
The Golden Girl: just bet

"I didn't ask to be in the middle of your ego-battle", I grumble. Luka pins me to my locker, hands resting on either side of my head. "Well , you got it in anyways, Darling," he whispers. His face inches away from mine and damn me for licking my lips. I am NOT falling for these guys. And then, at corner of my eyes I spot Jayden and his gang approaching. well, that's just great. ------ The West and East gang of Tygerwell have been at each other's throats since the dawn of time. And the two leaders of these Gangs want to end the fight, once and for all. But fight with fists is easy. Fighting with wit and charm, is a whole other ball game. Luke Watson. West-side gang leader. Length jackets and killer glare. Don't talk back. Jayden Steward. East-side gang leader. Fancy coat and toxic stare. Don't resists. And in comes Sofia. Hair of gold and ocean in her eyes. Has too much sass for her own good and always, ALWAYS, manages to get into middle of trouble. But these boys have no idea who they've really dealing with. And when Sofia discovers she knows a little too much when it comes to guns and fighting, she has to question everything she thought she knew about herself. Three can play this game -------- "Let's settle this. You got rejected, I got rejected. It's only fair that the fate of the Gangs be on who gets the girl first." "That sounds rather good, Watson. I'll take that bet on the golden girl."

winter_luca · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter7, The bet

Sofia p.o.v

The docks, that's where I've been for the last half an hour already.

It's ten to eleven and I'm buzzing with nerves. For safety precautions, and because the unknown number said 'don't get caught', I'm hunched behind a couple of crater that unfortunately smells like fish.

I'm not a fish kind's gal.

I have my black tights and black hoody on because. I believe a girl should feel like a spy at least once in her life. Don't forget the black boots. Fortunately when I asked Jessica if I could borrow her ford to go buy a late-night pie, she said yes and then told me to get some sleep when I get back. She didn't question the all black attire.

When I hear the engine of a fancy car roar it's way closer, I duck back behind the crater and peer out from my hiding spot.

It's silver Veneno Lamborghini and I only know this because my dad had one. Otherwise I would've described it as something from the fast and furious 100.

A couple of other fancy cars come rolling in with the Lamborghini and they park on the East side of the docks.

I'm about to get up from my hiding spot and confront whoever's in the car, but the sound of more fancy car speeding get me to stay where I am.

A familiar black Bugatti flashes past the crates and I fortunately refrain from yelling. Some more fancy cars follow the Bugatti and they park on the West side of the docks.

Well, this kind of making things obvious.

But who messaged meet to be here?

Jayden Steward climbs out of his Lamborghini exactly when Luke Watson climbs out of his Buttgatti.

The guys in the other fancy cars follows suit. I recognised Matt, Sean and the twins with Jayden, but I have no idea who Luke's guys are. After all this is my first day in Tygerwell High!

"I want this settled once and for all Steward," Luke growls.

"Then get out of town, Watson," Jayden shoots back.

"A fight to the death? Luke suggest.

"Oh please, the last time you and I got in fist fight, you end up in hospital," Jayden drawl.

"You're forgetting that I left you will two broken arms and internal bleeding," Luke says without missing a beat.

Whoa what? what kind of fight for those guys get into?

"Fair enough," Jayden says, "So, how are we settling this then?"

"Since you're the one calling the meeting. Shouldn't you be the one with all the bright idea?" Luke asks.

Jayden's reaches for something in his coat, but Luke's guys does the same and that gets Jayden stop reaching. He stuffs his hands into this Coat pockets instead.

"I think she should have a challenge. Something that won't be too easy for me," Jayden says.

"Like what? Fucking someone that's not a whore?"

"I don't mixed business with pleasure," Jayden says with a glare that would make me shit myself.

I shift my weight because crouching behind these craters is stopping the blood flow in to my legs. I send up silent prayer of thanking the my bad-luck don't get me knock all the craters down or something.

"But," Jayden adds, "I'll where you're going with that....."

I squint eyes like it might help me hear better, because damn, there guy need their own TV show!

"I'm listening," Luke says.

Even Jayden's guys are listening up.

"You remember that girl from morning?" Jayden asks.

Luke doesn't even blink. "What girl?" he asks.

what girl? WHAT GIRL? How about the one you kidnapped? I almost yells at all guys.

That would've been the hilarious though. I almost actually do it just to see how everyone would react.

Fortunately the smarter side of me prevaila and I stay hidden.

"The one that talk back this morning. Golden hair, paint-covered clothes?" Jayden says it lik he knows something. "Oh and I heard she slapped you across the face," he adds with a laugh.

Did theu seriously notice the paint?

"You mean, Sofia" Luke says with a straigt face.

Oh, he's mad. How does Jayden even know I slapped Luke?

"Yes, Sofia," Jayden says and his cockt smirk would even get me to see fire.

"I heard she rejected you as well," Luke suddenly says

Now it's Jayden's turn to get cols expression.

"Well, then it's quitw fair. You rejected, I got rejected. How about the gang that get to stay, is the gang that gets the girl," Jayden propose.

My bones freeze.

I can ready Jessica ranting: "I told you to lie low. THIS IS NOT LOW, SOFIA, This is jumping around with a marcas and yelling: 'I'm over here' to the world"

I mentally face palm myself. How is this my fault?

"Tha actully sounds good. I'd make that bet on the golden girl," Luke agrees.


"But," Jayden adds, "She has to say 'I love you'. Getting her in bed is just to easy for me.

Why that little bastard! There's no way I'm going to even near that perv!

"Fair enough," Luke says.

And then they shake on it.

Great, now I'm quite officially screwed.

With nothing further to say to each other, the two gangs get back into their fancy cars and race away.

I don't get out from my hidding spot for another hour.

Maybe Aunt Tess and Uncle Anton will let me enroll into another school. Once there on a different continent.

'Don't be stupid', my voice of reason says.

"Don't be rude," I say right back and now I know I'm going crazy.

Too slowly, I get up from my hiding spot and walk all the way to the ford that I have parked three blocks away.

I still don't know who that unknown number is...Was it one of the guys here tonight or is it someone else completely? And are they one my side or not? When i get to the ford, I'm still not closer to any answer. I get in and start the engine.

One thing i do know, is tht I'm definitely not felling for one of those pervs.

Three can play this game.

i am really sorry for not giving any up date yesterday

guys I am new witter here so please let me know if I am wrong some where

winter_lucacreators' thoughts