
the unfairness of life

"We cannot move to a bigger house. I don't have money, the loan I am servicing is eating up all my entire salary such that I have to do some side hustles to sustain us here. This house is enough for us. Besides, aren't these people who are living in this house?" Sammy asked Caren angrily. It had been months since they did their wedding. Caren's pregnancy had advanced so much such that she was walking around like a duck.

"But honey! This house is too small. We couldn't even put the gifts we got on our wedding here such that we had to take them to Makueni." Caren said.

"Isn't better that way? After all, we are in Nairobi to look for money not to live in big houses!" Sammy said.

"Will we live in this small house when I get my child?" Caren asked.

"First get the child, and we shall know." Sammy said.

They continued eating silently. It was dark outside. Sammy could hear many more people coming home. He wanted to make sure to close the gate so that no one would come into the plot as there had been some theft incidences and being the one nearest to the main door, he felt it was his obligation to ensure the gate is locked at night.

"Like now, I am sure you are waiting to lock the gate. If we live in a better house, we can be having a gate man who locks the gate, or the place would be more secure than here." Caren said.

"Listen, I keep telling you that I do not have enough money to move out of here. If I get just a little bit more, I will surely move us into a bigger house. For now, let us just live here and be content being here." Sammy said.

"The problem with you is that you do not challenge yourself. Challenge yourself to grow. Push your limits. You are too comfortable being poor and that is not right. There are many more men out there making millions. You can be like them too if you push yourself harder." Caren said.

Sammy remained silent.

"I wish you know how much I am resisting richer men who are approaching me." Caren said.

"What sort of mad men approach a pregnant woman? A woman with another man's pregnancy. Stop lying." Sammy said.

"It is the truth. I am still beautiful despite my pregnancy. Another day, a man followed me wanting me to give him my number. I told him he should see that I am pregnant for another man and stop disturbing me. He insisted and I gave him a number." Caren said.

Sammy looked at Caren sharply and asked, "Your number?"

"Hell no! not my number!" Caren laughed, "I crammed a number of Mganga kutoka Zanzibar and gave to him."

Sammy laughed.

"Another wanted to offer me a lift with his Prado. I refused." Caren said.

"They are all mad. I cannot seduce a woman who is carrying another man's pregnancy. But let me tell you, if they do seduce you, they just want to bang you and nothing else. I know Nairobi men. I have been here since I finished form four. They can bang any woman more so the so-called team mafisi." Sammy said.

"But work hard. This is not the life we should be comfortable living." Caren said.

"I know God will bless me with a better job. I am working hard and been looking for another job too. If I get a better job, I will look for a bigger house." Sammy said.


The following morning, they woke up to a chilly morning with some slight rain. Caren wore a big crimson jacket that had fur on its neck. She also had a long red loosely fitting dress, some nice brown boots fit for the weather and she wrapped herself with a shawl. 

When she got at her workplace, Mercy was outside waiting for her already. 

"Today I am early." Mercy said.

"It is because you are single." Caren teased Mercy.

"For real, I need a husband who will be giving me some nice morning glory. This cold weather is killing me." Mercy said

"Get married." Caren told Mercy.

They began their day by taking some coffee that was brought to them by a girl who used to supply coffee around there. Then, they got waiting for customers.

"Seems like today we won't be having customers." Caren said.

"It is cold." Mercy said, "I am shaking from the cold."

"Pregnancy is making me warmer." Caren said.

"You should not be praying that your husband sticks with you. Many of us became single mothers after a child was born and the man left. I don't know why men hate babies so much." Mercy said.

As they were talking, they were joined by another lady from the next shop. She too had not gotten customers from morning and got bored. She however sat next to the door so that she would see who is walking into her shop.

"Let me tell you the best way to keep a husband. I have kept mine for 9 years. He has never strayed, always home by 6 pm, cooks for me more times, even washes the dishes and does the laundry." The lady said.

"Tell us." Mercy said.

"Tell me." Caren said, "I need to keep mine."

"When you cook tea for him, sieve the tea through your pantie. Better if you have worn the pantie the whole day so that the tea will go through the juices that keeps coming out of the pantie. Then serve the man the tea. If he drinks that tea, he will stick with you forever. He will never stray. He will be seeing other women looking like ugly witches even if they look beautiful.

Or, cook chapati for him and sit on them. Then serve them. Or mix some menses blood with his porridge and then serve him." the lady said.

"Jesus Christ! Isn't that witchcraft?" Caren asked.

"Hey! I am educating you. I am married for 9 years. We have three children. He works in Athi River but by 6 he must be home. He even deposits all his money in my account so that we can manage it from there. I am giving you the secrets of keeping a husband. Talking from experience." The lady said.

"Are you sure?" Caren asked.

"Double sure." The lady said.

"Ok, I am going to try that and I shall surely give you some feedback. Thank you for the trick." Caren said.

"What are friends for? We must know how to keep these men; good men are scarce." The lady told Caren