
The Godess Queen and Mortal God

Alester saves a little girls life but never imagines what would happen next.

Heyimmr_69 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Godess Queen Yael.


Thunder roared as dark clouds covered the sky. People outside were hurrying to find shelter while those already inside sighed in relief.

Of course, not all people were happy. Example being a certain Mc who was trying to find a shelter of his own.

Aleser wasn't having the best of days. First, he finds out his girlfriend of 3 years has been cheating on him. Then he gets fired from his job and now he's soaking wet and nowhere near his house.

But At least he was alive so that was a plus.


But as Alaser was crossing a bridge he heard a girls scream coming from the rapid river below.

Shocked he looks to the side and sees a girl no more than 7 years old stuck in the middle of the river. And the only thing keeping her from drowning was the tree in the middle.

But even the tree was starting to sway and snap. Hundreds of thoughts flashed through Alesers head. The first thing was to call for help, sadly there was no one around and he couldn't call for help as he left his phone at home. So there was only one option left.

" HOLD ON LITTLE GIRL, STAY RIGHT THERE, EVERYTHINGS GOING TO BE OK." Aleser didn't know if the child heard him or not. Now his main priority was saving her. So he quickly stripped down to his boxers and socks and jumped from the bridge.

The moment his body touched the water he was instantly hit by the cold. His body froze for a second before going on overdrive. Getting back his senses he swam to the surface while twisting his body so he would land next to the girl.

She seemed to have noticed as she waved at him. But that was when things got worse as the girl lost her grip on the tree and got sucked up by the water current.

" SHIT, FUCK." He cursed while diving underwater. Quickly making his way to the girl who was already drowning.

Once he made it to her he tried his best to swim back up and swim to the side.

Luckily the currents calmed down allowing him to get out the river while coffing up dirty water.

" HAA, HAA, COUGH. Thank god we made it." As he said that he looked at the little girl who's chest wasn't moving and his entire mind dreaded what that could signify.

"NO...NONONONO." He quickly checked her pulse but felt nothing. Thinking fast he applied Cpr to the girl and after 2 minutes of no response, she finally coughed up a large amount of water and started breathing.

" T, thank god, she's ok." As Aleser was reliving in elation, he hadn't noticed the blood that was dripping down his back. And before he knew it he blacked out next to the girl while also taking one final breath.

The reason for his death was Hyperthermia and excessive bleeding from the branch that struck him in the back. Sadly he never felt nor noticed the wound as his whole body was numbed in a mater on minutes.

As the two lay there thunder continued to roar until finally, Lightning struck down all the way from space to the shore where the two lay.

The lighting made a straight b line to the little girl who was still unconscious.


The moment it hit the girl something magical happened. The little girls raven black hair turned a heavenly white. Her eyebrows and eyelashes took on the same colour. Her pale complexion started to lighten up and finally, she opened her eyes showing a brilliant gold. A yellow so tantalising no god could look away.

But what was weird was the little girl held a face like she had lived for many years. It was not an expression a child would make.

" To think, I would Actually Re-awaken by just being hit by some measly heavenly lightning. Well no matter, I've still awakened and in a lower realm, Earth. My powers have also mostly recovered, minus that which was stolen, but I could easily get it back now." The little girl said as she stood up, her elegance and stance no lower than angels.

She finally stopped monologuing and looked at Aleser who stopped breathing.

" To think, my first kiss would be with a mortal man. Well, he is my saviour so I can let it slide, but the problem lies in my next decision. Should I choose option 1 or 2?" The little immortal thought as she stared at Aleser or more specifically his soul. After 5 minutes of contemplating she sighed and kneeled in front of Aleser.

" You are one lucky Mortal to be Wed to me. Countless men across A variety of planes Have Seaked my hand but none have ever succeeded. I hope my decision in choosing you wasn't a mistake."

She said as she brought her lips closer to Aleser's and finally kissed him. And as she did his body started to glow before disappearing in a flash. His very existence erased from this reality.

" I'm sorry I can't be by your side when you Awaken as I have a lot to do, but when we see each other I hope this works out. Mhhh, I should At least give you something to do while your there."

She thought as she held out her hand and conjured of light. She gently blew on it as it also disappears in a flash.

"Now that is taken care of, I have some trash to kill." She said as her body glowed in a heavenly light. Once it died down no longer was there a little girl. But a woman who could make time and space freeze with just her looks alone.

Her silver hair swayed to her ankles while her small body grew to that of a mature adult. Her eyes no longer glowed Golden but a oceanic blue with draconian pupils.

She also wore a black and white dress that sexualized her curves and an armour that made her look like a goddess of war.

As the goddess finished her transformation she instantly teleported to the surface of the moon. She imidietly felt her moon divinity cheer in joy as if meeting an old-time lover.

She stared at the earth for a good while before calling out Three names.

" Serenity, Destiny...amity. Come." As soon as she said that Three heavenly women appeared in front of her while kneeling.

Serenity/Destiny/Amity" Welcome Back Yael Young Highness. We have dearly missed you."

Yael" Its is also nice to see you girls again. Its been over A few million years since I have been in slumber. What has happened since I was gone." She said looking at her three most trusted friends and generals.

Serenity" Everything has been in order since the war. No other Diety's dare to start anything since Young highnesses Victory over the Overseer's."

Amity" All the traitors have also been imprisoned and await your Highnesses verdict. All there powers have also been stripped of them through the Heavens Ice chain."

Yael" Good, let us go then. You can inform me of anything else once we reach the Palace."

Serenity/Destiny/amity" As you wish, young Highness." They said as all the women disappeared from the universe.

But what all those women including Yael didn't notice was that a woman who's beauty even surpassing Yael's was listing and watching everything on a crystal ball. As she sat on her throne lazily.

This was none other than Empress Eternity. Mother of Yeal.

Empress" Ara, looks like I might be having some grandchildren soon. It's about time, this old one is getting tired of all the other godly elders Bragging about there grandchildren or in-laws while I have nothing to show or tell.

And how could Yael just give her Fiance the power of a low tier Mortal? Not if I have anything to say about it." She said as she flicked her hand. A ball of light appearing then disappearing.

Empress" Mhh, much better, sigh what a mother has to do to get At least one grandchild."

While The all this was happening. The Mc who had just become A literal god and become the fiance of a Goddess Queen was just travelling through the omniverse while his soul gets acquainted with his newfound power.