle-aged woman with her hair scraped back into a tight neat bun. She stands sternly at the front centre of the room with her arms crossed staring down at the trilogy. The three look up innocently at her, Diane avoiding eye contact with a slight smirk; her cinnamon eyes diverting to the badge reading "Head teacher" on the left lapel accompanied by multi-coloured charity badges. George has an eyebrow raised with his head tilted low but looking directly up at her with a sneer imprinted on his face, arms crossed too he maintains his slouched leaned back position on the chair. Stretching her shoulders backwards flexing her joints Leona leans onto the desk in front of her resting her arms on the eroding wood with a smug look blitzed on her face.

"that's the second time this week" her voice grimaces at them "what exactly about this makes you find this amusing?" Leona shrugs, "dunno... The stupid cow deserved it" George sniggers next to her braking eye contact and looking at his friend, "do you understand-"

"do you understand that girls picking on other students?" Leona stated interrupting the Headmistress, her face of amusement dropping to a frown with the accompaniment of a sarcastic eyebrow. She runs her fingers through her wild untamed fringe continuing to tighten her ponytail, "and what you did wasn't?"

"please Mrs it was only gum" Diane steps in tilting her head to the side half looking at her two mates and half at Mrs Tailor,

"only- it's ruined her clothes"

"oh and picking on an autistic student isn't punishable?!" George replies sounding agitated, correcting his position by sitting up. There was a short silence as the grumpy old bat was lost for words "oh I see... You decided once more to only look at one half of the argument". George stands up in unison with the two girls sat either side,

"We won't stop" Diane starts

"not until you pull together the pastoral care and sort something out" George continues

"clearly your punishments aren't enough. So until then we're the only hope this school has to pull its shi-" Leona tries before being interrupted by the school bell. Its bleeps flooding out her sentence all that could be seen was her lips mouthing her words before she angrily pushes her glasses up her nose snatching her back, hoisting it upon her shoulder and walking out the room with the other two close behind her.

Or that's how you think this story will go.