
The Goddess Within

This is a work in progress and I hope to be releasing a few chapters a week. Not proofread or edited at this point. Loosely based on real events that have happened in my life over the last 30 years with a fantasy/mythology twist to them.

Amber_Dreamfire · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue - Sitting Under A Tree

The earliest memory I have is sitting under the willow tree in my parent's back yard on Earth. That was 30 odd years ago, many moons have past since then, but I've got to start at the beginning, don't I?

I've always been connected to the cycles of nature. The eb and flow. I am sheltered by the love of my Grandmother Elesthme, and my Auntie Morrighan, then my long lost mother Freyja, and my friend Tyr. I have ravens on my right and hawks to my left. Roses incircle me with the yew and belladona at my back. Ones have asked the symbolism of my marks, I answer with a smile and then turn on my favorite songs.

Songs are the ways to the heart, the mind. As I am recounting my tale and getting down for future I listen to Gaia Contsort's "Drawing Down the Moon". To me it stirs the memory, it brings back so much that has happened as I've had this life on Earth.

My Earth parents are mostly unaware of my goings on from day to day. I've barely talked to them in the last month. I am their only girl, with one younger brother. Later in life I came to find out that they had married before and that this was their second marriage. Lost in love, as they were, I suppose I am as well. Just a girl in the world, and that's all they will let me be.

As I look up at the sky I remember a curse once placed on a young woman. To tell the truth and never be believed. The curse of most women on Earth, no? Well I am out to prove them wrong. I want to be remember in my time on Earth as a someone, more than who birthed me, but I suppose my deads and actions have colored the opinons of many who I have come into contact with. So here I am to set the records straight. My decent into madness as they saw it only brought me closer to my trueself. Each death and rebirth, each time struggling to remember who I was, where I was...

I laugh looking back at what a fool I have been, but that is for later. Let us talk about my early life, how I got into the messes I did. The things I earned in my early years. Things I am just now remembering about myself. As I recall this is my story....

The story of Morgaine the young girl, the upstart the spitfire. The story of Persephone and Kore and being trapped in the underworld and learning the mysteries there. The story of the Granddaughter of the Elesthme. Learning the sprial dance and about sacred space.

Ultimately this is the story of the woman that became Amber. This is the story of the Goddess I have found within myself.