

A dark figure appears,"there is a consequence for everything you just can't see it."

(All of sadden it goes black)

It was a sunny afternoon in Helios the city of the sun. Every helian was doing there respective jobs and getting ready for the sun festival. All of a sudden a dark cloud appeared. A tall dark figure walked out of the cloud, " I demand to speak to your leader bring them to me now," said the the figure in slow tone.

"Over here," a beautiful goddess said as she walked towards the figure."What is it that you want?"The figure moved toward the godess,"I come with a warning.Be carefully how you play and remember every piece counts." The figure was soon gone and the people were left in shock. A few years after the incident everyone went back to their normal lives and forgot about the warning, but after the incident the godess went mad. Once known around the sky kingdoms as a majestic, peaceful, and humble godess with beauty that could could soften even the hardest of heart was now known as a crazy tyrant who did everything to get her way. The sudden change in her attitude peaked the interest of many and made them wonder if the godess was hidding a dark secret from everyone and that event triggered a memory that she so desperately wanted to forget."What if someone found out what if I was exposed," these are the things she thought to herself every single day. Was all her hardworking for nothing? As the goddess was thinking to herself a messenger form the kingdom of Chandra came in and said, "Your godliness, I come here today as requested by the godess of Chandra. She has request that you be her guest so you may discuss the events that happened those many years ago." The goddess was shocked. How could a stranger she had never heard of even dare to request her presence! She was about to decline but then she remembered that name, but where did she remember it from?