
Chapter 4

Levlyn had gone around and said hello to some nobles well that's just what we call them because they're not arch-angels but they're somewhat important. What had surprised me most was that he came up to me and I'm not a noble I only just got her about two weeks ago or more I have not kept track hah. "Hello, welcome to the party we welcome all here under God's grace thank you for coming," Levlyn says while giving a bow. I'm in complete shock I'm not someone important so why did he come up to me well nevermind I should respond I say to "levlyn Thank you so much for having me here while I give a bow" after I respond god calls all of the arch-angels up to him levlyn leaves after he hears God I was excited to see what happens since God did call all four of the arch-angels. God starts to say "welcome all of my children I welcome you all thank you for coming then let's sta-" God gets interrupted by the sirens telling us all a demon has entered. God starts to exclaim " everybody please stay calm and stay inside while the archangels deal with that demon" Levlyn and Elfen leave the Court church house.

They found it it was more than one demon it was two one was a mid-level demon and a low-level demon Elfen thinks " They must of used a magic demon tool to break in here only high level demon or demon king can get in here but again Satan would not some in to heaven it wastes his time and energy plus magic" They knock the demons out then Elfen takes them down to the demon king and tells him what had happened the demon king was furious so much that he started yelling at the demons telling them to never do that again unless they want a war. Elfen and Levlyn go back to heaven and the party continues.