
The gods sent me to save them

Anarana Grantor. A fifteen year old girl whose one dream is to use power for the good of the people. spending her life rising in fame and influence, her life's dreams are put to a stop by a crushing news. She has been diagnosed with a deadly brain cancer. fearing for the lives of the people whom she cared so much for, her emotions were strong enough to attract the attentions of the gods. as they had been searching for a savior of the people in the world of Antalorius for some time, they felt that they had finally found this individual. The gods gave her a second chance, for which she would be ever grateful. In her new life in Antalorius Anarana claws her way to the top with a secret so powerful, even the heavens helped to keep it.

puppywanter502 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Feels Like Home

Darkness, and tightness. I felt Like I couldn't move, it was truly suffocating. Then I saw it. A light, in the distance yet not to far. Knowing that this was the way out, I made my way towards it. YES, I was out. I looked around to take in my new surroundings and quickly realized what had happened. I had just been born, again. I saw a woman who I suspected to be my mom. she was tall, from what I could tell, her eyes where a beautifule pale blue color, and she had long white silky hair. My eyes widened in shock as I saw the 2 huge white feathery wings that attached to her back. After recovering a little bit, I managed to peel my eyes away from my mom and look at the man sitting beside her, rubbing her back and looking at me lovingly. He had a more dark complexion compared to my mom's fairness, and his hair was long and brown. His eyes where a stunning shade of emerald green, and I again found myself shocked to see the three inch long pointy ears protruding from the side of his head, adorned with earrings.

Subconsciously I reaches up and grabbed at his earring and before I knew it I was gripping his ear. All he did was smile and put his hand up to gently grab mine. I couldn't help but laugh as his rough coarse callused covered hand tickled my own soft one. luckily laughter was still contagious because I triggered a full on giggle fest with my family. suddenly the woman spoke in a language foreign to me. All I understood was one word; Divinity. I quickly realized that this was my new name as they used this word more and more often, Seemingly addressing me. (just so you know still not done more will be updated later)