
The Golden Acorn Challenge

When her brother Dante enters the renowned culinary competition run by the president, The Golden Acorn Challenge, Red Jefferson is curious to see how things will turn out. So much so, that her and her acquaintance of sorts, Timothy Burke join the challenge to 'promote his business'. That's it, right? It's not like she was actually worried for her brother! Anyways, having the joined the challenge, Red is yet to learn that not everything is as it seems when she is met by the president's daughter, who suspects something is afoot.

jupiturd77 · Fantasy
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7 Chs


About two days later, we find the district president, Keanu, still hard at work in his study. It appears that the workload hadn't decreased at all since preparations began, especially since he gave himself the extra job of finding an alternative prize for the competition.

"But they've always given Acorn Tokens as a prize," George argued, "Why would you want to change it?"

"Well, you know, it's my first time doing this.." Keanu twiddled his thumbs, "So I just thought--"

"If you have time to twiddle your thumbs, you can put it to finding an alternative prize quicker," Sadie said with a stern but warm reproach. She wasn't too pleased about her husband's time management, as herself and her brother George now had to shoulder three weeks worth of preparation in three days alongside him.

"I know, I know," Keanu sighed, stretching out his arms like a sleepy cat, "I just don't know where all the time went!"

"For starters, you and mom didn't have to go on like, ten dates last week," Darcy quipped.

"Darcy!" The two both flushed bright red, which was all the more amusing to George, who thought it silly that the two still acted like high-school lovers. He reached over to Darcy's side of the table for a high five.

Darcy sighed, she'd taken up some admin work to assist the overall productivity within the office. This wasn't exactly how she would have wanted to spend her time after school, but what exactly could these grown-ups do without her?

That last part was sarcastic, Darcy didn't think that lowly of her family, but at a time like this, she wished her father had a better work-life balance. Spending time with him was great and all, but when he spent more time with the family as opposed to his duties as the district president, both aspects of his life were put under stress as seen here.

Keanu had resorted to the internet after a few more moments of busy silence, some furious scrolling and typing soon opened up a solution to the team.

"Hear me out," he stood up, "How about we use the actual Golden Acorn as the prize?"

They all looked at him in uncomfortable silence.

"I mean, there's only one golden acorn so it doesn't seem very practical..." Sadie replied thoughtfully.

"He probably doesn't mean the actual acorn," George corrected, adjusting his hat, "I saw somewhere that the acorn has the power to grant wishes,"

"Yeah!" Keanu clapped in his direction, "That's what I meant, we can let the winner have three wishes!"

That didn't seem very practical either, for the acorn didn't belong to the Oakcrest District. At least, not anymore. The acorn itself had been cultivated from Oakcrest's forest about 54 years ago as the national treasure. Naturally, the acorn was then handed to the royal officials who deemed themselves competent enough to possess it. The same happened to the treasures of the 4 other districts, although I doubt the nature of those is relevant now.

"So, how will you get hold of the acorn?" Sadie began, "Even in your position, it won't be easy to convince the King—"

Keanu had already picked up the nearest telephone and dialled in the king's personal number. It appeared he'd been put on hold since the typically obnoxious music could now be heard through the receiver.

Sadie sighed, "Well, I guess I was wrong that time, perhaps I had the wrong perception of the guy..."

George couldn't help being paranoid, even though the line was on hold, "Yeah," he gulped, "The King is a really approachable, easygoing, amazing, multitalented, reliable, generous guy-"

"Why don't we give Dad sad some space?" Darcy anxiously ushered the two of them out of the office.

Almost coincidently, the call was forwarded to the king as soon as the three of them left the room.

"I presume this is the district office of Oakcrest?" his highness, King Pann commanded.

"Yes, Your Highness, it is Keanu Mayberry you're speaking too, President of Oakcrest." Keanu managed. Perhaps he had the conversation in control...

"I see...What the hell do you want?"

Alarmed and quite frankly taken aback by the sudden change in tone, Keanu tried to regain his composure, "Basically, I just wanted to call because--"

"Basically?!" his partner in conversation shrieked.

Keanu's soul almost left his body, "I mean--I'm calling you today to discuss the prize for the Golden Acorn Challenge..."

"That gig? I thought we already sent you the tokens last week?"

Instant regret surged through Keanu's veins, and he was a child again. He remembered the days where his pocket money all went towards the weekly comic books; and the time when he was conned buying candy in the schoolyard, resulting in him not having enough money to buy the comic book that evening. What made it worse was the fact that that week's issue contained the finale of his favourite comic, and he ran the risk of being spoiled at school the next day. He remembered the anxiety of having to ask his parents for more money only for them to probe him about where the money went...good times.


Snapping out of his horrific reverie, he spoke up truthfully, explaining how, although they did receive the tokens, he changed his mind. He formally explained his request to have the Golden Acorn used in the challenge to grant the winner's wishes.

"It is called the Golden Acorn Challenge after all," He concluded. There was silence in the other end, and for Keanu, these few moments of quiet felt like years.

"First of all, it's actually named the Golden Acorn Challenge as it is sponsored by an environmental charity of the same name. It's in your District so I assumed you'd know that much."


"And second of all, I can't just hand the acorn back to you, if I do, there has to be a price."

"A price?" Keanu repeated, "I willingly accept any price that your Highness details!"

"Any price? Are you absolutely certain?"


"Alright, the Golden Acorn's wishes aren't exactly easy money, if you get me...So, let me make this offer..."

Keanu began to worry for the phone bill, as the King operated on a premium number.

"You know the contestants that are eliminated from the challenge?" King Pann asked.

"Yes, your highness?"

"Their souls. In exchange for the Golden Acorn, you must give me their souls." the king finalised, in the most commanding tone.

Keanu hung up on him.